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Take-Aways for September 4, 2021

By: Angelou S. Abello

EDAD 205 Student

I. Introduction
Plenty of theories are made by the different authors and most of it was being embraced
by today’s era, theories that gives benefits to every organizations, institutions and
Establishments because of the impact that was being brought by it. Discussed below are
one of the theories that are very vital since then. Every theory proves that until now they

II. Discussion
The Max Weber’s theory which is the theory of Bureaucracy serves as a very vital aspect
nowadays because most of the organization or institutions both public and private
adapted it. The features of Bureaucracy structure makes the theory essential because it
contains division of labor where the complex work was transformed into a simple jobs,
the hierarchy of authority where the higher office will controlled and oversee the lower
one and that was applied today, the framework of rules where employees are obliged
to follow and abide in every actions they made, the Impersonality where promoting
employees on the basis of their performance and ability rather than favoritism because
nowadays employees got promoted because the higher authority are their relatives and
that is not a good practice, the last is the formal selection where the selection staff will
select according to their capacity and ability to perform the job.
The Taylor’s scientific management theory which emphasizes that the workers and
managers should cooperate with each other in order to have a good and successful job.
This theory became commonly practiced to have a good working environment and
promote teamwork and cooperation.
The Fayol’s Administrative Management theory which focuses on the principles that
could be utilized by the admin or managers for the betterment of the organization or
institutions. It consist five elements of management which are: Planning, Organizing,
Commanding, Coordinating and Controlling. These five elements brought a big role of
management because it makes the organizations and institutions meet the standards of
the best management.
The Gulick’s and Urwick’s papers on the Science of administration which explained the
7 elements and those are Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Coordinating, Reporting and
budgeting which also contributed a lot in every establishments and organizations for it
gives a lot of uses in the administration.

III. Conclusion
Those all theories mentioned above was contributed a lot of today’s generation because
all organizations, establishments and institutions both public and private are adapting it
especially in the field of education which demand a high standard of management
because we are molding students and to ensure that we can provide and produced an
ideal graduates we should have apply and adapt the essence of theories made by the
great authors.

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