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Senior High School Department

F. Imson St., San Pedro, Pateros, Metro Manila
SY 2020-2021

General Biology – 02

Learning Competencies:

1.1. characterize compare and contrast the following processes in plants and animals: reproduction,
development, nutrition, gas exchange, transport/circulation, regulation of body fluids, chemical and
nervous control, immune systems, and sensory and motor mechanisms

Name of Student: Julianne Maxine G. Flores Grade and Section: _Grade 12 St. Dominic__

A. Plant Tissues and Reproduction

Today, there are more than 325,000 known plant species. Plants enabled other life-forms to
survive on land. For example, plants supply oxygen and are a key source of food for terrestrial animals.
Also, by their very presence, plants such as the trees of a forest physically create the habitats required
by animals and many other organisms.

1.Log on to the internet and visit the following website: – study the handout attached in your account about plant body parts

2.Answer the following:

I. Differentiate the Root and Shoot System of Plants in terms of:

Difference in: Root System Shoot System
Structures Root system grows The shoot system is an
beneath the ground, aerial and erect part of
Involved absorbing water and the plant which grows
minerals from the soil. It upwards.
is mainly composed of
roots, tubers, and
Functions The root system absorbs The shoot system of a
water and minerals from plant functions as the
the soil while providing area where
support to the plant on photosynthesis,
the ground. It keeps the transportation and
ground intact in the reproduction occur.


II. Meristems: Differentiate the three types of meristematic tissue. Give its
importance and where they are located.

Apical Meristem Intercalary Lateral

Meristem Meristem
Importance These kind of The intercalary The lateral meristem
meristem tissues are meristem is used by helps in increasing the
immature cells with monocots for rapid thickness of the plants.
thin walls. A compact growth and regrowth It is part of secondary
arrangement can since these tissues are growth.
divide and from new capable of cell division.
cells. It can cause the
length of root and
stem to increase.
Another important use
of this meristem is the
asexual reproduction
of plants.
Location Apical Meristems can Intercalary meristems Lateral meristems are
be found just below are found in the leaves present on the lateral
the root cap in the and the internodes of side of the stem and
roots. It is a cluster of plants. roots of a plant.
densely packed and
undifferentiated cells.

III. Simple Tissues. What are simple tissues? Give their function.

- Simple tissues are made up of only one type of cell. It helps in the storage of food
and mechanical support. These are the types of Simple Tissues and their functions:

1. Dermal Tissues
- Also known as protective tissues, they are formed in the outer covering of plant
parts like the stem, roots, fruits, and flowers.
o Stomata
 Stomata are specialized pores that allow gas exchange through holes
in the cuticle.
o Trichomes
 Trichomes are either unicellular or multicellular structures that
develop from epidermal cells in above-ground plant tissues. Some
examples are leaf hairs.
o Root Hairs
 Root hairs function as the protectors of plants, it covers and protects
the plant as well as controlling gas exchange and water absorption.
2. Ground Tissues
- Ground tissues are neither dermal nor vascular. It consists of the majority of cells
that perform basic survival processes such as growth, photosynthesis, and storage.
It is made up of three types of cells called:


o Parenchyma
 It is a spherical, oval or polygonal cell. Its cell wall is made from
glucose and may or may not have an intracellular space. The main
function of this cell is to perform photosynthesis, storage, or
o Collenchyma
 It is made of elongated living cells with unevenly thick primary walls.
The function of this cell is to provide support, structure and flexibility
to the plant.
o Sclerenchyma
 It has thick lignified secondary walls and usually die when it gets to
its mature state. The primary function of this cell is to provide support
to the plant.

IV. Complex Tissues. What are complex tissues? Give their function.
- Complex tissues distribute water and nutrients throughout the body of the plant.
There are two types of vascular tissues:
o Xylem
 It is a major component of vascular tissues.
 The primary function of this tissue is to transport water and solutes
from the plant to soil interface to the stems and leaves. It also
functions as a storage and support.
o Phloem
 It is made up of living cells.
 Phloem transports carbohydrates from sites where they are produced
to their storage sites.
 There are pipelines that supports the transportation of carbohydrates,
it is called sieve tubes. The sieve tubes are stacks of living cells that
are connected to perforated sieve plates.


V. Plant Reproductive System. What is the reproductive organ of the plant? Draw
and differentiate the male and female sex organs.

Sexual production in plants is the sole function of flowers. A plant’s reproductive part is
the flower’s stamen (if a male), and the pistil (if female), or both. There are also
accessory parts such as sepals, petals, and nectar glands.



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