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1. In connection with government transactions involving public interest, which policy is adopted in the Constitution to
assure the public of accountability and transparency?
a. Rural development and agrarian reform
b. Public enterprise and incentives to needed investments
c. Balanced and healthy ecology
d. Full public disclosure
Art. 11, Sec. 28 states: “Subject to reasonable conditions prescribed by law, the State
adopts and implements a policy of full public disclosure of all its transactions involving public

2. The important factors which have contributed to the weakness in the internalization desirable social values are the
a. Lack of models among the very people expected to exemplify these values
b. Use of approaches which are mainly cognitive rather than effective
c. Lack of follow up systems from one grade level to another
d. Minimum recognition and appreciation given to teachers

3. To govern is to rule and the government rules buy laws. Whose main duty is the enforcement of laws?
a. Police department
b. Judiciary department
c. Legislative department
d. Executive department
Inherent Powers of the State:
Police Power – Enforce the Law
Eminent Domain – Take private property for public use
Taxation – To defray the expenses of the Government

4. In teaching the democratic levels in the classroom, which of the following is MOST consistent with current
educational thought?
a. Democracy as the smoothest form of government is emphasized
b. The teacher should effectively lead the discussion on current affairs
c. Democratic belief can be taught based on respect for individual worth and faith in ability of people to govern
d. Democratic beliefs can be taught by assuring that celebration are observed as honor national heroes

5. Without limiting the rights of parents to rear children, the Constitution provides compulsory elementary education
a. All children of school age
b. All physically able individuals
c. All children of pre-school age
d. Adult citizens and out of school youth

The right of every Filipino to quality basic education is further emphasized in Republic Act 9155 or the
Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001. Along with Republic Act 6655 or the Free Secondary Education
Act, these laws reaffirm the policy of the State to protect and promote the rights of all Filipinos by providing
children free and compulsory education in the elementary and high school level. This pertains to six years of
free tuition fees for children aged 6 to 11, and free four years of secondary schooling for those aged 12 to

6. The term that refers to the class of Filipinos who were free and independent
a. Timawa
b. Maharlika
c. Aliping namamahay
d. Aliping saguiguilid

7. The gallant champion of Filipino rights during the Spanish regime was:
a. Father Diego de Herrera
b. Father Martin de Rada
c. Saint Francis Xavier
d. Bishop Domingo de Salazar

8. The Spanish expedition responsible for naming the archipelago Filipinas:

a. Magellan’s expedition
b. Loarca Martin de rada
c. Legaspi Expedition

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d. Villalobos expedition

9. Who said that Rizal is the greatest son of the Malay race?
a. Antonio Ma. Regidor
b. Ferdinand Blumentritt
c. Don Pedro Paterno
d. Dr. Maximo Viola

10. The third and last military Governor of the Philippines was:
a. General Wesley Merritt
b. General Elwell E. Otis
c. Major General Arthur MacArthur
d. Douglas MacArthur

11. At the bottom of the judicial system during the Spanish time were the:
a. Regional Trial Court
b. Municipal Trial Court
c. Justice of the Peace Court
d. Barangay Court
Below the Royal Audiencia in Manial were two District Audiencias, one in Cebu and the other in Vigan. These
were established in 1893 and had jurisdiction over criminal cases on appeal. In the provinces, courts of first
instance were also established in 1886. Before that year, the alcalde-mayor acted as provincial governor and
provincial judge at the same time. This practice proved defective because the alcaldes-mayor abused their
powers, the position was thereby abolished. Its judicial functions were taken by the court of first instance of
the province and its executive function, by the provincial governor.

At the bottom of the judicial system were the justice of the peace courts in the municipalities. These justices,
like the judges of first instance in the provinces, were appointed by the governor-general on recommendation
of the Royal Audiencia

12. The law which has its applications where the military arm does not supersede civil authority but is called upon to
aid in the execution of its vital functions
a. Martial law
b. Educational Act
c. Civil Law
d. National Defense Act
Meaning of martial law
1. It includes all laws that have reference to and are administered by the military forces of the
A. the military law proper
B. the rules governing the conduct of military forces in times of war and in places under
military occupation.
2.It is the law which has application when the military arm does not supersede civil authority but
is called upon to aid it in the execution of its vital functions.

