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INSTRUCTOR: Catherine W. Bass

EMAIL: Bass Email: (see page 8 for more detailed information
regarding communications)
PHONE: 940-246-0670 (cell), available 8 AM-8 PM, 7 days a week
FAX: 940-262-3198 by request

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Principles of human nutrition with application to health,

physical, and mental fitness and longevity; 3 undergraduate credit hours; no perquisite

OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

1. Demonstrate a knowledge of the basic principles of human nutrition as well an

understanding of how these principles relate to energy, growth, and health
maintenance throughout the lifespan
2. Recognize the essential nutrients, their food sources, their interrelationships, and their
role in diet and disease
3. Assess the effects of social, cultural and psychological factors on food selection and diet
4. Determine the validity of general nutrition information and its sources

Tammy J. and Schiff, Wendy J; McGraw-Hill Education, New York, NY, 2019. (Hard copy) or
the EBOOK Human Nutrition: Science for Healthy Living (Smart Book), 2e, Stephenson

The NSU IncluED Program offers a digital copy of the text for this class that is billed to your
student account or you can order your eBook and Connect Access directly from McGraw-Hill
with the option of purchasing a loose-leaf copy of the text. (see below). If you chose the
McGraw-Hill option, you need to opt out of the IncluED Program.

OTHER REQUIREMENTS: CONNECT ACCESS from McGraw-Hill is also required.

What is Connect? Connect is an online homework and learning management platform from
McGraw-Hill Education. Many of your course assignments will be delivered through Connect.
Connect helps you:
 Stay Organized with assignments – both in and outside of class
 Target difficult material to practice and improve your skills
 Review for exams with self-assessment tests and quizzes
 Track your performance with personalized reports
 Save time on studying
 Save money on textbooks
Register for Connect from the course URL: Purchase directly from the course homepage.
During the registration process, you will be prompted to create a new account or login with an
existing Connect account, username and password. Then follow the student registration or
registration power point posted in Moodle to complete your registration for licensed access.

Expectations and Policies Related to Connect Course Assignments: All Connect assignments
will be scheduled, completed, and recorded in Connect. You will have 2 attempts for each
assignment. If you choose this option, the best of the two grades will be recorded.

All students are required to complete every study assignment and homework quiz by the due
date listed. Connect grades are synced to your Moodle gradebook every few days.

Connect Technical and Customer Support: If you are having trouble registering for or accessing
Connect, please contact McGraw-Hill Education’s Customer Support. Live chat, email and phone
support are available 7 days a week.

Website: McGraw-Hill Support

Phone: (800) 331-5094
Hours (EST): Sunday, 12 PM-12 AM
Monday-Thursday-24 hours
Friday: 12 AM-9 PM, Saturday: 10 AM-8 PM

COURSE TECHNOLOGY REQUIREMENTS: Microsoft Word, Internet Access,

Email, knowledgeable in the use of Moodle and purchase Connect Access

ATTENDANCE: Class attendance will be verified through logins to Moodle in this course.
Attendance is reported on Tuesday of each week. Students are expected to check
Moodle and their NSU email account on a regular basis for any important
announcements and to complete all assignments in a timely manner (See last page of the
syllabus for more detailed information).

Connect Learn Smart Study Assignments 200 points
(20 @ 10 pts. each)
Connect Homework Quizzes 560 points
(17 @ 30 pts. each and 2 @ 20 pts. each
And 1 @ 10 pts.)
Moodle Homework Assignments 120 points
(6 @ 20 pts. each)
Moodle Forums (6 @ 20 pts. each) 120 points
Total points possible 1000 points
A=90-100% (900-1000 pts.)
B=80-89% (800-899 pts.)
C=70-79% (700-799 pts.)
D=60-69% (600-699 pts.)
F=0-59% (0-599 pts.)

Any questions regarding assignments or forums should be directed to the instructor.

All assignments and projects must be in a Word .docx or .pdf file. If a document
cannot be opened or is unreadable or blank, you will be asked to resubmit the document
in one of the above listed formats.


DATE DUE. Submission time will be checked. Late assignments will result in a decrease of one
letter grade for each day that the assignment is late up to 5 days after the original due date. I
do not accept late forums. No late assignments will be accepted after 5 days without
permission from the instructor or without a university acceptable excuse.


