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Study Guide 1: Define the concepts of a fluid: Dr Kizito Spring 2021: CHEN 300/MEEN316

1. INTRODUCTION. ...........................................................................................................................................1
A. DEFINITION OF A FLUID ..............................................................................................................................1
b. Methods of Analysis ....................................................................................................................................2
 System (or “Closed System”).......................................................................................................................2
 Control Volume (or “Open System”) ...........................................................................................................2
Fluid as a Continuum and Thermodynamic Properties .........................................................................................3
C. FLUID as A Continuum .................................................................................................................................3
D. THE Continuum MODEL ..............................................................................................................................3
e. THE Concept OF A ``SYSTEM'' .....................................................................................................................4
f. THE Concept OF A ``STATE'' ........................................................................................................................4
g. The Concept of ``Equilibrium''.....................................................................................................................5
h. The Concept of a ``Process'' .........................................................................................................................5
i. Quasi-Equilibrium Processes .......................................................................................................................5
j. Equations of state .........................................................................................................................................6
k. Velocity Field and Stress Field ....................................................................................................................6
l. Viscosity, Density, Surface Tension ............................................................................................................7
m. Non-Newtonian Fluids.............................................................................................................................8
n. Density .........................................................................................................................................................9
o. Dimensional Analysis ................................................................................................................................ 10
p. Flow Measurement Methods ...................................................................................................................... 10
q. Quiz 1 examples ......................................................................................................................................... 10


When a shear stress is applied: Fluids continuously deform. Solids deform or bend.
Study Guide 1: Define the concepts of a fluid: Dr Kizito Spring 2021: CHEN 300/MEEN316

b. Methods of Analysis

(or “Closed System”)

 Control Volume
(or “Open System”)

Study Guide 1: Define the concepts of a fluid: Dr Kizito Spring 2021: CHEN 300/MEEN316


Fluid as a Continuum and Thermodynamic Properties

c. FLUID as A Continuum

Thermodynamic Properties
The thermodynamic state of a system is defined by specifying values of a set of measurable properties sufficient to determine
all other properties. For fluid systems, typical properties are pressure, volume and temperature.

Fundamental Ideas of Thermodynamics

Thermodynamics is concerned with the mathematical modeling of the real world. In order that the mathematical deductions
are consistent, we need some precise definitions of the basic concepts. The following is a discussion of some of the concepts
we will need.

d. THE Continuum MODEL

Matter may be described at a molecular (or microscopic) level using the techniques of statistical mechanics and kinetic
theory. For engineering purposes, however, we want ``averaged'' information, i.e., a macroscopic, not a microscopic,
description. Typical engineering applications involve more than molecules. Second, and more importantly,
microscopic positions and velocities are generally not useful for determining how macroscopic systems will act or react
unless, for instance, their total effect is integrated. We therefore neglect the fact that real substances are composed of discrete
molecules and model matter from the start as a smoothed-out continuum. The information we have about a continuum
represents the microscopic information averaged over a volume. Classical thermodynamics is concerned only with continua.
Study Guide 1: Define the concepts of a fluid: Dr Kizito Spring 2021: CHEN 300/MEEN316

e. THE Concept OF A ``SYSTEM''

A thermodynamic system is a quantity of matter of fixed identity, around which we can draw a boundary (see Figure 1.3 for
an example). The boundaries may be fixed or moveable. Work or heat can be transferred across the system boundary.
Everything outside the boundary is the surroundings.
When working with devices such as engines it is often useful to define the system to be an identifiable volume with flow in
and out. This is termed a control volume. An example is shown in Figure 1.5.
A closed system is a special class of system with boundaries that matter cannot cross. Hence, the principle of the conservation
of mass is automatically satisfied whenever we employ a closed system analysis. This type of system is sometimes termed a
control mass.

