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BSBADM502 Manage meetings

Project – Prepare, conduct and follow up meeting

STUDENT NAME: Chandra Dev gurung


(if applicable)
DOB: 03/02/1999
STUDENT DECLARATION:  I certify that this is my own work.




Please complete the student details section.

This Assessment consists of 3 Parts:

Part A

requires you to prepare for a management meeting to discuss a number of issues as outlined on the next

Part B

requires you to conduct a meeting with 5 stakeholders, described in Part A, or as determined by your

Part C

requires you to follow up on the meeting including processing and distribution of minutes, reporting and
follow-up on allocation of tasks.

This assessment is one form of assessment type that is used to collect evidence and will count towards
gaining competence toward this unit.
To demonstrate competence each part of this project must be addressed.
When you have completed all tasks, check your work before submitting.
Please note once the assessor has marked your work they will provide you with feedback.
You will be required to complete other relevant assessment tasks for this unit.
Part A Plan and prepare for a management meeting

Background Information

You are the HR manager of a 300 bed hotel in the CBD. It is your job to organise the next management
meeting which you will need to conduct in 10 days. The meeting is attended by the Executive chef,
Maître’D, Function Manager, Chief Concierge and the Exec. Housekeeper.
The following issues have arisen and the GM has asked you to deal with these during the next meeting and
ensure all of these will be addressed satisfactorily:

1. Several wait staff from different ethnic backgrounds have complained that they are referred to as
“camel drivers” and “Mountain Shepherds” on several occasions by 3 of the chefs during service.
2. The GM was told by GMs from other hotels that a number of suppliers increasingly were offering
cash incentives to department heads in return for choosing their products. Although there is no
apparent indication for this in the organisation at present, the GM would like to see the ethical
standards expected from staff re-enforced.
3. During the past month there have been several light accidents in the housekeeping and front office
areas which included slips and falls due to cluttered floor space in the back office area and the
storage areas for linen and chemicals. As a result the WHS code of practice needs to be re-visited
and the duties of department heads as well as procedures established.
4. During the past month 2 guests have expressed concerns about privacy and security procedures in
place at the hotel: in one instance a call from an outsider was received enquiring about the stay of
his “wife” and her room number and as result these details were provided by reception [the caller
was the ex-husband and was subject to a restraining order]; in the 2nd instance 2 young females had
returned to the hotel from a night out and were followed by a strange guy who followed them into
the lobby. Once they had entered the lift he approached reception and claimed he was the brother
of one of the ladies and was readily provided with the room number upon which he accessed the
floor and attempted to gain entry to the complainants’ room. The police was called.

Your Task

1. Develop an agenda addressing that covers all aspects of the meeting purpose.
 No-discrimination
As HR manager of the meeting I would develop a proper agenda with input from those
expected to attend regarding what issues or topics should be discussed, give a warning to
the chefs who do discriminate other people, teach them about equality and give a
knowledge about eliminating, discriminating colleagues and ethical discrimination.

 Choosing own supplier

Some suppliers were offering cash incentives to department heads in return for choosing
their products. First of all I would arrange a meeting and discuss about it and find out who’s
trying to do this kind of things. I would investigate this matter properly and if anyone finds to
be guilty they should be warned or terminated from the job. I would also inform the
department heads to buy only the goods from the supplier which are selected by the hotel. I
would summary of all opinions and at the end I would find a best solution for this issue.
 Work health and safety
There have been several light accidents in different department of the hotel, due to the poor
management of cluttered floor space, chemicals and linens. It is being a major problem of
hotel so as a manager, I need to conduct a meeting and aware all the staffs about the
problem. I will conduct a separate program for different departments regarding the safe
workplace and management of the goods and chemicals.

 Safety and security of the guest

Our guests have expressed concerns about privacy and security procedures in place at the
hotel. For instance, we get a call from another guest who was received enquiring about the
stay of his “wife”, and the other one is two young females was followed by a strange guy.
This is a serious matter. Therefore, I need to take serious action immediately. I will
conduct a meeting with every staffs of the department and concerned about the topic. I
would increase and tighten security system in the hotel. I would forbid any staffs of the hotel
to give information about the guest to other people carelessly.