It is the policy of NSU to accommodate students with disabilities, pursuant to federal law, state
law, and the University’s commitment to equal educational opportunities. Any student with a
disability who needs accommodations, for example in seating placement or in arrangements for
examinations, should inform the instructor at the beginning of the course. Students with
disabilities are encouraged to contact the Office of Disability Support.


Student Learning Outcomes are statements that specify what each student will know, be able
to do, or be able to demonstrate when they have completed or participated in a degree
program, course, project or activity. The published objectives of this course either directly and
or indirectly support the student learning outcomes used to assess the Bachelor of Science
Degree. Visit the NSU Institutional Effectiveness website
and see Assessment Cycle Reports to review your degree program assessment of student
learning outcomes and or ask your professor how your course impacts the degree program
Northwestern State University students, staff, and faculty are expected to create an
environment that promotes academic excellence, personal dignity, mutual respect, and
individual responsibility in both face-to-face and electronic educational settings regardless of
the content of the ideas and opinions being shared. Ideas and opinions that are controversial or
in opposition to others are welcomed in the NSU environment, and this policy shall not be used
to prohibit the sharing of controversial or unpopular ideas or opinions but merely to call for
civility when idea and opinion sharing. All members of the NSU community have the right to a
safe environment free of disturbances and civil in all aspects of human relations. Whether in a
face-to-face or online classroom, students who engage in disruptive or abusive discourse or
actions may be removed from the class and subject to disciplinary sanctions. In on-campus
classrooms, students who speak at inappropriate times, take frequent breaks, interrupt the
class by coming to class late or leaving early, engage in loud or distracting behaviors, use cell
phones or other noise-making devices, wear headphones, are distracted with computers or
other electronic devices, are verbally abusive, display defiance or disrespect to others, or
behave aggressively toward others during the class period may be removed from the class and
may be subject to disciplinary action under the Northwestern State University Student Code of
Conduct (Articles IV Infractions and VIII Sanctions). The instructor of a course may deem
additional behaviors or actions inappropriate; these actions or behaviors will be outlined in the
course syllabus. Copies of infractions and sanctions begin on page 59 of this handbook and are
available on the NSU website at

Definition of Diversity:
Today, members of our University Community are more likely to experience differences among
people. Northwestern State University defines diversity as differences in age, gender, religion,
language, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, race, exceptionalities, and
geographic background. In our mission to acknowledge our differences, we also hope to realize
our commonalities.
Academic Honesty: If knowledge is to be properly evaluated, it must be pursued under
conditions free from deceit and misrepresentation, which are incompatible with the
fundamental activity of this academic institution. Northwestern State University expects
students to fulfill academic requirements independently and with integrity. Academic integrity
is founded on values of honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility. Violations include,
for example, cheating or deception in any form, plagiarism (including duplicity),
misrepresentation of knowledge, misuse of resources, falsification, and facilitating another
student’s academic dishonesty. Acts of academic dishonesty violate the ethical principles of the
University community and compromise work completed by others.  For violations
of academic honesty, a student may receive a grade of zero on the assignment and/or a grade
of F in the class and will be referred to the Office of Accountability & Student Conduct to create
a disciplinary record and/or for additional sanctions. For a comprehensive description of
Academic Infractions refer to Article 4 Section 1 of the Student


NSU is committed to eliminating sexual misconduct in our community, advocating for
students who have experienced sexual assault or harassment, and respecting the legal rights
of both complainants and respondents. Misconduct involving sexual assault, sexual
harassment, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, a hostile environment caused by
sexual harassment, sexual exploitation, coercion, retaliation, intimidation, sexual consent, and
discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression should be
reported to the Title IX Coordinator, Alexis Smith Finnie, (318) 357-5570. Also, hate crimes,
including those based on gender identity or national origin, should be reported. The offenses
listed above are prohibited by the University. Information about conduct infractions and
sanctions (Articles IV and VII of the Student Code of Conduct) are available on the NSU webpage

Reporting and Assistance: NSU strongly advocates reporting sex discrimination, sexual assault,
intimate-partner violence, or sexual harassment. If a student discloses an incident, they will
learn options for assistance, such as health and wellbeing counseling, residence and class
accommodations, and options for filing complaints or criminal charges. Disclosure to University
personnel will not obligate the complainant to file a grievance or criminal charge, nor will it
subject the complainant to scrutiny or judgmental opinions. have two options:
1. Reporting to the Title IX Coordinator (318) 357-5570 or University Police (318) 357-
For emergencies or a 24/7 Confidential Advisor, please call University Police.
2. Confidential Disclosure to Campus Counselor or Confidential Advisor (318) 357-5621

