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以德报怨(yuan4) people treat you bad, but you still treat people nice

知恩(en1) 图报 people treat you good and you repay them back

善(shan4)解(jie1)人意 kind

慷慨(kang1 kai2)大方 very willing to spend

捕获 (bu2 huo4) catch

视死如归 (shi4 si2 ru1 gui1) don’t mind sacrifice himself

伤心欲绝 (shang1 xin1 yu4 jue2 ) very sad

心急如焚 (xin1 ji2 ru1 fen2) very panic

迫不及待 (po4 bu4 ji2 dai4) can’t wait

不屈(qu1)不饶(rao2) do not give up

谦虚谨慎 (qian1 xu1 jin2 shen4) humble and careful

足智多谋 (zu2 zhi1 duo1 mou2) very smart

舍己为人 (she2 ji2 wei2 ren2) sacrifice himself to save others

地毯 (di4 tan2) carpet

宝塔 (bao2 ta3) tower

贪心 (tan1 xin1) greedy

体力不支 (zhi1) no energy / very tired

聪明绝顶 (cong1 ming1 jue2 ding1) very smart

废寝忘食 (fei4 qin3 wang4 shi2) too busy until forget to eat

举(ju2) 世无双 unique in this world

高效 (xiao4) did things faster

凸(tu4)起 bump up

呕吐(ou2 tu4) vomit

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