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Name : I Made Wahyu Aryanata

NIM : 1712021243

Class : 6G







1.1 Research Background

Nowdays, technology is the ruler of the world, almost all countries have used technology as a
necessity which was only as a tool. However, currently technology does not only help facilitate
human work, but is also useful in many ways, for example helping learning media, social media,
agriculture, entertainment and even in education. as we know that currently the world has been
shaken by a pandemic that has directly changed the world situation which is called the virus-19
disaster. As a result of this pandemic, everyone must adopt a healthy lifestyle that limits their
activities, including learning and teaching. several areas have changed their learning methods
from face-to-face learning to online learning. This will certainly be an opportunity for educators
and students to learn to use various technologies in developing the quality of online learning.
Within the current online learning situation, of course, the method, time allocation, media used in
online learning is very different from the face to face or direct meeting methods. Then, teachers
have to rack their brains to find effective methods and also the use of suitable online media to
continue to improve students' language skills.

21st century technology has been developed to be able to assist a learning process, where the
use of technology has begun to be used as a medium or tool for the teaching and learning process
in the classroom. According to (Hamad, 2017) We can see the rapid development of technology
in the 21st century that has dominated the world and at the same time our lives, as we experience
today, the use of smart phones today has developed many social media applications that people
access every day, for example, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Telegram, etc. This
moment should be utilized by educator, as the educators must be able to prepare or develop
learning methods in the classroom by using technology as a learning tool that can develop
critical thinking skills needed by students in solving problems they encounter in the classroom
(Ranasinghe & Leisher, 2009). As one of the spearheads of the times, according Vassallo &
Warren (2018) as cited in Orlando (2014) that the use of technology in schools has increased
drastically, where students must use technology skillfully to be able to improve effectively in a
more digital world. In addition, as someone who will become an example by students, educators
should also develop the ability to use technology in the current online learning situation, because
in online learning situations like today, students must learn from home which indirectly have to
learn without teacher supervision or direct monitoring. so that the role and creativity of teachers
in designing the learning process using technology is highly tested. Hamad et al., (2019) as cited
in Hismanoglu (2012) states that bringing the technology into classroom will gave an
opportunities for both of teacher and students are able to create learning environment that
proposed to increase teaching and learning process.

According to Jasrial, (2017) technological developments such as smartphones are an

effective and potential tool to support the teaching and learning process. As a form of
technological development today, learning using smartphones has been widely applied by
educational systems, where smartphones have prepared various applications that can be used to
support online learning. Like the current phenomenon, many schools have integrated the use of
smart phones that provide opportunities for students to learn through various applications such as
Edmodo, Google classroom, google meet, Schoology, WhatsApp, and others. Within the
existence of technology as the learning support, the learning situation will be more varied to
avoid the use of conventional methods, which can cause student motivation decrease, cause
boredom, and learning becomes less varied.

However, in Educational system at Indonesia, WhatApps has become a popular application

in the Education system instead of Google Classroom, where this application has provided
various features for learning. WhatsApp application offering many feature has support teaching
by facilitator the application such as text message, voice call and video WhatsApp, Photos and
document, WhatsApp on web and desktop, and voice message (Jasrial 2017). With the various
features provided by WhatsApp, students can access the material in online social media instead
of doing interaction, sharing, and work collaboratively in remote teaching context.

In language learning, there are four components of language skills that must be mastered
by students, namely speaking, writing, reading, and listening. In this case, the four skills must be
trained with the right method, especially with the current pandemic situation which requires the
use of online media. Hamad (2017) states that “Using WhatsApp to facilitate and create an
avenue for learning and communication as well, as it is the most common App to the students,
and they always have their mobile phones and smart phones in their hands, beside it is cheap to
activate the App ”pp. 74-75. By implementing the WhatsApp application in the current learning
situation, students will still be able to learn languages and practice their language skills in
network mode or with the help of applications. besides that, many studies have investigates the
implementation WhatApps in language learning, for example For teaching English Gon &
Rawekar, (2017) reveal using WhatsApp can increase student’s motivation and students’
participation in writing course. Then, the using of WhatsApp’s is not only give an effect on
student motivation but also enhance students’ engagement in online class. According to Jasrial
(2017) as cited in Kheryadi (2017) reveal that student’ felt confidence, enthusiastic, independent
learning and show positive attitude during the discussion by distribute some questions through
WhatsApp application as a media or platform in online learning. It means that what can be
effective tools to make the students engaged in learning dan teaching process.