2. Source the relevant legislation that covers the aspects of the issues outlined above which need to
be addressed during the meeting.
 Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act (PPIP) 1998
 Work Health and Safety Regulations (WHS)
 Independent Commission Agent Corruption Act 1998

3. Prepare the information for a presentation to the meeting participants to enable informed
discussion at the meeting. This will be used in Part B, “Conducting the Meeting”.
Detail information of the meeting schedule:
 9:00-9:15 am = start of the meeting and introduction
 9:15-9:45 am = discussion of 1st agenda
 9:45-10:30 am = discussion of 2nd agenda
 10:30-11:15 am = discussion of 3rd agenda
 11:15-12:15 pm = lunch break
 12:15-13:00 = discussion of 4th agenda
 13:00-13:30 = conclusion

4. Schedule the meeting and write a notification of the meeting for the designated participants and
provide a timeline by when participants will be notified.
Notification via email: Executive chef, Maître’D, Function Manager, Chief Concierge and the Exec.
Housekeeper to be informed before 6.07.2019
Date of meeting: 12/08/2018 to be informed on 07/08/2018(5 days prior)
5. Prepare all correspondence to send to the participants before the meeting.
 Email to participants:

Dear staff/managers, we will have an important meeting on 12/08/2018 at Hall A level

9, at 09.00am promptly. Lunch and snacks will be provided. Thank you.

Kind regard,

 Ask some participants who interested in sharing any ideas to prepare presentation about the
 After presentation is submitted, I would send the up-to-date timeframes of the agendas
mentioned above.
 This meeting will be held for two hours therefore, I will discuss only in main topic and
complete it on time thus everyone would be satisfied.

6. Arrange in advance for one of the meeting participants to accurately record the minutes of the
Mr. Sam Lee assistant HR manager will record the minutes for all participants.

7. Obtain 2 different quotes ($ 20.00 per person maximum) for a light lunch with a vegetarian option
for the meeting and attach the details to this assessment.
For a light lunch with vegetarian option I received the following two quotes:

 Quote 1: chicken and veg sandwich with potato chips with juices. On the following day Sous
chef will be preparing the lunch for all the participants.
 Quote 2: Indian style curry, roti, jalebi and curd.

Out of these 2 quotes I will chose the quotation 1 because it is under the budget where as
quotation 2 is above the provided budget.

8. Detail the special requirements needed e.g. audio-visual equipment or special needs due to
disability (based on the needs of your chosen attendees as outlined in the instructions).
 All the necessity items for the meetings are provided.
For example, stationery items, projector for visual, speaker for audio.

Part B Role play and conduct the meeting

You are to chair the meeting in accordance with meeting protocol. This must include the following:

1. Use the prepared agenda for the meeting.

• Agenda one: No-discrimination

As HR manager of the meeting I would develop a proper agenda with input from those expected
to attend regarding what issues or topics should be discussed, give a warning to the chefs who
do discriminate other people, teach them about equality and give a knowledge about
eliminating, discriminating colleagues and ethical discrimination.

• Agenda Two: Choosing own supplier

Some suppliers were offering cash incentives to department heads in return for choosing their
products. First of all I would arrange a meeting and discuss about it and find out who’s trying to
do this kind of things. I would investigate this matter properly and if anyone finds to be guilty
they should be warned or terminated from the job. I would also inform the department heads
to buy only the goods from the supplier which are selected by the hotel. I would summary of all
opinions and at the end I would find a best solution for this issue.

• Agenda Three: Work health and safety

There have been several light accidents in different department of the hotel, due to the poor
management of cluttered floor space, chemicals and linens. It is being a major problem of hotel
so as a manager, I need to conduct a meeting and aware all the staffs about the problem. I will
conduct a separate program for different departments regarding the safe workplace and
management of the goods and chemicals.

• Agenda Fourth: Safety and security of the guest

Our guests have expressed concerns about privacy and security procedures in place at the hotel.
For instance, we get a call from another guest who was received enquiring about the stay of his
“wife”, and the other one is two young females was followed by a strange guy. This is a serious
matter. Therefore, I need to take serious action immediately. I will
conduct a meeting with every staffs of the department and concerned about the topic. I would
increase and tighten security system in the hotel. I would forbid any staffs of the hotel to give
information about the guest to other people carelessly.

2. Provide a brief with the conventions that will apply for the meeting to participants including
goals and conduct.

Code and conduct of the meetings

 It refers to an organization a wide set of rules and regulations where employees are
bound within. Every staff member have to follow behaviours like incorporation existing laws,
following anti-discrimination and WHS legislation as well as treating all staffs equally and
avoiding discriminating.


 To fix the growing problems in the organizations.