Parish-wide resources: for assistance, please visit

Confidentiality: All reporting of sex discrimination and sexual misconduct is treated as

confidential to the greatest extent possible; the privacy of all individuals involved is important
to the Northwestern State University.  In most situations, only individuals involved in the
resolution of the situation will have access to the information about the case.  If there is a risk
of the alleged perpetrator committing additional crimes, if a student is in immediate danger, or
if there has been expressed intent to harm others, or other risks such as involvement of a
weapon or the age of the students involved, the University may determine that it is necessary
to compromise the level of privacy provided.
For more information and assistance in case of sexual assault or harassment, please see Title IX
Coordinator’s NSU: Not Alone webpage:

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits discrimination based on sex in

educational programs and activities that receive federal financial assistance. NSU is committed
to equal opportunity for student success by providing access to educational programs, tuition
assistance, and social and recreational activities for all students without regard to race, color,
gender, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, genetic information, age,
pregnancy or parenting status, veteran status, or retirement status.
If you are unable to view any of the content in this course due to internet connectivity issues, a
disability, or any other issue, please email the instructor to receive additional help in obtaining
the content or an alternate delivery method of the content. The phone number for the
Student Help Desk is 1-318-357-6696. Their email is

STUDENT ACTIVITES AND EXPERIENCES: Methods of Instruction: Assignments will be posted

with some background information, text readings, web site suggestions, and/or other potential
resources. Students will be required to search a variety of sources, including the text, web
sites, your pantry or the grocery store, scientific journal articles, books, etc. to complete the
assignments. Resources will vary according to assignments.

Note: Following directions EXACTLY are very important in an Internet class. Failure to follow
directions EXACTLY will result in lost points.

Student Responsibilities

You are responsible for:

*learning how to use Moodle

*learning how to use Connect

*learning how to submit assignments correctly in Moodle and Connect

*following all directions regardless of whether you have seen them or not
(ignorance of the directions is NOT an acceptable excuse)

*being familiar with the AP Style Research format for all research assignments and using
this style when writing bibliographies

*keeping up with assignment due date

*reading announcements regularly

*checking NSU email regularly

*locating resources beyond the book (if applicable)

*learning how to use Internet and library computer resources

*being able to put expected time into the course

*being a self motivated, independent learner

Work Expectations


*Do not expect this course to be less time involved than a classroom course.

*Reading and comprehension of readings is expected.

*Some assignments will require application to your own life. This information
will not be shared with anyone other than the instructor

*Some assignments will require posting to Forums.

*All assignments must be typed according to the instructor’s directions. Please ask questions
if you are unsure of the correct submission form.

*Short answer/discussion questions must be answered in the format requested for each
question. When charts, tables or graphs are requested, points will be deducted for incorrect
format or lack of requested information.


*No copied work is acceptable. Put answers in your own words.

*Independent thought from each student is expected. Answers must be in your own
words and examples must be unique from student to student.

* Students are expected to uphold the NSU Academic Code. The code can be found in
the NSU Student Handbook.

Where to Locate Items in Moodle Blocks

Be sure to read ALL of the announcements. Check these on a regular basis during the semester
(3-5 times or more per week).

Course Syllabus is located here. Print for future reference.

Course Outline is located here. Print for future reference.

General Information regarding resources, assignment submission, format, forums, rubrics,
power points and helpful tips arelocated here. Learner

Resources are also located here. This is a list of links to technical, instructional and institutional

All Connect, and Moodle assignments are listed here including forums. This is where ALL the
assignments are described, assignment downloads are located here, and this is where you will
turn in assignments.

Power Point Presentations for Chapters 1-20 are located here as well as other resources.