13. It is an act of forgetfulness putting to oblivion the offense of which one is charged
a. Pardon
b. Amnesty
c. Commutation
d. Reprieve

Specialty Definition: AMNESTY

Amnesty and pardon, are very different.

The former (Pardon) is an act of the sovereign power, the object of which is to efface and to
cause to be forgotten, a crime or misdemeanor; the latter, is an act of the same authority, which
exempts the individual on whom it is bestowed from the punishment the law inflicts for the
crime he has committed.
Amnesty is the abolition and forgetfulness of the offence; pardon is forgiveness. A pardon is
given to one who is certainly guilty, or has been convicted; amnesty, to those who may have
been so.

14. The cornerstone of all systems of effective administration of justice:

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a. Rules of procedure
b. Judicial practice
c. Tenure of office
d. Executive clemency

Effective and fair criminal justice systems a cornerstone of the rule of law
Judicial Practice
(1) The activity of the courts with respect to the application of the laws in the resolution of
specific cases.
(2) A tendency in the court’s resolution of certain categories of cases, a tendency that takes into
consideration the court decisions, primarily by the higher courts, that have acquired the force of
law. Judicial practice contributes to uniformity in the courts’ application of the laws.

15. Teacher and parents may well feel confused these days over the great variety of opinion on rearing the young but
it was no less this sage who said this is not unusual
a. Aristotle
b. Confucius
c. Socrates
d. Existentialism

16. This educational philosophical view is quite naturally, committed to a stimulus response type of learning and
human nature
a. Idealism
b. Pragmatism
c. Socrates
d. Plato

17. The earliest people showed their scientific ability when they:
a. Discovered the use of iron
b. Began to use bronze
c. Discovered the use of copper
d. Started using polished stone tools

18. The Persian Empire was considered the most efficient government of all times because:
a. The government had a well organized spy system
b. The system of government was well organized
c. All their rules are strong minded
d. The government had organized its provincial system

The Persian Empire was the first to attempt to govern many different racial groups on the principle of equal
responsibilities and rights for all peoples. So long as subjects paid their taxes and kept the peace, the king did not
interfere with local religion, customs, or trade. Indeed, Darius was called the "shopkeeper" because he stimulated
trade by introducing a uniform system gold and silver coinage on the Lydian model.

19. The social change that led the development of towns and cities in Europe was:
a. The slaves were able to buy their freedom
b. The traders and business become rich
c. The use of money as payment for service rendered
d. The downfall of the monarchy

20. The worst effect of capitalism due to the Industrial Revolution was
a. The low salaries of the worker
b. The decrease in the employed workers
c. The high priced of commodities
d. The capitalist were getting richer and the workers poorer

21. Which of the following inventions started the fast weaving process of cloth?
a. Flying shuttle
b. Cotton gin
c. Power loom
d. Spinning jenny

22. This invention produced electricity that greatly improved works of machineries
a. Air breaks
b. Dynamo
c. Petroleum
d. Internal combustion engine

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23. The fundamental focus of ritual activities in a native culture is the
a. Belief that the human body is ugly and must be healed
b. Belief that the place or shrine for ritual gives a special protection fro the family
c. Belief that it can be drive away bad spirits
d. Belief the more tools and charms the family possessed, more family protected

