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Principles in Crop Production

Module 3
Nature and Composition of Crop Plants

Overview and Objectives:

This module deals with the different plant parts and its function. It discuss plant
cell, tissue until plant organs. Moreover, it focuses on the plant organ system on
different crop species. This will help to fully understand and familiarize with plant
parts, organs and its function.

At the end of this module, the learners will be able to:

 Familiarize and describe plant parts and their functions
 Identify the plant parts and function


 What is a cell?
 A cell is the basic unit of life
 A piece of protoplasm bounded on the outer perimeter by membrane with two distinct
region, the nucleus and cytoplasm.
 From the Latin word “cella” means storeroom or chamber
 The plant cell is the basic structural and physiological unit of plants in which most
reactions in plant life occurs.
 Function of the cell
 Manufacture, transport and storage of food
 Uptake and transport of water
 Provision of structural strength,
 Suppression of water loss and division to attain new forms.
 Two types of cell based on structure
 Prokaryotic cell
 lack of membrane nuclei and organelles
 mostly bacteria and green/blue algae (single cell organisms)
 smaller than eukaryotic cells
 Eukaryotic cell
 Possess organelles bound membrane like nucleus, plastids and mitochondria.
 plants, animals, fungi and protest are examples


 Cell wall
 the non-living portion of a cell
 Made up of cellulose, pectic substances and lignins.
 Protects the protoplast
 Provides external structure in some tissues (bark and wood)
 act as strong support to the plants
 Protoplasm
 The living portion of a cell which contain: nucleus, cytoplasm, mitochondria etc.
 The term was first defined in 1835 as the ground substance of living materials and,
hence, responsible for all living processes
 Organelles in Protoplasm
 Nucleus
 The cell governor contains chromosomes that contains DNA and associated
 DNA information coding for cell function, differentiation of organism and for
 Cytoplasm
 The liquid matrix of the cell.
 It is mainly composed of water, salts, and proteins.
 It may appear to have no form or structure, it is actually highly organized
 Organelles in Cytoplasm
 Mitochondria
o Produced the energy rich compound ATP. Which is a complex organic
chemical that provides energy to drive many processes in living cells, “Power
house of the cell”.
 Ribosomes
o Granular structure responsible for the protein synthesis. Which important in
completing the cell activities.
 Endoplasmic reticulum
o Further process protein then transport them to their respective destination
 Golgi bodies/Dictyosomes
o Multi layered complexes important in secretory activities. Responsible for
transporting, modifying, and packaging proteins and lipids into vesicles for
delivery to targeted destinations.
 Lysosomes
o Contain hydrolytic or digestive enzyme. They digest excess or worn out
organelles, food particles, and engulfed viruses or bacteria. Lysosomes are
like the stomach of the cell.
 Plastids
o Rounded, oval, or irregularly-shape organelle protoplasmic bodies. different
types of plastids contribute to plant metabolism thus promoting plant growth
and development
o Types of Plastids
a. Chloroplast  the green plastids responsible for photosynthesis
b. Chromoplast  colored plastids which is the main pigments are carotenoid.
This is also found in flowers and ripe fruits.
c. Leucoplast  colorless storage plastids that stores oil, starch and proteins.
 Vacuoles
 Serves as storage of water soluble pigments, anthocyanin (blue and red) inorganic
salts, alkaloids and other toxic products
 Provide structural support to the cell by turgor pressure

