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桃園市立石門國民中學 110 學年度第二學期第一次段考七年級英語科試卷

班級:_________ 座號:_________ 姓名:____________________

第一部分:聽力測驗 20%,請將正確答案劃記在答案卡上

一、 辨識句意:根據聽到的內容,選出符合描述的圖片或符合圖片的描述。 4%(每題 1 分)
(A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (C)

1. 2.

(A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (C)

3. 4.

二、 基本問答:根據聽到的內容,選出一個最適合的回應或最適合的問句。 6%(每題 2 分)
5. (A) He watches TV after dinner. (B) She doesn’t fly a kite at the park. (C) She reads books.
6. (A) Me, too. A shower really helps. (B) That’s right. I shower at night. (C) I often take a shower twice a day.
7. (A) He is a good player. (B) He plays tennis. (C) I don’t go there every day.
三、 言談理解:根據聽到的內容,選出一個最適合的答案。 10%(每題 2 分)
8. (A) The man doesn’t have a wife. (B) The man’s wife goes to the park (C) The man and the woman are
after work. husband and wife.
9. (A) Jack exercises on weekends. (B) Jack exercises in the morning. (C) Jack does not exercise very often.
10. (A) Watch TV. (B) Stay at home. (C) Walk the dog.
11. (A) He is a baseball player. (B) He is 185 centimeters tall. (C) He is studying in America.
12. (A) They often help their classmates at (B) They seldom play basketball with (C) They usually help their mother in
school. their friends. the kitchen.
第二部分:綜合測驗 56% (13-22 題,每題 1 分;23-45 題,每題 2 分) ,請將正確答案劃記在答案卡上
13. Please ________ the cup with hot water.
(A) deal (B) fall (C) fill (D) kill
14. It is not right to ________ on your exam.
(A) cheat (B) ship (C) think (D) treat
15. There are big ________ at the sea when the wind is strong.
(A) nails (B) lakes (C) sales (D) waves
16. Jessica will ________ her hometown, say goodbye to her parents, and start working in Taipei next month.
(A) hold (B) leave (C) stay (D) show
17. The restaurant is full of people now. There are at ________ a hundred people eating over there.
(A) first (B) last (C) least (D) most
18. Just go ________. There is no time for you to look back.
(A) afraid (B) ahead (C) dead (D) ready
19. It is Jodi’s turn to ________ the dishes this time.
(A) switch (B) wash (C) watch (D) wish
20. ________ of tears came from Alice’s eyes when she heard her father had died.
(A) Drops (B) Shops (C) Stops (D) Rocks
21. The kids are playing ________ happily outside.
(A) bands (B) fans (C) games (D) trains
22. I like reading books very much. It is my ________ to get a job in the library.
(A) dream (B) jeans (C) peach (D) team
第- 1 -頁 (共 4 頁)
23. A: Look. The BST Bombs are singing and dancing. They are so handsome. B: ________ They are my favorite band.
(A) How come? (B) Thank goodness! (C) Not really. (D) You can say that again.
24. Where ________ Jessica come from? She can speak Chinese, English, Japanese, French and Korean.
(A) are (B) is (C) do (D) does
25. My classmate, Connie, ________ big eyes, thick lips, and long hair.
(A) is (B) be (C) has (D) have
26. Taylor practices the piano very often, but his sisters ________.
(A) can't (B) aren’t (C) doesn't (D) don't
27. Sandra always gets up at 6:30 in the morning. She ________ late for school.
(A) is never (B) never is (C) never be (D) has never
28. Darren often plays basketball with his classmates ________ classes, so (所以) he is often late for the next class.
(A) after (B) before (C) between (D) during
29. A: What do you do on Sunday afternoons, Jason? B: I often play ________ with my friends.
(A) sports (B) guitar (C) basketballs (D) computer
30. A: ________ does your father go to the library? B: Every morning, but he seldom checks out books from there.
(A) How often (B) How tall (C) What day (D) What time
31. A: ________ your brothers often play basketball with you? B: Yes, two or three times a week.
(A) Does (B) Do (C) Is (D) Are
32. A: What time does Aaron ________ his dog every morning? B: Sometimes before seven, sometimes after eight.
(A) feed (B) feeds (C) fed (D) feeding
33. A: Are you happy at cram school, Sam? B: No, I ________.
(A) don’t often (B) seldom do (C) am seldom (D) never am
In the baseball team of Albany High School, Jim and Tim are both top players. Jim is a born baseball player. With a tall body,
strong arms and long legs, he is perfect for the sport, but (35) . Jim practices for at least two hours every day and puts his
all into every game. (35) , Tim is not very strong, but he makes up for it with much practice. Jim and Tim (36) , but
they are both top players in the baseball team, and they need each other’s help in every game.
base stealing 盜壘

34. (A) this is not enough (B) he does not practice a lot
(C) this is only an example (D) he is also good at other sports
35. (A) By the way (B) During the games (C) On the other hand (D) Thanks to his hard work
36. (A) seldom practice together (B) are both good at baseball
(C) are different from each other (D) always practice hard after school
Danny Ong is a twelve-year-old student in Singapore. Please read his daily routine at school.