Figure 1.3: Piston (boundary) and gas (system)

Figure 1.4: Boundary around electric motor (system)

Figure 1.5: Sample control volume

f. THE Concept OF A ``STATE''

The thermodynamic state of a system is defined by specifying values of a set of measurable properties sufficient to
determine all other properties. For fluid systems, typical properties are pressure, volume and temperature. More complex
systems may require the specification of more unusual properties. As an example, the state of an electric battery requires the
specification of the amount of electric charge it contains.
Properties may be extensive or intensive. Extensive properties are additive. Thus, if the system is divided into a number of
sub-systems, the value of the property for the whole system is equal to the sum of the values for the parts. Volume is an
extensive property. Intensive properties do not depend on the quantity of matter present. Temperature and pressure are
intensive properties.
Specific properties are extensive properties per unit mass and are denoted by lower case letters. For example:

Specific properties are intensive because they do not depend on the mass of the system.
The properties of a simple system are uniform throughout. In general, however, the properties of a system can vary from point
to point. We can usually analyze a general system by sub-dividing it (either conceptually or in practice) into a number of
simple systems in each of which the properties are assumed to be uniform.
Study Guide 1: Define the concepts of a fluid: Dr Kizito Spring 2021: CHEN 300/MEEN316

g. The Concept of ``Equilibrium''

The state of a system in which properties have definite, unchanged values as long as external conditions are unchanged is
called an equilibrium state.

[Mechanical Equilibrium] [Thermal Equilibrium]

Figure 1.6: Equilibrium
A system in thermodynamic equilibrium satisfies: mechanical equilibrium (no unbalanced forces); thermal equilibrium (no
temperature differences) ; chemical equilibrium.

h. The Concept of a ``Process''

If the state of a system changes, then it is undergoing a process. The succession of states through which the system passes
defines the path of the process. If, at the end of the process, the properties have returned to their original values, the system
has undergone a cyclic process or a cycle. Note that even if a system has returned to its original state and completed a cycle,
the state of the surroundings may have changed.

i. Quasi-Equilibrium Processes
We are often interested in charting thermodynamic processes between states on thermodynamic coordinates. However, those
properties define a state only when a system is in equilibrium. If a process involves finite, unbalanced forces, the system can
pass through non-equilibrium states, which we cannot treat. An extremely useful idealization, however, is that only
``infinitesimal'' unbalanced forces exist, so that the process can be viewed as taking place in a series of ``quasi-equilibrium''
states. (The term quasi can be taken to mean ``as if;'' you will see it used in a number of contexts such as quasi-one-
dimensional, quasi-steady, etc.) For this to be true the process must be slow in relation to the time needed for the system to
come to equilibrium internally. Over a large range of parameters, therefore, it is a very good approximation to view the
thermodynamic processes as consisting of such a succession of equilibrium states, which we can chart.
The figures below demonstrate the use of thermodynamics coordinates to plot isolines, lines along which a property is

constant. They include constant temperature lines, or isotherms, on a - diagram, constant volume lines, or isochors on a

- diagram, and constant pressure lines, or isobars, on a - diagram for an ideal gas.
Real substances may have phase changes (water to water vapor, or water to ice, for example), which we can also plot on
thermodynamic coordinates.

Figure: - diagram

Figure 1.7: Thermodynamics coordinates and isolines for an ideal gas

Study Guide 1: Define the concepts of a fluid: Dr Kizito Spring 2021: CHEN 300/MEEN316

j. Equations of state
It is an experimental fact that two properties are needed to define the state of any pure substance in equilibrium or undergoing
a steady or quasi-steady process. Thus for a simple compressible gas like air,

where is the volume per unit mass, . In words, if we know and we know , etc.

Any of these is equivalent to an equation , which is known as an equation of state. The equation of state
for an ideal gas, which is a very good approximation to real gases at conditions that are typically of interest for aerospace
applications1.2, is

where is the volume per mol of gas and is the ``Universal Gas Constant,'' .
A form of this equation which is more useful in fluid flow problems is obtained if we divide by the molecular weight, :

where R is , which has a different value for different gases due to the different molecular weights. For air at room


Source: White 7th Ed.