24. In the archeological record these have only very indirect traces or often leave no traces at all
a. The world of the mine
b. Size of the community
c. Formation of the land
d. Technological knowledge
25. Asian’s established different organizations in order to show the world that
a. They are culturally bound to one another
b. They are capable of developing their own resources
c. They are interested to help each other
d. Asia is for the Asians
26. The Philippines can be found in the region of
a. Southwest Asia
b. Southeast Asia
c. South Asia
d. Eastern Asia
27. The ruler who ordered the burning of the Confucian classic was:
a. Shih Huang Ti c. Pan Chao
b. Tai Tsung d. Kublai Khan
28. Asians face the truth of the gravity of the primary duty and responsibility to
a. Develop their resources
b. Preserve their independence
c. Continuously fight communism
d. Provide the self sufficient of the country
29. Most scientist now believe the theory of continental drift which means
a. That there was only one supercontinent
b. That continents are still moving slowly
c. That continent have moved in the distant past
d. That there was once a time the continent cracked
30. A delta is being built of deposits of sand and soil as a:
a. River dumps its soil and rock pieces along its lower path
b. River flows into the quiet waters and it slows down
c. River moves slower and spreads out over a wide area
d. River flows rapidly through the land
31. The biggest river in the world:
a. Yellow River in China
b. Rio Grande in Mexico
c. Mississippi River in the US
d. Amazon River in South aMERICA
32. It is called the biggest river in the world because:
a. Melting snow and ice add greatly to the supply of water in the area
b. This area receives more rainfall that it can store in the ground
c. The ground is filled with moisture and cannot absorb any added deposits
d. Water flows out of a huge area
33. If you go swimming in the morning, the water often feels cold because
a. The water returns heat from the atmosphere at a slower rate than does the land
b. The water absorbs the heat from the sun rays much more slowly than the land does
c. The climate near an ocean current depends on weather the current us cold or warm
d. The air around you is heated by the warm land
34. The warm winds that blow over the ocean are full of water vapor because
a. Warm air absorbs moisture
b. Moist air cool as it rises
c. Water heats up and cools off readily
d. It is usually between the ocean and the mountain
35. Which area of the world is generally known as the Fertile Crescent?
a. Plains of the Nile, Egypt
b. Plains of Mississippi
c. Plains around Syria
d. Low lands of Holland
36. Which of the following can be destroyed by man in one generation and yet will take hundreds of years of
a. Australia and South America
b. Australia and Asia
c. Antarctica and Australia
d. North America and South America
37. The forest of the country was cleared for gardening and logging for canoes and statue making preventing soil
erosion and cannibalism
a. Sri Lanka

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b. Myanmar
c. Eastern Island
d. Maldives
38. Social stratification is the system or process of assigning men their respective ranks in a society based on
a. The acquired social and cultural heritage of the society
b. The individual learning about his social position in the society
c. The income, wealth , education, occupation and lifestyle
d. One social stratum to another horizontally, vertically or laterally
39. Eligibility for membership in a kin based social unit is determined by
a. Biological relationship
b. Sociological rules
c. Mutual interest
d. Political and Jurally arrangement
40. Which island was the scene of the first landing of US troops when they recaptured the Philippines from the
a. Samar
b. Leyte Palo
c. Cebu
d. Mindoro
41. Greetings behavior in a variety contexts could be observed through
a. The way the greeting behavior serves as an indicator of social standing
b. Inferring the abstracting a set of cultural traits relating to greeting
c. Through the manner of shaking hands, how touching and vigorous the handshake was
d. Two person merely shaking hands
42. The internet is cutting many people in, but increasingly cutting many people out because
a. It balances the user into 50-60% basis for the rich and the poor
b. It creates a broader outlook for all the people
c. It gives a clear presentation as to what people stands for
d. 88% of the world’s internet users are wealthy industrial nations
43. It what countries are half of the populations the poorest in the world?
a. Bangladesh and India
b. Maldives Island
c. Cambodia and Laos
d. Sri Lanka and Vietnam
44. This is an animal or plant species or some other object or class of objects, with which the grouped believes it has
a mystical relationship
a. Socorate
b. Totem
c. Kaingang
d. Mesmer
45. The economic system that gives consumer sovereignty on what, how and for whom to produce are shaped by
a. The family
b. The People
c. The Government
d. Traditions
46. The choice of the nation’s economic system is important because it determines
a. The quantities of each good that will be produce
b. The distribution of goods and services
c. The manner in which goods will be produced
d. All of the above
47. Which of the following instances shifts the supply curve to the left?
a. Better technology
b. Decrease in cost of production
c. Decrease in number of sellers
d. Increase in number of sellers
48. The law of supply and demand is important in the Philippines economy because it is
a. A mix of economies
b. A command economy
c. The dominantly market oriented economy
d. A traditional economy
49. In every society, certain positions are assigned to individuals on the basis of age, sex, marital status and similar
other criteria. These patterns are
a. Culturally defined
b. Taught in school
c. Learned from parents
d. Universally accepted and practiced

