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Structure question

Metal and non-metal

1. Compare five different properties of Metal vs Non-metal.

Metal Non-metal

2. What is Malleable and Ductile? You can explain by giving example






3. What is the only metal that is liquid at room temperature?


4. What is the only non-metal that can conduct electricity?


5. Metal is a good heat conductor. What is the example of tools made of metal because of this?



1. Give two examples of strong acid.


2. Give two examples of strong alkali.

3. If I put a toothpaste into universal indicator solution, what colour will it be?


4. I put some nitric acid into universal indicator solution, then I slowly add in sodium hydroxide
until it is pH7. Describe the colour change (from what colour to what colour?)


5. I put blue litmus paper and red litmus paper to vinegar, which one will change color? How is
the color change?


Periodic Table

1. Which element has the symbol H?


2. What is the formula of water and carbon dioxide?


3. What is the name of atom which has the formula Li?


4. List all three magnetic metals in period table


5. What is the formula of Boron?


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