 It is an organize group of cells with common origin and functions.
 Collection of similar cells performing an organized function for the plant.
 Three Types of Plant Tissue
A. Dermal tissue
 Covers the outside of a plant in a single layer of cells called the epidermis
 Epidermis  responsible on the exchange of matter between the plant and
 Epidermis on above ground organs (leaves and stem) involved with gas exchange.
 Epidermis on below the ground organs (roots) involved with water and ion uptake.
B. Vascular Tissue
 Transport water and dissolved substance inside the plant
 Components of Vascular Tissue
 Xylem  carries water and dissolved ions from roots to stem and leaves.
 Phloem  carries dissolved sugars from the leaves to all other parts of the plant
C. Ground Tissue
 Main function is for metabolism, storage, protection and support activities.
 Components of ground tissue:
 Parenchyma cell  occur in pith, pith rays, cortex. Main function is for storage
 Collenchyma cell  cell support of the cell, characterized by thickenings of the
wall, they are alive at maturity.
 Sclerenchyma cell  they often occur as bundle cap fibers. Sclerenchyma
cells are characterized by thickenings in their secondary walls
 Tissues found outside the plant
 Nectaries  occur on various parts of the plant. In flowers, they called floral nectarines
and they secrete nectar that attracts insect for pollination.
 Hydathodes  secretes pure water, droplets of water may form along leaf margins of
certain plant due to secretory activities
 Salt glands  found in plants that grow in desert or brackish area.
 Osmophore  secretes fragrance in flowers. The repulsive odor of aroids is attributed
to the amines ammonia secreted by osmophores.
 Digestive glands  found in insect-eating plants. e.g., pitcher plant
 Adhesive cells  secretes materials that aid attachment between host and parasites
 Tissues found inside the plant
 Resin duct  found commonly on woody species which secretes sticky resin
 Mucilage cells  slimy secretion found the growing tip of the roots and believed to
aid the passage of roots through the soil
 Oil chamber  secretes aromatic oils
 Gum duct  cell wall modification results in the production of gums in certain trees,
 Laticifers  latex secreting glands
 Myrosin cell  secretes enzymes called myrosine, w/c when mixed with its substrate,
thioglucosides. This occur when cell are raptured by insect or animal during chewing.
A. The Leaf
 Five types of leaf
 foliage leaves
 budscale
 floral bracts
 Sepals
 cotyledon
 Functions of the leaf
 Food synthesis  leaves manufacture food by the process of photosynthesis.
Foliage do this function
 Protection  this role is performed by non-foliage leaves (budscale, floral bracts,
and sepals) through protection of vegetative and floral buds
 Storage  cotyledon or seed leaves store food that used by seeds during
 Modified leaves
 these leaves perform functions other than photosynthesis
 these leaves carry on photosynthesis under unusual environment
 Types of modified leaves
 Spines or thorns  for protection against herbivores
 Storage tissue  for food storage, as in bulbs (e.g, onions)
 Thickened leaf surface  to reduce moisture loss under xeric (dry condition)
 Thin cuticle and gas chamber  for survival under submerge conditions
 Tendrils  string-like structure for additional support.
 Internal structures of the leaf and functions
 Cuticle  a layer of wax-like material called “cutin”. It protects the leaf and
prevents evaporative loss through the epidermis.
 Epidermis  a layer of cells that form the outer protective layer of the leaf
 Mesophyll  a layer of cell beneath the epidermis
 Vascular bundle  comprised of the conducting tissues, xylem and phloem
 Bundle sheath  a ring of cell around the vascular bundle of leaves of a certain
species. Involved in photosynthesis in C4 plants
 Stomata  pores in the epidermal layers defined by two special cells called
guard cells. The closing and opening of the guard cells regulated the rate of
movement of carbon dioxide and water between leaf and the atmosphere.
B. The Stem
 The stem is the central axis of the shoot and plants.
 The initial stem develops from the embryonic bud or plumule.
 The stem may be herbaceous or woody.
 Functions of the stem
 Provisions of the mechanical support to hold branches, leaves and reproductive
structures. It is important that the leaves are well displayed to maximize light
interception for photosynthesis.
 Conduct water and minerals up to the leaves, and assimilates from leaves to other
parts of the plant. This function occurs through vascular system.
 Useful as materials for crop propagation (e.g., in taro and potato, cassava,
sugarcane and some sugar grasses).
 Types of Stem
 Trunk  main axis of the stem system
 Branch  lateral portion of the tree and originates from the trunk of or from other
 Shoot  composed of stem and leaves developed from bud
 Twig  shoots that attained one year of growth and the leaves have fallen
 Terminal bud  responsible for all of its new growth. It is typically located at the
end of a plant stem.
 Modified Stems
 Rhizomes  an unusually thickened and horizontally growing underground stems
(e.g., ginger).
 Stolons  an unusually slender and prostrate above stem. (below the ground)
 Runner  modified stems runs above the ground (e.g. strawberry)
 Tuber  example is potato
 Bulb  stem modified as bulb (e.g., onion, tulip)
 Crown  compressed stems with leaves and flowers on short. They are generally
found near the surface of the soil (e.g., African violet)
 Internal Structure of the Stem
 Vascular bundle  comprise of the conducting tissue, xylem and phloem
 Ground tissue  occurs between the epidermis and the ring of vascular tissue
 Cortex  occurs between epidermis and ring of vascular tissue
 Pith  center of the stem, specialize storage and not readily discernible in
C. The Roots
 Underground vegetative organs of the plants.
 Function of the roots
 Anchor plants in the soil, holding stems upright and preventing toppling by wind.
 Absorb the nutrients and water used by plants in photosynthesis and other