50. An aspect of Philippine culture that does much to interpersonal communication beyond the community boundary
a. Fiesta celebration
b. Tagalog movies
c. Election
d. Zarzuela

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51. A society that adopts the democratic view of education places great emphasis on:
a. Choice of leaders in charge of education
b. The essential dignity of all individuals
c. Compulsory schooling for all citizens
d. The selection of textbook to use in school
52. An increase in gasoline affects the demand of cars
a. Income elasticity of demand
b. Price elasticity of demand
c. Cross elasticity of demand
d. None of the above
53. An ownership in business vested in a separate legal entity
a. Cooperative association
b. Corporation
c. Partnership
d. Sole proprietorship

54. In contrast with technological development which makes mass production possible, automation is likely to lead to
a. A change in the geographical location of important industries
b. An emphasis on skilled rather than semi killed labor
c. An increase in productivity of workers
d. A substitute of capital labor
55. The difference between a monopolistic competition and pure competition is
a. The number of sellers
b. The number of buyers
c. The product homogeneity
d. None of the above
56. The composition of older people in the population increases, per capital real income tends to decrease because
a. Less production supports the population
b. Less money income earned
c. Money income lags behind population
d. The proportion of the productive group to total population decreases
57. Measure of payment of wages, interest, rent and dividend:
a. Earning of Cost Approach
b. Value added Approach
c. Expenditure Approach
d. Flow of product Approach
58. The level of employment is to increased: if the real wages must fall the demand for labor is
a. A decreasing function of real wages
b. An increasing function of real wages
c. Maintaining Function of real wages
d. Either A or B[P
59. The province in the Philippines noted for highest incidence of underemployment
a. Cebu
b. Bicol
c. Quezon
d. Cagayan
60. The government tends to borrow foreign loans due to
a. The necessity to pay the interest of previous foreign debts
b. Its deliberate use of budget to stimulate the economy
c. Its reluctance to raise taxes
d. None of the above
61. Filipinos should be wary about the government foreign loans because of the
a. Bigger interest payments that the government has to shoulder
b. Imposition of new and higher taxes in the next fiscal year
c. Burden of the loan payments that will fall on the generation
d. All of the above
62. Manufacturing is superior earner of the Philippine economy is
a. Dollar earnings from gold’s
b. Export
c. Dollar from invisibles
d. None of the above
63. Manufacturing is superior to agriculture in terms of trade because
a. It could be easily transported fro trade to other countries
b. Its is not subjected to adverse weather conditions
c. It brings higher income
d. All of the above

64. Which of the following exercising propriety functions is not exempted from tax?
a. Educational institution
b. Religious Institution
c. Government owned or conglomeration
d. Charitable institution
65. The government can control over all spending by