WhatApps has certain benefits such as low cost, simplicity, accessibility, efficiency, and
natural language (Gon & Rawekar, 2017). that’s’ why these app is consider to be potential tool to
support learning process and has majority on implications in pedagogics. Thus, these WhatsApp
is very beneficial for students because it can access able anywhere and anytime, available for
access in outside and inside the classroom, and support collaborative learning (Fattah, 2015). So
that these Apps is appropriate to support the learning when teacher and students cannot conduct
the learning in face-to-face situation especially in this pandemic situation which applied online

Furthermore, The implementation WhatsApp has been using as the teaching media for
teaching language in online learning situation such as speaking skills. speaking as the
communication skills which practically in oral condition and often recognize as productive skills
must be trained rapidly. Speaking can be measure of people knowing or mastered the language
(Nurazizah et al., 2019). In this pandemic situation, teachers must find ways to be able to
practice students' speaking skills, because speaking skills should be trained with the right
method, the right media, and authentic assessments (Gudu, 2015). Meanwhile, in a distance
learning situation like today the teacher needs the right learning tools to practice the students'
speaking skills. As in previous research, the use of feature such as voice chat has also been
researched by (Nurazizah et al., 2019), which in this study stated that the use of WhatsApp as a
potential online media to practice students' speaking skills, where students can record voices and
then send recordings their votes for the whats group, (Nurazizah et al., 2019) also revealed that
there are three steps in implementing voice notes, namely pre-activities, main-activities, post-

There were several studies that have been investigated the implementation of speaking
skills in the class. (Ainun & Nurweni, 2018) states that teaching speaking can be conducted
through mobile devices or computer which students are given a chance to promotes willingness
and practices the target languages in speaking. Through practicing in voice note students can
practice their speaking skills through applications that make them interact in online classes such
as exchanging information, take their time for chatting, sharing their thought, which these
activities can be like what they usually do on a daily basis with their friends even with distance
learning. Furthermore, according to (Aiunun, n.d.) as cited in (Hadijah, 2015) there are several
factors that underlie the decline in student progress in practicing speaking. This results in a
somewhat less satisfactory student achievement in context speaking skills. Most of Indonesian
students like limitations in terms of speaking components, less than the level of understanding of
the material in English books, time management in practicing, and besides that environmental
factors do not support making a habit of speaking English. Then, those argument can be
strengthened by (Ivone, 2005) states that the use and practice of English is quite difficult to do
outside of school because most Indonesians believe that English is just a set of grammar rules
and vocabulary that must be memorized first because English is a foreign language. for that
teachers are required to make learning designs that can make students interested and provide
them with opportunities for students to learn outside the classroom.

Moreover, another study have been conducted studies in unitizing WhatsApp to improve
students’ language skills is bin Tahir (2015) was conducted the research about implementing
Synchronous Computer Mediated communication (CMC) namely instant messenger that is voice
chat provided by yahoo Application to enhances student’s speaking skill as University of Iqra
Buru. The studies have been revealed that the highest score of students’ speaking ability in terms
of comprehensibility rather than fluency and accuracy. In addition, the study were found the
common obstacles of English learner is still have difficulties in 1) mispronunciation and
grammatical in terms of speaking accuracy, then in terms of 2) fluency researcher found that too
many pauses, halting, and repeating words in several times, 3) In terms of comprehensibility the
researcher reveal that lack of vocabulary mastery and grammar caused misunderstanding in
learning (bin Tahir, 2015).