physiological functions.
 Modified roots have storage roles, as occur in sweet potato where they are the
economic part of the plants
 Aerial roots occur in certain species, where they provide additional support for
the plant through attachment to physical support
 Types of roots according to origin
 Seminal roots  derived from seeds of grasses.
 Adventitious roots  derived from other parts of the plant such as stem and leave.
 Parts of the roots
 Root cap  found at the root tip for protection
 Root hairs  tiny extensions of roots epidermal cells that absorbs water and
minerals from the soil
 Modified roots
 Aerial roots
 Prop roots
 Storage roots
 Two basic root system
 Taproot system
 Primary roots consisting of a large central axis and several lateral roots.
 Taproot is usually deeply penetrating and is found in dicots and gymnosperms
 Sometimes swollen and is harvested as economic part (e.g., carrot and sugar
 Fibrous root system
 Occurs in grass family
 Lack a dominant central axis and is shallowly penetrating.
 Fibrous roots have more soil-binding effect and used in erosion control in soil
conservation practice.
D. The Flower
 Flowers are modified or specialized leaves that enclose the reproductive organs of
seed plants.
 Function of the flower
 Attracting pollinators (e.g., insects) by their color or the scents they exude.
 For sexual reproduction and development of seeds and fruits.
 Economically useful like ornamental flowers.
 Most useful part in crop improvement
 Types of flower based on symmetry
 Regular  all parts are of the same size and shape
 Irregular  petals are not alike in size and shape
 Classification of flower
 Complete  contains all the floral parts
 Incomplete  missing one or more of the floral parts
 Perfect  contains both stamen and pistil
 Imperfect  missing either stamen or pistil
 Flowers with stamen only is called staminate
 Flowers with pistil only is called pistillate
 Plants with both staminate and pistillate flowers on the same plants is called
 Plants with either staminate and pistillate flowers in different plants is called
 Parts of a flower
 Pedicel  stalk that carries flower
 Receptable  attached to pedicel, holds the flower
 Sepals  collectively called calyx
 Petals  collectively called as corolla; the calyx and the corolla are collectively
known as perianth
 Stamen  collectively known as androecium; contains filament and anther
 Pistil  collectively known as gynoecium; contains the stigma, style and ovary
 Cereals and grass lack both petals and sepals
 In grass flower (called floret) these structures are replaces by two bracts, the
lemma and palea
 The spiklets are grouped together to form the inflorescence.
E. The Seed
 The seed is a propagational unit of a flowering species and the economic parts in grain
 General parts of seed:
 Seed coat/testa  covers the seed
 Embryo  the young plant, including the cotyledon
 Endosperm  a nutritive substance which provide the embryo with energy and
raw materials for its development
F. The Fruit
 It is the mature ovary, to which is attached a variety of associated parts which are the
residues of the floral parts.
 Function of the fruits
 Protects the seed and aids in its dissemination
 Classification of fruits:
 Based on origin
1. Multiple fruit  fruit resulting from the development of separate flowers in a
compact inflorescence (e.g., jackfruit, pineapple, durian
2. Aggregate fruit  arises from the development of separate pistils in one flower
(e.g., atis, guyabano, strawberry
3. Simple fruit  arises from a single ovary (e.g., chico, papaya)
 Based on the pericarp texture
1. Flesh fruit  pericarp fleshy and poor texture
o Berry  the ovary wall is fleshy, has one or more carpels and many seeds
(eg., pepper, tomato, eggplant, banana)
a. Pepo – is a berry with hard rind (eg., squash, cucumber, upo, papaya)
b. Hesperidium  a berry with leathery rind (e.g, oranges, calamansi,
dalandan, suha)
o Drupe or stone fruit  fleshy and poor textured pericarp. Examples are
coconut, pili nut and avocado.
o Pome  derived from several carpels, receptable fleshy, outer
portion of pericarp flesh, inner portion papery. Examples are apple and
2. Dry fruit  pericarp is dry and hard
o Dehiscent fruit  pericarp is hard and dry
a. Legume or true pod  Carpel one, splitting along two sutures; e.g.,
beans, peanut, ipil-ipil, acacia, tamarind
b. Follicule  Opens along one suture (ventral); e.g., pandacaqui
c. Capsule  Carpels two or more, dehiscing in one or four ways; e.g.,
achuete, cotton, tobacco, okra.
d. Silique  Carpels four; two outer ones, sterile and two inner ones,
fertile; e.g., Tecoma stans, pechay, radish.
o Indehiscent fruit  fruits that do not split when ripe
a. Achene  seeded, seed attached to the seeds coat at one point only;
e.g., cosmos, sunflower.
b. Caryopsis  one seeded, pericarp firmly united all around the testa;
e.g., rice, corn
c. Samara  one or two seeded, pericarp bearing a wing like outgrowth;
e.g., narra, apitong, lauan, Chinese parasol.
d. Schizocarp  carpels two or more, united spitting apart at maturity;
e.g., castor oil fruit, celery.
e. Nut  a hard, one seeded fruit, generally produced from an inferior
compound ovary, and with an involucre; e.g., kasoy, hazelnut.

 Lecture with class discussion

 Oral recitation

 PowerPoint presentation
 Educational videos

 BAUTISTA, O.K. 1994, Introduction to Tropical Horticulture. (2 nd Ed.) SEAMEO, SEARCA

and UPLB. College Laguna
 TAMAYO N.V. and J.G. CANARE. 2016. Nature and Composition of Plants. Crop Science,
Agriculturist Licensure Examination Review Manual. Central Luzon State University

Questions to answer
1. What are the function and importance of plant cell and tissue to crop plants?
2. What are the function and importance of different plant organs?
3. In economic or farmers point of view, what are the importance of these different plant
4. Why it is important to know and understand the different parts and types of different plant
organs especially on crop plants as a researcher or agriculturist?

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