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Presidential school of Jizzakh Term 4- Unit test 1

Name:____________________________________ Grade:________________

1. Define metallic radius.




What is trend of melting point and density in group 2 elements?




What is Ionization enthalpy and what’s the trend in group 2 elements?



_________________________________________________________________________________________ 4

2. What is flame test for following metals

Calcium compounds_______________________________
Strontium Compounds_____________________________
Barium compounds________________________________
3. Write down the Thermal decomposition reaction of MgCO 3 and Ca(NO3)2

4. Why CaO used in agriculture?

5. Write down the electronic configuration of F, Cl, Br and I



Presidential school of Jizzakh Term 4- Unit test 1
Name:____________________________________ Grade:________________

6. What is the color of all halogens from group 17?

7. Define,” first electron affinity” and explain the trend in group 17 .


8. Why isn't its electron affinity bigger than chlorine's?


9. Define “Bond Enthalpy”. Explain the bond enthalpy trend in halogens and Hydrogen halides.






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