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**Stand Name**: 「Dead Man's Spade」

**Stand User**: Asa Adler

**Namesake**: "Ace of Spades" by English Rock band Motörhead, combined with lyrics
from the song.

**General Description**:

「Dead Man's Spade」 is a stand belonging to Asa Adler, an undertaker by

profession. Taking the form of a spade, it is able to turn most materials,
including human beings, into a soft, compressible, dirt-like substance once it
touches them.


|Destructive Power: D|Speed: C|Range: B|

|Stamina: A|Precision: B|Development Potential: B|


「Dead Man's Spade」 takes the form of a long, dark, flat headed, metallic spade.
Once materialized by Adler, both his gloves gain sharp claws at the tips of their
fingers which resemble those which may be found at the ends of gardening gloves.

**User Description**:

Ada Adler is an undertaker by profession, a job reaching far back in his family
history since 1818. He is a tall, slender man with long, dark-gray hair, often
dressed for a cold climate.

As he mostly keeps to himself, most know very little about him besides his general
calm and kind demeanor. Because of his profession, Adler is well versed in grief,
and tries his best to comfort those whose loved ones he buries. He will often use
his closeness to crime scenes to try and get closure for the families of those
who’ve been lost.

Adler often remarks how he furthers himself from the bodies he buries, registering
them less as people, and more as remains, while trying to focus more on the living
and how to help them recover. He finds comfort in the act of digging and in working
with dirt.


「Dead Man's Spade」has the ability to turn most materials into a dirt-like
substance by touching them. Only parts of an object touched directly by the spade
or by Adler’s hand will turn into this faux-dirt.

The substance created is malleable and can be seen and manipulated by both stand
users and non stand users, and because of this fact, the stand doesn’t have the
ability to cause permanent harm beyond that of a regular spade or shovel, as once
the material is returned to its original shape, it will return to how it was before

The substance is not able to spread apart beyond a 10 meter diameter, meaning one
piece of dirt can’t travel a distance larger than 10 meters from any other piece.

The stand’s main utility for Adler is for burying and hiding of objects. Adler will
sell his services to crime organizations by allowing them to hide evidence inside
of inconspicuous locations and covering up crimes.

Other uses for the stand include incapacitating enemies temporarily by partialy
dismembering them, and avoiding gas attacks by turning the gas into a more heavy

「Dead Man's Spade」can not turn Adler into dirt.

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