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a. Tax rates
b. Extra tax collection
c. Tax exemption
d. None of the above
66. The only official vested with the power and discretion into a compromise tax cases:
a. President
b. Courts
c. Senate and Congress
d. BIR commissioner
67. The most important contribution of the industry sector to the economy:
a. Produce new products
b. Modernization
c. Use of raw materials
d. Provides employment
68. Which of the following does not consist money supply?
a. Use of check
b. Coins and bills in circulation
c. Savings and time deposit
d. None of the above
69. The comprehensive agrarian reform program is otherwise known as:
a. R.A. 6657
b. Agriculture LAND reform code
c. P.D. 27
d. None of the above
70. Which of the following program is covered by agrarian reform?
a. Education and Teaching of farmers
b. Family planning
c. Reorganization of land reform agencies
d. All of the above
71. Most important effect of increased efficiency in the agricultural sector:
a. Larger amount of foreign exchange for development
b. More and better food for the rapidly growing population
c. Increased income of rural families
d. Greater supply of indigenous raw materials for the expanded manufacturing industry
72. The Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) is achieved by:
a. An authoritarian regime
b. Revolution
c. Evolutionary means
d. None of the above
73. The financial intermediary of CARP:
a. Land Bank of The Philippines
b. Rural bank
c. Development Bank of the Philippines
d. None of the above
74. The successful implementation of CARP depends on
a. Less opposition from the elites who continue to dominate the Congress
b. The political will and commitment of the government and other people involved
c. The corporation of the church with the state
d. The government will convince the landlords to get involved with the program
75. The Cooperative Development Program is designed to support the
a. Land distribution system
b. Agrarian Reform Program
c. Funding CARP
d. Land Reform Program
76. To process the distribution commodities to members and non-members is the primary purpose of
a. Consumer’s Cooperatives
b. Producers Cooperatives
c. Marketing Cooperatives
d. Credit Cooperatives
77. The prevailing objective of the Cooperative Development Program:
a. To serve as a means of community development
b. To facilitate redistribution of income and wealth
c. To be systematic and system oriented
d. None of the above
78. In the Philippines, pearl oysters are abundant around ________
a. Samar island
b. Mactan island
c. Babuyan channel
d. Sulu achepilago

79. The third phase of cooperative movements in the Philippines:

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a. Organization of rural credit association
b. Enactment of cooperative marketing law
c. Bill on rural credit cooperation
d. Organization of the Consumers Cooperative League of the Philippines

80. Most impressive observation of Miguel Lopez de Legaspi regarding the Filipinos was:
a. Filipinos do not try to become wealthy
b. Filipinos have abundance of fish and game
c. Filipinos owned pearls as big as hen’s eggs
d. Filipinos can exchange gold for even a cheap little hawk’s bill
81. Most important material gains in Manila before and after Legaspi:
a. Diamond
b. Pearl
c. Copper
d. Gold
82. The first printed book, Christian Doctrine had two translations. These are
a. Nipongo and Filipino
b. Sanskrit and Filipino
c. Chinese and Filipino
d. Chinese and Sanskrit
83. The university was known as Escuela Pia during the Spanish regime was the:
a. Dela Salle University
b. University of Sto. Tomas
c. Ateneo de Manila University
d. San Juan de Letran
84. The Instrument Used by Spaniards to make the Filipinos read and write was:
a. The promulgation of laws on education
b. The strict, with punishment, way of teaching
c. The use of books with pictures
d. The teaching of Catechisms
85. The treaty that divided the world into two parts running from the North Pole to South Pole at a distance of 370
leagues west of Cape Verde Islands:
a. Treaty of paris
b. Treaty of demarcation
c. Treaty of Versailles
d. Treaty of torsedillas
86. It is a wine as clear as water but strong and dry and if used in moderation, can be a good medicine foe
a. Bubod
b. Tapuy
c. Tuba
d. Basic
87. The place where the first mass in the Philippines was held:
a. Mactan
b. Butuan
c. Limasawa
d. Homonhon
88. The place where the first battle of manila bay was fought:
a. Pasig
b. Tondo
c. Bambang
d. Bangkusay
89. The one who officiated the first mass in the Philippines:
a. Juan dela Conception
b. Domingo de Salazar
c. Diego de Herrera
d. Pedro de valderama
90. When Rizal was in Rome, His favorite places were:
a. St. Peter Basilica and the Sistine Madonna Chapel
b. The apian way and the Arch o Constantine
c. The Amphitheater and the forum
d. Different temple of veste