In line with the current research, researchers will study the implementation of voice notes
at SMA CANDIMAS PANCASARI, which in this study, researchers will focus on investigating
how teachers applied voice notes in training students' speaking skills at SMA CANDIMAS
PANCASARI, besides that researchers also want to study the teacher challenges in teaching
speaking in the classroom by using voice notes as a tool for clouding learning. In addition,
researchers are also interested in obtaining data through collecting student opinions regarding the
Implementation of voice notes in learning, which data is used to see student perceptions about
the effectiveness or the course of the learning process. Based on the Preliminary observations
that researchers have done, for some time they have used voice notes to train students' speaking
skills in this online learning situation. The descriptive qualitative will be follow off the design of
the study in order to describe the data that collected from the observation, interview and
questioner that will be used to collect the data at SMA CANDIMAS PANCASARI. The
researcher will used two English teachers and 2 classes as the object of the current research who
implemented voice note at SMA CANDIMAS PANCASARI.

1.2 Identification of the problem

As one of the most important skills in Learning language, speaking is a skill that has a
significant role in conveying information. Speaking is important skills to communication skill
that carry out to get information, build relationship, and convey information. Speaking skills
requires someone to mastered several elements in speaking such as grammar, vocabulary,
pronunciation, fluency and comprehensions. As the important skills speaking skills need to
trained everyday in daily life especially for Indonesian Learner that recognize that English is not
our mother tongue, so to speak English is not easy without practicing. According to Sayuri
(2016) as cited in Hadijah (2014:1) found that the common problem encountered by learner
especially Indonesian learner were, they often have problem in mastering grammar, vocabulary,
pronunciation, fluency and comprehensions even though it also caused by several interpersonal
factor such as afraid to make mistake in pronunciation, shy to showing English ability, lack
speaking practice, time management, speaking material and lack motivation in learning.
Further, changes in learning methods from face-to-face to online also greatly affect the
management of students' speaking practice, so students must learn to speak independently in a
long distance. In this case, the researcher tends to investigates the implementation of the voice
message feature or voice note to improve students' speaking ability in the middle of
implementing distance learning or online learning situations. According to (Ehsan
Namaziandost, 2019) states that there are some difficulties that encountered by students in
educations such as inhibition, lack of topical knowledge, low or uneven participation, and the
mother tongue use. Those difficulties should be resolves by teacher to get the learning objectives.

Based on the Background, the researchers tried to do research in senior high schools on
the implementation of voice note in SMA CANDIMAS. The researcher formulated three
research problem in how voice note implemented by teachers in speaking class during the online
learning. Then how the challenges that encountered by teacher during teaching through voice
note especially in trained students’ speaking skills and how students’ opinion during the
implementation of voice note in the class.

1.3 Statement of the problem

In this research, there are several research questions that the researchers will use as a reference to
obtain data and information related to research. Research questions can be formulated as follows:

1. Does the use of voice note give any effect to the students’ achievement in English
speaking class?
2. Does the use of voice note give any effect to the students’ motivation?
3. Does the use of voice note give any effect to the students’ motivation and student’
English speaking achievement simultaneously?

1.4 Research Objectives

1. General objectives

The general objective of this research is to analyzes of the implementation of voice note on
WhatsApp application to students speaking motivation and students result at SMPN SATAP 2
SUKASADA that the researcher chosen as the object of the present research. In this case, the
researcher is interested to conduct an experiment in that school.

2. Specific Objectives

The specific objectives of the proposed research are as follows

1. To investigate the impact of implementation of voice note in WhatsApp application to

enhance students’ speaking motivation in online learning
2. To investigate the impact of implementation voice, note in WhatsApp application to
enhance students result in speaking class

1.5 Research Significance

Theoretical significance of the study can be viewed from two perspectives namely theoretical
significance and practical significance.

1. Theoretical significance

Theoretical significance of this present study is expected to provide an information and also
becomes a source of implementation of voice note in online learning especially for teaching
speaking class.

2. Practical significance

In practically, the result of recent study is expected to provide a sources and information to
teachers, student, and researchers.

a. Teacher
The result of recent study is expected to use as the sources for teaching speaking skills
toward voice note especially in speaking class at online context, because in online
learning teacher needs to provide varieties of platform to attract the students’ interest.
b. Student
The result of the present study is expected to give an information for the students to find
a new way in practicing their speaking abilities through smartphone application
especially voice note on WhatsApp.
c. Researchers
The result of this study is expected to use as the resources for conducted the similar
research in the future. Furthermore, this research also expected to give an information to
formulated the idea for the future research.

