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Implementation of IT and Network Security

Table of Contents



Computers, cell phones, and laptops that can connect to the internet must be guarded
against dangerous cyber-attacks to work correctly. Individuals and organizations use these
security methods to protect data centers and other digital systems against unauthorized
access. In order to secure computers, databases, networks and mobile devices and the data
they contain from hazardous intruders, and cybersecurity must be implemented. Medical
records, for example, maybe the target of sophisticated cyberattacks that aim to steal critical
information. As a result, cybersecurity has become crucial for all types of businesses that
interact with the personal information of individuals (Alghamdi, I, 2020).

The field of cybersecurity is continually developing due to the introduction of new

technologies. Despite the attention paid to significant security breaches, small companies
must also look for malware and phishing attacks. To keep themselves, their employees, and
their customers secure, organizations and services should use cybersecurity technology,
training, risk management policies, and frequent system upgrades. It is challenging to stay on
top of the latest security developments and threat detection techniques. However, protecting
data and assets from a wide range of cyber-attacks is critical Input and output connections are
controlled by network security to prevent threats from entering or spreading throughout the
network. By implementing Data Loss Prevention (DLP), you will be able to monitor and
prevent data loss at all stages of the data lifecycle, from usage to transit to rest. Cloud
security safeguards data were residing in cloud-based systems. To identify a cyber-assault,
systems such as those used by banks and government organizations turn on intrusion
detection systems (IDS). When utilized by Identity and Access Management (IAM),
authentication services help secure internal systems by limiting and monitoring employee
access (Ullah et al., 2015).


Because of their behavior, modern anti-virus/anti-malware solutions may even find

previously undiscovered threats. An anti-virus/anti-malware programed scans a computer for
known threats before installing any software. There are a variety of harmful programmes that
may be found in files and applications. Worms and virus assaults are only a few examples.
Ransomware Data on the victim's computer system is encrypted and locked by an attack
known as ransomware, which demands payment to decode and unlock the system. Encryption
is used during the data transmission to encapsulate data and render it unreadable, preventing
data theft in transit. Attackers that utilize social engineering tricks to breach people's security
standards to steal sensitive data are usually kept private (Usman, 2017).

False email communications sent from legitimate organizations, such as banks or

retailers, are called phishing attacks. The goal is to obtain sensitive information like credit
card numbers or login credentials. Fraud in the form of phishing is an example of this. An
unauthorized user has access to the system or network without noticing for prolonged periods
— the Most Severe and Persistent Sort threat. In order to ensure cybersecurity, must manage
security judgments made throughout the whole information system, including the
management of Applicant security Protection of personal information on the internet End-
user education and training in disaster recovery and corporate permanency planning Using
cybersecurity has several benefits. Security assistances include ransomware protection,
phishing defenses, and social engineering defenses for companies. Keeping data secure is
essential, as is ensuring the security of the network. Unauthorized folks cannot get in because
of them. In short, it makes recovering from a security incident faster and easier for everyone
involved (N Athon, 2005).

As a consequence, both the product's developers and its buyers will have greater
confidence in it. Developing cybersecurity solutions is fraught with hazards, including
hackers, information theft, confidentiality problems, and hazard management. In the future,
cyber-attacks are not expected to reduce, either. How much cybersecurity is required to
safeguard systems and device networks as the number of attack access points increases? New
applications and uses are produced due to technological advancements, which lead to new
assault methods. As assaults evolve and adapt, organizations must update their defenses to
keep up with the pace of change (van der Horst, 2006)

Cyber defense must be adjusted and updated regularly to counter new threats. In
particular, this is a concern for small businesses. Cybersecurity must also address end-user
education since employees may carry a virus to work on their work computer, laptop, or
smartphone. Additionally, the cybersecurity industry is suffering from a severe lack of
qualified workers. More and more cybersecurity professionals are needed to monitor,
evaluate, and react to events as the value of company data increases. What is the aim of a
cyber-security policy? Because cybercrime is on the rise all across the globe, everyone must
priorities their online safety. Because of this, cyber laws have multiplied swiftly. To protect
the company from a wide variety of cybercrimes, it needs to have a well-defined and well-
organized cyber security corporate policy.