91. Governor General Terrero showed he was a conscientious, liberal and affable man when:
a. He detailed an officer of the civil guard to protect him
b. He discussed the bills of Philippines society in a well bred manner
c. He read Noli Me Tangere with an open mind
d. He did not let himself be intimidated by treat of the friars
92. The Batangueno priest who baptized Rizal and predicted that he will become a great man someday is:
a. Father Rufino Collantes
b. Father Jose Mateo
c. Father Jose Escudero
d. Father Romualdo de Jesus

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93. Who was the Lieutenant of the civil guards assigned to protect Rizal from molestation by his enemy was?
a. Lieutenant Pedro V Valdez
b. Lieutenant Jose Taviel de Andrade
c. Lieutenant Maximino de Santos Cruz
d. Lieutenant Mariano de San Miguel
94. The Sikatuna-Lagaspi blood compact was Significant in our history because:
a. Filipino people embraced Christianity by mass baptism
b. Spaniards complete the conquest of the entire country
c. It is the start of the very profitable galleon trade
d. Is tis the first treaty of friendship & alliance between the Philippines and spain
95. Which events in the Philippines History prove /s that the Filipino could hardly unite?
I. Rivalries between Aguinaldo’s and Bonifacio’s men
II. Split between Jose Rizal and Marcelo H. Dell Pilar in Madrid
III. The disagreement between Jose Rizal and Bonifacio on the manner of achieving reforms in the
b. I only
c. I,III
d. III only
96. Why was President Magsaysay dubbed as lover of the “little people”?
a. He observed a policy of attraction to win over the small group of dissidents
b. He showed special concern of pre-school children
c. He established school buildings in the barrios
d. He was endeared to the masses
97. In which wars did the United states and the Philippines fight side by side?
I. Seven years War between Spain and Great Britain
II. World War II
III. Vietnam War
a. I,II and III
b. II and III
c. I and III
d. I and II
98. Why is that role of the Philippines in the United Nations Organization (UNO) said to be practically mandatory?
a. She participates in the drafting of the Universal Declaration of the Human rights
b. Her constitution declares that she “ renounces war as instrument of national policy”
c. She is a member of many specialized agencies of the UNO
d. She participated in the drafting of the UN charter.
99. Which research method in the technology of food production changed over the past 15,000 years from the use of
tools of stone and bone to______.
a. Machines
b. Garden tools
c. Metal tools
d. Wooden tools
100. Which research methods does an anthropologist employ him to study people’s culture from the inside out?
a. Qualitative research
b. Focus group discussion
c. Ethnographic method
d. Participant observation
101. Children learn culture from parents and teachers. What is this process called?
a. Accommodation
b. Acculturation
c. Assimilation
d. Enculturation
102. Which from of government shall we have if we are ruled by a minority in the interest of the minority?
a. Oligarchy
b. Monarchy
c. Democracy
d. Tyranny of the minority
103. The Philippines Constitution is the law to which all other law must conform. Thus it is said to be______?
a. Conventional
b. Constitutional
c. The fundamental law of the land
d. Permanent framework of the government
104. The Philippine Archipelago is located between_____ and _____.
a. Vietnam-Thailand
b. Taiwan- Borneo
c. South Korea-Japan
d. Japan-Korean
105. In whose presidency was the Communist Party outlawed in the Philippines?
a. Elpidio Quirino
b. Fidel Ramos
c. Manuel Roxas