1.6 Research Scope

The research that the researcher will carry out at this time is a study that offers a medium
in the form of utilizing the voice note feature on the WhatsApp application to train students'
speaking skills which later or may be used in the learning process, where in the current online
learning situation, especially the 2020 academic year. 2021 is required to use various platforms
to be able to continue implementing effective learning. In this case, the teacher as a facilitator
must have many ideas to make students' interest in face-to-face and online learning the same,
even more especially in developing English speaking skills. In online learning situations like
these students have to study independently because they cannot meet directly with their teacher
or even with their classmates.

By this situation, the question arises, how can students practice their speaking skills, then
what is the teacher's strategy to be able to practice students 'speaking skills, and whether
students' motivation increases or decreases because their learning method changes? Therefore,
here the researcher wants to use the potential of WhatsApp as a medium for learning that is quite
potential that offers several qualified features to support online pursuits. Where researcher is
interested to investigates the teacher strategies to teaching speaking through voice note, teacher
challenges in the teaching, and also analyze the students’ opinion of implementation voice note
in improving their speaking skill.


2.1 Theoretical Review

1. Definition of language

Language as a tool of communication has the vital role in convey the message. According
to (Marriam Bashir; Muhammad Azeem; Ashiq Hussain Dogar, 2016) language is arbitrary
formal symbol in which assign by grammatical rules to convey the meaning. In universal
language living in community that has a relation with culture. Therefore, language has relation
with culture. English language as the international language, it is learning in many countries as
the center language for communication.

2. Definition of Speaking skill

Speaking skill is one of the important skills in communication. According to (Ehsan

Namaziandost, 2019) speaking is generally used by people to communicate the idea in order to
do an interaction in social context, whereas this kind of skills needs to be practices a the process
of building and communicating the meaning through the use of verbal and non-verbal
expression. as the process sharing, producing, receiving information speaking is defined as the
reactive process that involves our expression to convey certain meaning (Ehsan Namaziandost,
2019) as cited in (Chaney, 1998, p. 13). Furthermore, (Hamad et al., 2019) as cited in Byrne
(1986) reveal that speaking is oral communication involve speaker and listener that concerned on
productive skill and receptive skill (Brown, 1994) and (Burns & Joyce, 1997). In communicating
means that there is certain language involves by structured grammatical and vocabulary used. In
addition, speaking as the productive skills in oral communication, it’s not only how to use right
grammatical and vocabulary, also use right order word for pronouncing the words and all aspect
mechanism such as grammatical, vocabulary, and pronunciation is emphasized to get purposes of
communication skills. Thus, according to (Marriam Bashir; Muhammad Azeem; Ashiq Hussain
Dogar, 2016) Functions transaction and interaction : Awareness of when message clarification is
important it is cover transaction / exchange of information and when there is no need for a
precise understanding Building interaction / relationship.
3. Technology

It cannot be denied that technology is an alt which is a necessity in the world. almost
every substance utilizes technology as a necessity that is most often used in everyday life. Not
only in everyday life technology has also played a vital role in education, where according to
(Cetinkaya, 2017) technology digital has widely use by young people, it’s allows that social life
has integrated with virtual life. Technology has been developed, especially social media, which
is part of the development of technology. In this case, (Cetinkaya, 2017) also revealed that the
use of cellular technology has transformed social interactions into virtual interactions that use
messaging applications to interact, for example, such as WhatsApp, Facebook, Messenger, and
others. As the result of technology development any institution of school try to involves
technology in their learning system. In addition, the utilization of technology in learning
language have been shown that learning through technology can develop of grammar
vocabulary, reading, writing, pronunciation Studies, listening, and speaking skills (Gon &
Rawekar, 2017) as cited in (Haigh, 2010; Levy, 2009; Namaziandost & Shafiee, 2018).