Open Forum:
In the Open Forum you can talk to the instructor and other students about specific assignments
or the class in general. Some forums are assignments & will also contain questions that must
be answered on specific topics. Forums are posted in the Module block of the related

Communication with the Instructor

Please email, text or call me with any questions. I check email daily and will respond typically
within 12 hours or less. I will reply to the address you have used in your email or phone call.
HOWEVER, when I generate a new email to you, it will ALWAYS be to your NSU student
address. All announcements also go to your NSU student address. Be sure to activate your
account and to check it regularly. LEARN HOW TO ACCESS IT FROM YOUR HOME OR WORK
COMPUTER OR PHONE. NO EXCUSES!!!!! I do accept phone calls; my number is located at
the top of the syllabus. If I am unavailable, please leave a message and a good time for me to
return the call. In any verbal or written communication, always identify yourself, your course
and section number and your preferred way for me to contact you (call, text or email).

The Key to Your Grade

All grades will come from completed Moodle homework assignments and Connect homework
quizzes, Connect Learn Smart study assignments and forums

No major exams will be given; only homework quizzes.

Many assignments involve research beyond the text, application of information to your own
life, worksheets, charts, use of forums, book reviews and the Internet.

Grading Criteria
Each assignment will have a specific point value. Partial credit may be given at the instructor’s
discretion. Review the following for expectations to receive the full point value for each
question. Grading Rubrics are posted for each written assignment including forums. They are
located with the assignments in various Modules.

Factual Textbook Question-Full credit will be given if you provide the complete answer
available in the textbook using all references to the topic in the textbook. Many topics are
addressed in several location thought out the text and not just in the current chapter of

No credit is given if answer is incomplete; not covered to the extent covered in the textbook or
the answer given does not address the exact, specific topic of the question.

Internet Research-Full credit will be given if a legitimate reference is used and

correct documentation of the site and author are given as requested. Bibliographies must be
written in AP style format. Specific, not just a general overview of the topic and must be
provided in your own words. The answer length must be appropriate to thoroughly address the

No credit is given if a non-legitimate reference is used or if the answer given is general and not
specific. Also, if the answer does not meet the length criteria or does not completely address
the topic.

Mathematical Calculations-Full credit is given if the correct answer is given, correct units are
used, and the calculations are shown if requested.

No credit is given for incorrect answers, no units or wrong units and no calculations if

Thought/Opinion Questions-Full credit is given if the specific topic is addressed, and a

minimum of 5 sentences are used to develop our thoughts/opinions. Forums require a
minimum of 70 words.

No credit is given if comments are general and do not specifically discuss the topic, or do not
address the topic at all. Just yes or no answers are unacceptable as well as those that are 5
sentences or less.

Forums-Full credit will be given when all criteria in the instructions are met.
Points will be deducted for improperly written bibliographies, improper length, misspelled
words, improper grammar, failure to number entries correctly as requested or failure to meet
any other requirements as outlined or incorrect in the submission of project.

Turning in Assignments
Assignments MUST be saved as a Word Document (.docx) or a .pdf document. You will be
asked to resubmit the assignment if the instructor cannot open the assignment or if the
assignment is blank. Failure to do so will result in 0 points for the assignment.
*Follow directions for typing as noted in specific assignments.

*You may highlight in color or bold the answers to questions to set them apart from
the questions to make grading faster. Thanks.

*Deadlines for submission must be met!

*Submission of assignments automatically records your submission. Graded

assignments are posted in the Online Grade book.

Problems with a Submission?

If something goes wrong and the assignment needs to be resubmitted, please email me to clear
your attempt if you have reached the maximum attempts allowed (3) before the assignment
due date. EMAIL me the assignment as a last effort to keep from having points deducted for
late submission.

Assignment Grades/Comments
Grades will be posted online as each assignment is graded. I will post an announcement when
all grades for a specific assignment are graded. It will be within one week or less of the due
date of the assignment unless I announce otherwise.

General comments on some assignments will be posted in the announcements. General

Comments will contain clarification on information that was missed most often or on
information most requested in emails.

I often make comments in the comment section of the Moodle assignments and forums and
always when points are missed. More specific comments can be individually requested. Just
email and ask about points lost, etc. (after ALL grades are posted).


Class attendance is regarded as an obligation as well as a privilege, and all students are
expected to attend regularly and punctually all classes in which they are enrolled. Failure to do
so may jeopardize a student’s scholastic standing and may lead to suspension from the
University. A student shall submit excuses for all class absences to the appropriate instructor
within three class days after the student returns to the respective class. The instructor may
excuse the student for being absent and shall accept an official University excuse.

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