Mon. to Thu.
7:20-8:00 8:00-10:00 10:00-10:40 10:40-14:00 14:00-15:30 15:40-17:30
(Mon. & Tue. only)
Join the school Join the first Take a break Join the fourth to Eat lunch and Practice basketball
assembly three classes the eighth class have a break or painting

7:20-8:00 8:00-10:00 10:00-10:40 10:40-12:40
Join the school assembly Join the first three classes Take a break Join the fourth to the sixth class

assembly 集會 take a break 休息

第- 2 -頁 (共 4 頁)
37. It is 2:22 p.m. on Tuesday afternoon. What is Danny doing now?

(A) (B) (C) (D)

38. What can we know about Danny?
(A) He has lunch at school on Fridays. (B) He has 40 classes at school every week.
(C) He eats breakfast at home every day. (D) He can go to school at 7:30 on Monday morning.
The yatagarasu is a special animal from old Japanese stories. It is much like a big bird. Its wings are long, and it has three
legs. The yatagarasu uses magic to help people. It is very important for Japanese people. We can often see pictures of this animal
in Japanese books and games now. story 故事 wing 翅膀

39. What may be a picture of yatagarasu?

(A) (B) (C) (D)

40. What can we know about yatagarasu?
farmer 農夫
(A) It is good for people. (B) We can find it in real life.
(C) Its wings are not very strong. (D) It is an important bird for farmers.
Do you know the story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde? In this story, Dr. Jekyll is a good person. He helps people and saves
lives during the day. But, the good doctor sometimes changes into Mr. Hyde, goes out and hurts people at night. The doctor
thinks he must do something to stop it.
In real life, people with dissociative identity disorder (DID) are just like Dr. Jekyll. They sometimes change into different
persons. But unlike Dr. Jekyll, these people do not always change into a different person at night. Also, they don’t always know
what they do when a different person takes over. Sometimes they don’t want to hurt people, but they can’t help it.

when 當 want to 想要

41. What does Dr. Jekyll do at night?

(A) He saves lives. (B) He hurts people. (C) He stops Mr. Hyde. (D) He takes over Mr. Hyde.

42. Who may have dissociative identity disorder (DID)?

(A) Derrick. He often changes his name when he is in trouble.
(B) Diego. He usually changes into a bird and flies around in his dream.
(C) David. He is short and weak, but he always thinks he is tall and strong.
(D) Dylan. He sometimes changes into a different person, but he doesn’t know.

第- 3 -頁 (共 4 頁)
43. What does Lydia do every weekend?
(A) Go out with Zoe. (B) Watch videos on TV.
(C) Play computer games. (D) Study at cram school.
44. What time does Lydia get up on Saturdays?
(A) 2:00 a.m. (B) 12:00 a.m. (C) 2:00 p.m. (D) 12:00 p.m.
45. What can we know from Zoe’s and Lydia’s words?
(A) February twenty-fifth is Thursday.
(B) Zoe goes to the library every weekend.
(C) Lydia goes to bed very early on Saturdays.
(D) Lydia can go out with her friend on Saturdays.
第三部分:單字及文意字彙 16%
(請完整寫出課本的單字及變化,並將答案寫在答案卷上;每題 1 分)
46. 47. 48. 49. 50.

51. 身體 52. 頭髮 53. 嘴唇 54. 拯救 55. 不同的

(n.) (n.) (n.) (複數) (v.) (a.)
56. There are sixty m________es in an hour.
57. It is 7:25 now. Let’s hurry. Don’t be l________e for school.
58. Dr. Jekyll sometimes c________es into Mr. Hyde, goes out, and hurt people.
59. Sharon brushes her t________h three times a day to keep (保持) them clean.
60. Lucas often makes t________e at school. His parents are very worried (擔心
61. Mr. Lawrence works for twelve hours a day. He is always very t________d
after work.
第四部分:依提示作答 8% (請將答案寫在答案卷上;每題 2 分,分段給分)
Please answer questions 62-65 about Kevin’s cat.
Name: Milo
62. Are Milo’s ears small? (請詳答)
Height: 24 cm
63. Does Milo have big eyes? (請詳答)
Cat food (breakfast)
64. How tall is Milo? (需拼出「數字」及「公分」) Food:
Fish (dinner)
65. How often does Milo eat food?

第- 4 -頁 (共 4 頁)

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