4. Mobile Learning

As cited in (Fattah, 2015) Portability and accessibility of mobile devices in this digital era
have attracted many scholars to apply them in the educational settings. Mobile devices are
support the learner to learning independently through utilizing the technology to searching the
material or sources toward internet digital. In addition, 2004 (Naismith) reveal that the modern
technology has been demand by learner because it was support them to access the task anywhere
and anyplace. The terms of mobile learning previously have been limited by laptop and computer
based, nowadays mobile learning is integrated with smartphone that consist of variate application
that support the learning especially learning online (Fattah, 2015). In addition (Fattah, 2015) as
cited in Berger, (2001) also reveal several point about the important of mobile learning assisted
in education namely:

a. Better for learning “anywhere and anytime”

b. Freedom discussion inside and outside the class
c. Ascessable for distance communication
d. Unitilizing of internet digital
e. Accessibility and integration of the sources

5. Learning through Whatsapp application

Whatsapp aplication as the one of popular media have been unitializing by many people to
communicate in social network. Whatsapp aplication is provide potencial vitur for supporting the
learning, therefore (Fattah, 2015) define that whatsapp messanger is across-platform intants
communication contained text messaging, the users enable to communicate through voice chat,
and also video. This new mobile messaging is eazily to used without any training. As a Simple
social network will be aces sable to get the information quickly especially design a group.
WhatsApp application is provide an opportunities for the users to an interaction among
individual and group in social network Fischer (2013). (Cetinkaya, 2017) also found that
learning toward WhatsApp application offering some benefits such as easy accessibility, fast
communication, reliable communication, contribute to students’ communication, peer support,
learning everything and everywhere. Moreover, (Sherine et al., 2020) in his study have reveal
that learning through WhatsApp discussion can develop students interaction collaborative
learning context. This context means that students can learn to do interaction in informal
situation in online learning. Then the most important of learning from these apps in available for
sharing session among peer, and interaction between teacher and peer.

6. WhatsApp voice note in speaking class

application provide a various feature in Mobiles assisted language learning that may
become the learning tools, it depends on how teacher design the classroom especially in online
class. In addition, teacher should be creative in utilizing the that feature in Mobile application
(Imam Ardiansyah, 2019). Ardiansyah as cited in La Hanisi, Risdiany, Dwi Utami, & Sulisworo
(2018) also stated that WhatsApp’s can be used to exchange the information between users by
use many features such as text, image, video, and audio message inside. Wherever, WhatsApp
provide many features inside that, it used will be different in educational context. One, the
features in WhatsApp is voice note, this feature is enabling the users to send their voice in
WhatsApp group. This future is note really difficult to be use and doesn’t need any requirement
for installing any supported application except WhatsApp application itself.
Students may have many challenges in speaking class. Those challenge may give an
effect on their motivation in learning process. According to (Quinn, 2014) and (Al Hosni, 2014)
The challenges that usually found by students in learning such as lack of confidence, afraid to
speak, less vocabulary, students worried in making a mistaken usually called inhibition. Those
challenges were found in conventional class or meeting face-to-face. Meanwhile, in online class
the challenges would be different. (Gudu, 2015) as cited in Talley and Hui-ling (2014, p.7)
Stated that the curriculum should encourage the student to perform, to practical, and students
needs to engaged to learning. That’s mean students’ need to more actively rather than teacher.
Speaking skill need to train by students itself in order to increase self-motivation in speaking and
also generating speaking behavior. Teacher as the instructor and motivator also has the role to
manage the classroom innovative and creatively.

7. Students’ motivation in speaking class

Speaking as the most important skill among four language skills including listening,
speaking, reading, and writing (Quinn, 2014). It should be mastered by the learner because
speaking is the requirement for communicating in our daily. This language skill still challenges
for many learners. According to (Al Hosni, 2014) as cited in As Zhang (2009)” reveal in his
study that speaking remains the most difficult skill to master for the majority of English learners,
and they are still incompetent in communicating orally in English”. This case may cause by
factor that influences the students lack of speaking competency. According to (Ehsan
Namaziandost, 2019) stated that Teacher has low motivation to do task or exercises in speaking
because teacher only given conventional strategies and it will be complicated if students’ do not
has motivation in speaking. Therefore, Motivation has taken the important role of the learner
successes in educations. Motivation can be divided into two namely Intrinsic motivation and
extrinsic motivation. According to (Ng, 2015) define intrinsic motivation is motivation comes
from the learner itself, in other words this motivation as the individual identify for being well
and caused by their anxiety and satisfaction to learning experienced. While Extrinsic motivation
is motivation comes from the outsides encourage (Ng, 2015). This motivation often constructs
the learner to do something cause by the sake of rewards that inherently for goals of learning it
selves. Many expert have reveal that intrinsic motivation is closely encourage students in
learning in order to achieve the Learning goals rather than extrinsic motivation (Walqui, 2000).
Therefore, Both Intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation have taken the vital role in making
the students engage in learning process.