3. Conduct the meeting within the agreed times as per the agenda
Meeting plan:
 9:00-9:15 am = start of the meeting and introduction
 9:15-9:45 am = discussion of 1st agenda
 9:45-10:30 am = discussion of 2nd agenda
 10:30-11:15 am = discussion of 3rd agenda
 11:15-12:15 pm = lunch break
 12:15-13:00 = discussion of 4th agenda
 13:00-13:30 = conclusion

4. Brief minute taker on method for recording minutes and ensure accurate minute taking is
Mr. Sam lee (assistant HR manager) is going to record the minute as he is excellent in typing. . I
would ask him to type the objectives and main goals of the organization. After that I would
review all of those during lunch time. Those minutes are to be distributed to the participants
after completion of meeting.

5. Encourage open and constructive communication by using appropriate

interpersonal and communication styles
I would interact with all members during the gathering to empower valuable and
correspondence styles. Asking inputs, cross addressing them while talking about subject can
help them in the well foundation of organization just as staff giving recommendation decisively
will make them outgoing individual that they should be.

6. Control the behaviour of members e.g. dominating members or lack of response from
I will implement strict rules and regulations, laws, and ask questions who does not talk much,
engage them in group of activities to control these kinds of behaviour.

7. Give all participants the opportunity to contribute

I would allow all the participants to communicate openly and honestly so every participant
would be understood about the purpose of meetings. I would give them the freedom to
experiment with different solutions. I would give them opportunity to place their suggestions
and ideas about issues to solve it.

8. Deal with issues at the meeting e.g. conflict management

I would provide some information about effective communication which helps in conflict
management. As a chairperson I would firm about managing and enforcing the rules, If the team
needs to make decisions and also, I will establish the decision-making problem. Hopefully, this
will help in managing conflict.

9. Present information and ideas clearly and concisely

As a chairperson I would follow some tips to present information clearly and concisely:
o Maintain controlled environment in a meeting
o Feeling confident and responsible for meeting protocols
o Reviewing range of conventions covered under organizational policy
o Doing with the facts rather than rumours
o Being tactful while somebody cross questions me about any new decisions, being
confident, patient etc.
Part C Follow up meeting outcomes

Write an analysis of the meeting and include:

1. Provide a short self evaluation for the meeting you have conducted. Often we undertake a task
and we realise, once we have finished that some aspects worked well, or not so good or just did
not feel right. Provide a self valuation for your meeting: Give an account of how you would
conduct yourself differently as the chair of any future meetings. Describe both the mistakes and
the positive contributions that you made during the meeting and analyse how they impacted on
the dynamics and progress of the meeting.
Meeting went successfully in all aspects, but there do were some good as well as bad aspects and
they are listed below:
Good aspects:
o Meeting went well and goals has been achieved
 Minutes were accurately typed by Mr sam.
 There was a good discussion on problems and finding its solution.
 all the participants presented their views and suggestion

Bad aspects:
o the meeting was longer than expected
o The food was delivered late
o The projector was lagging (flinching a lot)
o It was hard to agree on the same decisions of all participants.

So, after analysing all the goods and bad aspects, in the future if I again have to conduct a meeting
o I would be more prepared on the topic and agenda
o I will make sure that all the equipment are checked before the meeting
o I would try to improve all the bad aspects which was seen in the first meeting
o I would support introvert participants mixed up with other people so they can be more
confident to share their ideas.

2. Complete the final version of the minutes taken during the meeting, confirm the details are correct
and sign the document. Attach a copy to this assessment task
1. discrimination by calling different names has been addressed following input from the
meeting attendees, e.g : chef, housekeeping manager and relevant staffs were in agreement.
2. Solutions to cash incentives were evaluated and is decided to inform the higher authority if
anything like that happens again.
3. Case of accidents were resolved; the root causes were found and it was handled by
employed staffs.
4. Security system in hotel is increased strictly than before so that the guest can feel safe.
3. Include if appropriate a work schedule with tasks prioritised and actioned of any necessary issues
arising from the meeting and outline the requirements for each participant. Attach a copy to this
assessment task
o The food and beverage manager will be responsible if they didn’t perform their task on time
and well
o Police should be called immediately if guests are feeling unsecured, and their privacy is
being disturbed.
o Housekeeping and front office staffs should be given training for better facilities and
cleanliness of guest rooms
o All staff should follow the work health and safety procedures while working
o Higher authorities shall be involved if any kinds of unethical practices happen again.