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d. Carlos P. Garcia
106. Which of the following was the La liga Filipina aimed to carry out?
a. To assassinate abusive and tyrannical friars and governors
b. To unite the whole archipelago into one homogenous body
c. To work for the separation of the archipelago from Spain
d. To spread revolutionary ideas and masonry
107. In which chronological order did the following events occur in history?
I. The Philippines Commonwealth
II. Spanish-American war
III. Philippines as a province of Spain
IV. Philippines as a Spanish Colony
108. Which statements of “el Filibusterismo” is True
a. It is a socio-historical novel
b. Everything contained in it was factual
c. It was dedicated to Rizal’s mother, sister and to the Filipino
d. It is a political novel in which Rizal predicted the coming of the revolution
109. The landed class enjoyed huge incomes from share tenancy and rents from inherited estates, while the
tenants remained poor. Because of this, the wealthy landowners________.
a. Abolished share tenancy and reverted the land back to the peasants.
b. Expelled tenants and actually worked on the farmlands themselves
c. Acquired tremendous economic, social and political advantage
d. Disposed of their landholdings voluntarily in response to social obligations
110. Who wants the Filipino native who wanted to be a priest but refuses because he was a native, and so formed a
religious brotherhood for which he sought recognition but was rejected?
a. Pedro Almazan
b. Andres Malong
c. Juan Sumuroy
d. Apolinario Dela Cruz
111.Who was the first woman in Panay to fight in the Philippines revolution?
a. Agueda Esteban
b. Trinidad Tecson
c. Teodora Alonzo
d. Teresa Magbanua
112. The agricultural lands to be distributed to landless tenants under the Comprehensive Agrarian reform
program (carp) include________________.
a. Rice, corn and sugar lands
b. Coconut lands
c. Sugar, coconut, rice and corn lands
d. Sugar lands

113. Which refers to a brief decline in business activity?

a. Depreciation
b. Inflation
c. Depression
d. Recession
114. What resulted from the “encomienda” system during Spanish colonial times?
a. Concentration of land ownership in the hands of a few
b. Emancipation of tenant farmers from bondage of the soil
c. Distribution of land titles to peasant
d. Eradication of tenancy
115. Hazing rights in school persists despite their being outlawed. Which is the purpose of such rites?
a. To minimize culture shock
b. To foster patriotism
c. To preserve tradition
d. To mark changes in an individuals status
116. Which trait/mentally goes with the Filipino sakop orientation?
a. Kanya-kanya mentality
b. Pakikisama
c. Extreme personalism
d. Pagmamalasakit
117. Which of the following correctly describes the practice of polyandry?
a. A woman has two or more husbands
b. Two cousins are married to each other
c. A family has two or more sons
d. A household is composed of a group of unmarried persons
118. In which country do the pastoral industries play an important role in the economy?
a. Canada
b. France
c. Germany

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d. New Zealand
119. Which issue caused the estrangement of the relations between the Philippines and Malaysia in the past?
a. The founding of MAPHILINDO
b. The Philippines claim of sabah
c. The shaping of the Federation of Malaysia
d. Terrorists issue
120. Why dis Shi Huangdi build the Great Walls of China?
a. To prevent Chinese emigration to the north
b. To prevent the influx of foreign cultures to china
c. To protect the Chinese people from the barbarians
d. To keep out invaders from the north
121. The lighter, unpigmented skin most likely evolved in the temperature climate for what reasons?
a. To protect skin against sunlight
b. To protect skin against sunburn
c. To absorb more light
d. To protect against sunlight & sunburn
122. A community oriented education goes with our government philosophy of___________?
a. Modernization
b. Improvisation
c. Centralization
d. Decentralization
123. Which of the proof that the Philippines were inhabited as early as 21,000 years ago?
a. Chinaware unearthed in calatagan, batangas
b. Boat fragments excavated in Butuan river banks
c. Skull cap discovered in Tabon Cave, Palawan
d. Mummies found in Timbac Cave in Benguet
124. Which is/are true the Philippines participation in the United Nations Organization?
I. Participated in the drafting of the Un charted
II. Joined the United Nations forces in the Korean War
III. Participated in the drafting of the Universal declaration of the Human rights.
c. I,II
d. I,III
125. Is Christianity a leading religion in Asia?
a. Yes, In fact it is also the world’s leading religion
b. No. there are more Asians who practice Hinduism than Christianity
c. Yes it is practiced in the Philippines, Lebanon, and Cyprus
d. No, there are more Asians who practice Buddhism than Christianity
126. With the promotion of Social justice in mind, which does Not belong to the group?
a. Profit sharing
b. Diffusion of wealth
c. Absolute right over property
d. Equitable access to education
127. It is the privilege of the President to address and appear before the Congress at the opening of its regular
session. What do you call this address?
a. Inaugural address
b. Privilege speech
c. Presidential address
d. State of the Nation Address
128. The Philippines consists of islands and landlocked provinces. Which is a landlocked province?
a. Isabela – no answer
b. Romblom
c. Masbate
d. Mindoro oriental
129. The Philippines lies within the seismic belt. As a consequence, it has experienced severe:
a. Floods
b. Famine
c. Drought
d. Earthquakes
130. Which parts of the Visayas has have comparatively more excessively moist climate and limited arable lands?
a. Eastern
b. Western
c. Central and western
d. Easter and central
131. What was a consequence of Spain’s defeat to the British?
a. Increased credibility on the part of Spain
b. Spain’s indifference on the part of spain
c. Spain’s loss of face before the Filipino
d. Spain’s more intense arrogance
132. Who among the Presidents was known for his nationalistic moves particularly in the field od economics
a. Diosdado Macapagal
b. Ferdinand Marcos