Intrinsically, Intrinsic motivation more helpful than extrinsic motivation, it just because
students are interested in learning for achieving something and for the sake of knowledge. While,
extrinsic motivation is more likely forced the students to used their abilities to get a set of reward
from their positive attitudes and also avoiding the consequences or punishment (Wilona &
Ngadiman, 2010). In speaking class, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation are needed to help the
students engaged or participated. As the instructor teacher may attempt to build students intrinsic
motivation by using practical or performance and related the topic to environment or current
topic. It may attract the students enjoy their learning. While, teacher may provoke students’
extrinsic motivation toward reinforcement and punishment because this element is needed to
strengthened the students’ motivation because they will consider the consequences of positive
and negative behavior.

2.2 Empirical Review

Used social media is substituting the new method for teaching speaking especially in
remote teaching context. There were many studied have conducted the research in the same field
with the current research. The Studies were conducted by (Sherine et al., 2020) about the impact
of WhatsApp interaction and informal learning to improve students’ speaking skills in terms of
fluency and coherence, lexical resource, grammatical range and accuracy and pronunciation
which form the criteria for assessing speaking skills in IELTS. In particular studies was reviewed
that the used of mobile learning in learn the second language, mobile phone has reach (67%)
popularity of all the other learning portable devices (Persson & Nouri, 2018). The studied were
involve participants of undergraduate engineering students and were adopted mixed method.
These studies were implemented speaking assessments in the models of IELTS and the
participant were given collaborative learning activities and problem-solving tasks at regular
intervals for over two semesters. The researcher stated that WhatsApp as the comfortable tool for
sharing and instant communication, but it considered as serious academic research for create a
space of interaction. On the hand, the researcher has revealed the positive impact of that the
participant though very active from the first until the end of discussion. Students were express
their opinion that learning through WhatsApp can improve their oral skills through speaking
partners. Moreover, the result of study shows that more than 60% participant are active, the 40%
students are not confidence to speak.

Moreover, another studied was conducted by (Imam Ardiansyah, 2019) about qualitative
study on how the teacher implementing WhatsApp voice note in teaching speaking through
narrative text. In addition, the study also investigates about the teacher perspective on using
voice note to improve the students’ speaking skills on narrative text. The studied were involve 35
students in tenth grade senior high school. Based on the studied the researcher found that teacher
was implementing three steps of used voice note in speaking class. The result of the observation
shows that students are actively engaged in the classroom, but it depends on how teacher given
the instruction and the material, so the responses will be good as well. Furthermore, Imam
Ardiansyah (2019) reveal that the using of WhatsApp’s can increase the students’ motivation to
resolve their matter, it can be observe when they was enthusiastic participate in the lesson. In
addition, another was conducted by Susanti and Tarmuji (2016, p. 26-31) founded that Learning
toward WhatsApp application can improve student’s language proficiency in collaborative work.
Thus, From the teachers’ perceptions it was found that “students can utilizing the technology
inside the social media, it make the students can practice their abilities in pronunciation, because
they are train to record their voice many times until they satisfied to send in the group” (Imam
Ardiansyah, 2019). This means that students are practicing to improve their pronunciation and
voice note can improve their motivation to produce the right voice.