4. Write all correspondence that you would distribute to the senior management team regarding the
outcomes of the meeting and provide details for the filing requirements for all documentation
relevant for this particular meeting.
To the board of director,
Jacky Cheung,

Subject: Regarding outcomes of meeting

Dear Mr. Jacky Cheung, this is to inform that the meeting held on 12/08/2018 has been completed
successfully and the outcomes is good. Solutions that was been discussed during the meeting has
been implemented already. I have attached the agendas and minutes which were discussed in the
meeting below:

• Agenda one: No-discrimination

As HR manager of the meeting I would develop a proper agenda with input from those expected
to attend regarding what issues or topics should be discussed, give a warning to the chefs who
do discriminate other people, teach them about equality and give a knowledge about
eliminating, discriminating colleagues and ethical discrimination.

• Agenda Two: Choosing own supplier

Some suppliers were offering cash incentives to department heads in return for choosing their
products. First of all I would arrange a meeting and discuss about it and find out who’s trying to
do this kind of things. I would investigate this matter properly and if anyone finds to be guilty
they should be warned or terminated from the job. I would also inform the department heads
to buy only the goods from the supplier which are selected by the hotel. I would summary of all
opinions and at the end I would find a best solution for this issue.
• Agenda Three: Work health and safety

There have been several light accidents in different department of the hotel, due to the poor
management of cluttered floor space, chemicals and linens. It is being a major problem of hotel
so as a manager, I need to conduct a meeting and aware all the staffs about the problem. I will
conduct a separate program for different departments regarding the safe workplace and
management of the goods and chemicals.

• Agenda Fourth: Safety and security of the guest

Our guests have expressed concerns about privacy and security procedures in place at the hotel.
For instance, we get a call from another guest who was received enquiring about the stay of his
“wife”, and the other one is two young females was followed by a strange guy. This is a serious
matter. Therefore, I need to take serious action immediately. I will

conduct a meeting with every staffs of the department and concerned about the topic. I would
increase and tighten security system in the hotel. I would forbid any staffs of the hotel to give
information about the guest to other people carelessly.

Yours sincerely,
Chandra Gurung
(HR Manager)
BSBADM502 Manage meetings _ Marking Guide

Project – Prepare, conduct and follow up meeting

Part A

Criteria S/NYS Date S/NYS Date Comment/Initial

Part A

Develops an agenda that meets the purpose of the meeting s s

The agenda lists each action item s s
The agenda provides for sufficient time allocations s s
The time slots are sufficient to deal with the nature of agenda issues s s
The agenda states the location and time s s
The agenda lists the participants s s
A notification is prepared – concise and correct with details s s
The notification timeline suggested for posting is adequate/timely s s
The correct or suitable reference sources for information related to the s s
following topics are sourced:
Bullying/Harassment s s
Racism s s
Code of Ethics/Ethical Standards s s
WHS act /Code of Practice/Security s s
Privacy Legislation s s
Any supporting correspondence is complied where applicable s s
An arrangement for minute taking is arranged and details attached s s
2 quotes for lunch catering are supplied s s
The specific details for special requirement/equipment are outlined: (list) s s

Any requirements for special needs provisions are identified and outlined: s s
Part B

Criteria S/NYS Date S/NYS Date Comment/Initial

Part A

The meeting area is set up suitable for the meeting style s s

The equipment set-up is sufficient and meets requirements s s
Any special needs requests have been arranged and are in place s s
The agenda is available s s
The minute taker is clearly briefed as to recording requirements/format s s
Support materials are available/spare hand-outs available s s
The student provides a suitable welcome and introduction s s
The goals are clearly identified and communicated s s
The basic rules for conduct and processes are explained s s
The agenda points are followed within given timelines s s
The information provided is clear and succinct s s
The student keeps participants engaged s s
The student recognises potential for discussion points/Queries/Questions s s
Participants are given the opportunity to contribute s s
Contributions are encouraged in an organised manner s s
Each source identified from part A is displayed, referenced and used as a basis s s
for each agenda item:
Bullying/Harassment s s
Racism s s
Code of Ethics/Ethical Standards s s
WHS act /Code of Practice/Security s s
Privacy Legislation s s
Any conflict or potential for conflict is dealt with in a calm, objective manner s s
The capture of recording of minutes is confirmed from time to time s s
Actions are determined for each agenda item s s
Actions are clearly defined in terms of requirements/format and timelines s s
Actions are agreed upon by/with each participant s s
All items are summarised and confirmed s s
Follow-up measures and further meeting/communication points are defined. s s
The meeting is closed according to given protocols or as instructed. s s

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