Specific heat ratio k:

k. Velocity Field and Stress Field

Velocity Field
Study Guide 1: Define the concepts of a fluid: Dr Kizito Spring 2021: CHEN 300/MEEN316

Steady and Unsteady Flows

1D, 2D, and 3D Flows
Timelines, Pathlines, Streamlines and Streaklines



Stress Field

l. Viscosity, Density, Surface Tension


Coutte flows
Study Guide 1: Define the concepts of a fluid: Dr Kizito Spring 2021: CHEN 300/MEEN316

Boundary Layer and No slip condition

Types of fluids: Stress vs Strain curves

m. Non-Newtonian Fluids
Special fluids (e.g., most biological fluids, toothpaste, some paints, etc.)
“Non-linear” fluids

Surface Tension:
Study Guide 1: Define the concepts of a fluid: Dr Kizito Spring 2021: CHEN 300/MEEN316

Sensile Droplet

n. Density
What is density?

Description and Classification of Fluid Motions

Study Guide 1: Define the concepts of a fluid: Dr Kizito Spring 2021: CHEN 300/MEEN316

o. Dimensional Analysis

p. Flow Measurement Methods

q. Quiz 1 examples
1. What is a fluid? Illustrate the difference between a fluid and a solid. (2points)

2. Name three conservation laws which describe the physics of fluid motion. (3points)

3. Write the ideal gas equation of state (2points)

4. What are the differences between Lagrangian and Eulerian viewpoints in describing fluid motion? (4points)

5. What are the following terms:

a system
a control volume
and a control surface? (3points)
6. Pair the following terms: infinitesimal and control volume versus integral and differential. (2points)

7. Dimensional homogeneity requires specifying primary dimensions. Name one basic system of dimensions. (3points)

8. What is the root of the SI system of units? Name the equation and the units obtained thereof. For example: unit of length
is the meter (m). (3points)

9. What is experimental uncertainty? (2points)

10. Describe a continuum. Under what circumstances can fluids be treated as a continuum? (3points)

11. Given an example of a field representation of a continuum property. (2points)

12. What is the meaning of the term specific gravity? (2points)

Study Guide 1: Define the concepts of a fluid: Dr Kizito Spring 2021: CHEN 300/MEEN316

13. Given an example of a field representation of a continuum vector property. (3points)

14. If the flow is three-dimensional and unsteady, write one property in functional form to describe the flow field. (3points)

15. Illustrate the difference between cylindrical and Cartesian coordinate system. (3points)

16. Illustrate a uniform flow field. (2points)

17. What are:

I. Timelines

II. Streamlines

III. pathlines

IV. and streaklines. (8points)

18. What is the difference between normal and shear stress? (3points)

19. Write down the nine components of stress tensor or stress at a point. (3points)

20. What is viscosity? Describe an experiment to measure viscosity. (4points)

21. What is the difference between absolute (or dynamic) viscosity and kinematic viscosity? (5points)

22. Use a shear stress vs. ‘deformation rate’ diagram to illustrate the following (i) Bingham plastic (ii) Pseudoplastic fluids
(or shear thinning) (iii) Dilatant fluids (or shear thickening) (iv) Newtonian fluids. (8points)

23. Give 2 examples on the effects of surface tension. (4points)

24. To classify continuum fluid mechanics the certain term are used.

25. What is the difference between viscous and inviscid flows? Can use a qualitative picture of flow over a sphere to
illustrate the difference or Reynolds number. (3points)
Study Guide 1: Define the concepts of a fluid: Dr Kizito Spring 2021: CHEN 300/MEEN316

26. What is the difference between Laminar and Turbulent flows? Can use a qualitative picture to illustrate the difference or
Reynolds number. (3points)

27. What is the difference between compressible and incompressible flows? You can use a qualitative picture to illustrate the
difference or Mach number. (3points)

28. What is the difference between internal and external flows? You can use a qualitative picture to illustrate the difference
or boundary layer theory. (3points)

29. What are the No Slip Condition and No Temperature Jump Condition? (4points)

30. Give two examples of body forces (3points)

31. Give two examples of forces acting on control surfaces (3points)

32. Define the speed of sound and Mach number (4 points)

33. Vector Analysis?

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