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Good morning everyone.. How are you guys? I hope you’re all in good health.

Before I start, have you

guys know me already? There is a saying that if you don’t know a person, how can you love that person?
Therefore, I would like to introduce myself first.You all can call me salwa.

I am very happy because I have the opportunity to stand here to tell somethin that i think personally, it
is a very interesting issue for us to discuss, it is called school orientation, as it is known school
orientation is the introduction of the early school period which we usually call "MOS" or "MPLS" in
Indonesia. At that moment we will introduce both the school environment and the people we will meet
in the future such as friends, teachers and officers at school.

There are many pros and cons in this thing.

Because in many cases, school orientation is often used as a chance for seniors to take revenge on their
juniors and make their juniors feel pressured by actions that are considered inhumane act. Also, there
were even some that caused fatal errors that were harmful to the participants who participated, of
course it was not something to be imitated and should be avoided.

So, Not a few schools who eliminate school orientation to anticipate things that are unexpected happen.

so what is actually the objective of the school orientation. As I said at the beginning, there is a saying
that if you don't know a person how can you love that person. Actually, the essential objective of school
orientation is so that new students can get to know more about the new school environment and be
ready to face it both mentally, and emotionally, so that new students comfort in participating in the
learning process at school and can adjust in school.

School orientation is also held so that fellow students do not feel awkward during the learning period.
And make them closer.

So is school orientation necessary or not??

In my point of view, school orientation is very needed. For an initial introduction and establish intimacy
and approach to the school environment that can be filled with useful things and fun games which
certainly do not harm any party without violence and forced. In this activity, it can also improve
relationships between seniors and juniors and an introduction to the features of the school. Of course, it
must be supervised by the school authority so that it remains conducive and unexpected things do not

So school orientation is needed, as long as these activities are carried out in accordance with the norms
and laws that apply at school. So, That's all I can say, if the truth comes from Allah , and if there are
mistakes in delivery, I apologize. Thank you very much all for your attention

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