This security strategy is for workers, suppliers, and partners to consult when they
need assistance or advice on cybersecurity or cybercrime issues. [Business name
information]'s security policy aims to protect its data and technical infrastructure. Any
[business name] employee or anyone else who has access to the systems, software, or
hardware of [company name] must abide by this policy. Financial information includes data
about customers, partners, and suppliers. New goods and inventories; formulae; and personal
Device Security: What Need to Know When Searching for Work Accessing a work account
on a personal device, such as a laptop or tablet, puts the data on such devices in jeopardy.
[Name of Company] strongly warns against accessing any company's data through personal
devices. It means that staff must keep their electronics in a safe, out-of-reach position.
Employees should adhere to the following best practices, in our opinion:

Make sure all electronic gadgets are password-protected. When accessing a

company's accounts, be sure they are on a secure network. Before leaving the office, lock up
computers to keep them safe from theft or illegal access. Email is a convenient way to send
anti-scam software and protect against viruses. Due to viruses and data theft, our corporate
policy requires that workers refrain from opening files or clicking on any links in emails with
questionable content and instead double-check email addresses and sender names before
doing so. Keep an eye out for inconsistencies. Make sure not to click on titles that promise
enormous rewards. Employees have any concerns about the security of an email they
received or another piece of information, and they may always contact our IT specialist. The
following are excellent practices for creating and managing passwords to keep the company's
login information safe:

The password must have at least eight characters. Do not write down passwords and
leave them unprotected. Never disclose passwords with anybody without the supervisor's
permission. At the very least, change passwords once every [x] month’s data Transmission
and Reception The utilization of data transmission is a frequent means of conducting a
cybercrime. Follow these recommendations while transmitting data: Personal data such as
names, addresses, and other identifying information of employees and customers should not
be transferred over the internet. Data protection legislation must be adhered to. Even while
operating from a distance, all cybersecurity standards and procedures must be followed.
Failure to follow best practices and business policy will result in disciplinary action.

Any purposeful or frequent violations that endanger our organization may result in
[Company name] taking severe measures, such as terminating employees. Depending on the
severity of the violation, there are [x number] of warnings. Each event will be thoroughly
evaluated. In each instance or case, the evidence will be weighed individually. Infringers will
face increasing punishments if they continue to transgress the company's rules.


When we talk about data protection, we refer to collecting tools and procedures to
keep networks, devices, programs, and data safe from attack, harm, or misuse. It is possible
to refer to cyber security as IT security. In computer security, anti-malware refers to software
that identifies and prevents the spread of harmful software, often known as malware. The
term anti-malware may refer to anything from code built into the operating system or into
other software applications to third-party solutions that search for and eliminate a broad range
of malware varieties. Anti-malware programs can have malware clean-up capabilities built-in
as well. Various techniques and solutions for efficient cyber security are being researched and
implemented. Viruses, Trojan horses, worms, spyware, key logger programs, ransomware,
rootkits, boot kits, and even adware are among the types of malware that anti-malware
software normally protects computers against. Internet security suites generally incorporate
anti-malware solutions as part of their overall security protection. As an example, consider
Avira, Avast, and so forth. In addition to anti-malware features, these security suites often
have a firewall, parental controls, anti-spam and anti-phishing email protection, and online
browser protection.

Alghamdi, I, M. (2020). A Descriptive Study on the Impact of Cybercrime and Possible
Measures to Curtail its Spread Worldwide. International Journal of Engineering
Research Technology, 09(06), 1321–1330.
study-on-the-impact-of-cybercrime- and-possible-measures-to-curtail-its-spread-
N Athon. (2005). Internet scams (Issue c, p. 201). Harpercollins.

Ullah, S., Amir, M., Khan, M., Asmat, H., & Habib, K. (2015). Pakistan and cyber crimes:
Problems and preventions. 2015 1st International Conference on Anti-Cybercrime,
ICACC 2015, November 2015.

Usman, M. (2017). Cyber Crime: Pakistani Perspective. Islamabad Law Review, 1(3), 18-

van der Horst, D. (2006). Ethical Hacking.

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