The using of WhatsApp’s note only investigates in speaking skills in terms of fluency and
coherence, lexical resource, grammatical range and accuracy and pronunciation. This new
application is have been studied for investigate the impact of using WhatsApp to improving the
student writing skills especially for vocabulary, words choice and voice. According to
(Alsaleem, 2013) as cited in (Fogg, 2010) stated that technologies has brought a big impact on
the social development of the learners, it’s also becomes a new way for teaching development.
This studied was conducted in Translation Language and college in female branch of Islamic
University. The study was involved the English undergraduate students and the studied were
adopted quantitative, quasi-experimental study. The studied was reveal that word choices and
vocabulary voice have improved in addition of using WhatsApp electronic journal, whereas the
researcher also reveal that this new method is effective for developing student’s writing skills.
Another studied have been conducted in field of Arabian students Elementary School.
According to (Gon & Rawekar, 2017) as cited in (Nation, 2001) stated that WhatsApp can be
used to enhance students’ vocabulary, which also very important in speaking proficiency. This
studied were conducted to data collection to the students’ perception of learning vocabulary
through WhatsApp. The result of the studied show that student’s perceive learning toward
WhatsApp have increase their motivation to completed the vocabulary assignment and there
were 76% students agreed that utilizing WhatsApp as the tool for learning is given them a
flexible time and space. Furthermore, most of the students choose WhatsApp as the future
learning tool rather than traditional method like using paper and pencils. It can be concluded that
vocabulary as the one of component in speaking skills can improved toward WhatsApp
application. In addition, (Quinn, 2014) have conducted study in speaking difficulties encountered
by English Language students’ at university Al Quds Open University, the studies found the
students are rarely practice their language outside the classroom, because they have low
motivation and do not have enough encouragement from their environment. Beside that student
have limited to practice their language inside the classroom. Based on that problem, teacher
needs to make them familiar with their language proficiency using social media, because most of
students’ activity is conducted on social media especially adult learner (Mustafa, 2018).

Moreover, (Mustafa, 2018) have been studied about the impact of YouTube, skype,
WhatsApp to improve students’ speaking skills at Arab Open University, Saudi Arabia. There
were four components assess in this study namely content, vocabulary, grammar, (pronunciation
and fluency). The study was distributed pre-test and post-test in terms content, vocabulary,
grammar, (pronunciation and fluency) in order to see the impact of YouTube, skype, WhatsApp.
The researcher found that students’ speaking abilities increase toward the three platform
(Mustafa, 2018). “Result of the study shows the mean was 1.59 while it jumps to 2.95 in the post
test in term of content. In vocabulary the mean was 1.410 in the pre-test while it increases to 2.27
in the post test. In grammar, the mean was 0.95 in the pre-test but it goes up to 1.77 in the post
test. In Pronunciation and fluency, the mean was 0.91 while in the post-test it rises to 2.09”
(Mustafa, 2018). It indicated that learning toward YouTube, skype, WhatsApp have increased
the students spoken skill. In addition, the researcher reveals that the successes of implementing
YouTube is depend on how teacher given interested video in order to make them attract to watch
the video. Meanwhile, the goals of teaching and learning through WhatsApp is defend on
sending video and audio that make students learn from the audio and practice from the audio
voice. And the lest practicing through skypes can increase students’ authentic performance
because students are able to practice real conversation. This study indicated that the three of
media mentions can be used as speaking practical outside the classroom apart from face-to-face

The similarities between the previous study and the current research can be seen from the
utilization of several social media especially WhatsApp for improving students’ language
proficiency. Then, there are some studies have been proved the impact of WhatsApp application
for increase students leaning language such as in terms of pronunciation, vocabulary mastery,
writing skills, coherent, fluency and grammar as the important of Speaking skills. Those previous
study showed that learning toward social media such as WhatsApp, skype, and YouTube gives
many advantages for teaching and learning process. Learning toward WhatsApp also provide the
students’ online room discussion since the teacher use appropriate method and learning material
to make students participate actively in the class. However, the recent study will focus on
investigate the impact of WhatsApp voice note to improve students’ achievement in speaking at
remote teaching context and also reveal the impact of WhatsApp voice note application to
student’s motivation especially intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in remote teaching context at

1.9 Hypothesis

Berdasarkan peomena yang terjadi dilapangan, beberapa penelitian menemukan bahwa pelajar
Indonesia mengalami masalah pada pronounciation, grammar dan fluency serta masalah lain
pada interpersonal seperti kepercayaan diri dan motivasi belajar. Secara umum walaupun Bahasa
inggris merupakan bukan Bahasa original kita tetapi banyak pelajar Indonesia yang memiliki
kemampuan berbahasa yang cukup mumpuni jika dilatih secara terus menerus dengan metode
dan media yang tepat.


