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Then envision the walls of fire turning into a sphere of fire, surrounding

you. Follow this by envisioning the moat turning into a sphere of crashing
waves around you, and finally envision the wall of clouds turning into a
sphere of clouds blowing out strong wind in every direction.
When you are ready to take your shields down and are out of the
dangerous environment, just perform the exercise in reverse. The sphere of
clouds turns into the ring of clouds which evaporates. The sphere of waves
turns into a moat again and then dries up. The sphere of fire turns into the
walls of fire and then the embers die down until the fire has stopped. The
brick sphere turns back into the brick fortress which then crumbles and
returns back into the earth.
Exercise 46

Psychic Security System
You can shield your home exactly as you do yourself, substituting yourself
in the previous exercises in this chapter with your home. Sometimes it’s
important to understand what is trying to invade the shields of your home so
you can take care of the situation and ensure that someone or something
isn’t perpetually trying to invade your space. If something is more persistent
than your shielding maintenance there’s a realistic chance that eventually it
will come through, whether it’s a malicious spell, an unwanted spirit, or just
general bad energies being sent your way. Because of this I’ve created a
psychic security system within my home to alert me when unwanted
energies are trespassing and to help me identify what it is.
Begin by tuning in. Stand in the center of your home. Begin to envision a
grid of lasers surrounding your home creating a matrix. These lasers are a
security system. When any energy tries to enter from outside in, the grid
will psychically alert you in the same manner that a normal home security
system would with an alarm sound and flashing lights. Now go room to
room and focus on each wall, floor, and ceiling of that space containing the
grid of lasers. Return to the center of your home and visualize the complete

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