3.1 Design of the study

Quasi-experimental research design which belongs to the types quantitative research will
be conducted to achieving the research objectives. According to Rogers & Revesz (2020) states
that quasi-experimental is the research design that seek for the casual relationship between
independent variable and dependent variable. In addition, Loewen & Plonsky (2016) stated that
independent variable is expected some effect to dependent variable. In this case, the researcher is
interested to seek for the impact of implementation voice note as dependent variable to students’
achievement as independent variable and student’s motivation as independent variable in
speaking class especially in remote teaching context. The first one, the quantitative data
collection will be collected through pre-test and post-test in terms of (vocabulary, pronunciation,
and grammar) by non-randomized control group. Then, the questioner will be distributing toward
google form to achieve students’ data in order to gain the student’ perceptions about the impact
of using voice note whereas each item contain scale (1 strongly disagree until 5 strongly agree).

3.2 Population and sample

The study will be conducted at SMPN 2 SUKASADA in academic year of 2020/2021. The
population of the study will be students at SMPN 2 SUKASADA while the sample will be 8
grade students.

Distributions of population and sample

No Class Population Total Population

1 VIII A 20 41
2 VIII B 21

3.2 Variables

In this research, the research will conduct the experiment in Junior high school of SMPN
2 SUKASADA. This present research will examine the impact of voice note to students’
achievement and students’ motivation in speaking. so that there are three variables that will be
identified namely voice note as dependent variable, students’ achievement in speaking as
independent variable, and student’s motivation in speaking as independent variables. The
proposed study is aim to examine cause and effect between variables.

3.3 Method and Instrument of Data Collection

a. Pre-test and post test

The data collection will be through pre-test and post-test. According to Milun et al.,
(2005) states that “Pre-test is aim to ensure the comparability of the two groups prior to the
treatment, while Post-test allows the researchers to determine the immediate effects of the
treatment on the outcome variable(s)”. The post-test and Pre-test will be distributed to 41
students that divided into 2 group namely control group and experimental group. In the first
section the pre-test will be conducted to both of control group and experimental group in terms
of (vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar), the objectives of this test are to determined
students’ prior knowledge about vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar. Then, the post-test
will be conducted to experimental group and control group to get the data of student’s
achievement after the treatment. In the pre-test method will be conducted to measure the
student’s competency in mas

b. Survey

A survey will be conducted proposed to obtain the student’s perception about does using
voice note can increased student’s motivation in speaking. survey will be conducted after pre-test
and posttest administrated, because the researcher needs to know student’s perception about the
impact of voice note to their motivation in speaking. A close ended question will be used by
researcher to collect the quantitative data in the study regarding to student’s perception. The
questioner will contain 50 questions with rate scale 1 (strongly disagree) until 5 (strongly agree).
This method will be applied by researcher as the last steps after the experiment to the groups.
The result of this method is proposed to answer the second research questions “what voice note
give a significant effect on students motivation in speaking class?”.

Research Questions Method of Data collection Instruments

1. What voice note has Pre-test and Post test Pre-test and post test
significant impact on questions in terms of
students’ achievement pronunciation, vocabulary
in speaking class? and grammar.

2. What voice note has Survey Questioner

significant impact on
students’ motivation
in speaking?

3.4 Method and technique of Data Analysis

a. Descriptive analysis

The data collection will be obtained through both of Pre-test and Post-test. According to
Kaplan M. Robert dan Saccuzzo P. Dennis (2012: 6) states that Test is the method of data
collection that the test is a measurement technique used to measure behavior or help understand
and predict behavior. The obtain data will be analyzed using descriptive statistics.

B Inferential statistics

Masukkan prasyarat melakukan inferential statistics

The researcher will use t-test statistical analysis to compare the mean between groups that
whether they have averaged the same or not.
Formula t-test:

Multivariate Analysis= question no 3


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