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c. Carlos P Garcia
d. Corazon Aquino
133. Who among the Presidents change the date of our celebration of independence day from July 4 to June 12?
a. Ferdinand Marcos
b. Carlos P. Garcia
c. Diosdado Macapagal
d. Ramon Magsaysay
134. In Philippines history, who resisted the conversion to the catholic faith?
a. The tribal groups in the highlands
b. The muslim separatists in the south
c. The indigenous communities in northern Luson
d. The tribal groups in the highlands and the Muslim separatists
135. Who has the lawmaker, chief executive, and judge o the pre-hispanic barangays?
a. Datu
b. Bathala
c. Maharlika
d. Teniento del barrio
136. Which was well accepted by the Filipinos under Spanish rule?
a. Representation in the CORTES
b. Employment of REDUCCION
c. Paymentof BUWIS
d. The practice of POLO

137. Why wasn’t Gen. Mac Arthur not in favor of Sergio Osmenia s president then?
a. He was obviously anti-America in sentiment
b. He harassed Manuel Roxas, a friend of Gen. Mac Arthur
c. He was sickly
d. He was perceived to be quite slow in the face of national crisis
138. Which whom Rizal differ in personality and opinions? Their difference led to the end of propaganda movement
in Spain.
a. Marcelo H. del Pilar
b. Gregorio del Pilar
c. Graciano Lopez Jeana
d. Andres Bonifacio
139. What Rizal predict in his El Filibusterismo?
a. The coming of the revolution
b. His parent’s execution
c. The Filipino’s defeat in the revolution
d. His execution at Bagong Bayan
140. Which Katipunan member commuted from Cavite to Manila to buy materials used to make ammunitions?
a. Agueda Esteban
b. Teresa Magbanua
c. Tirnidad Tecson
d. Teodora Alonso
141. Which economic condition/s in the country may have helped shape the “Filipino First” policy?
I. The Filipino had complete control of fisheries and had better control of forestry and transportation
II. The foreign businessmen controlled mining, electricity, commerce and manufacturing.
III. The Central Bank discriminated against Filipino businessmen in the allocation of dollars for import
c. I,III
d. I,II
142. What is the charge imposed under the policy power of the state to promote the general welfare?
a. Communism
b. Globalism
c. Mixed economies
d. Capitalism
143. Which economic system is based on free enterprise?
a. Communism
b. Globalism
c. Mixed economies
d. Capitalism
144. In a changing dynamic society, the trend id to which type of society?
a. Gemeinschaft
b. Sometimes gemeinschat
c. Gesselschaft
d. Sometimes gesselchaft
145. Why is every government employee to submit an annual of assets and liabilities?
a. To safeguard the people against corruption
b. To determine who deserves promotion
c. To be objective in performance evaluation
d. To determine who is fit for the job

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146. The Filipino ningas cogon attitude points to hi_____.
a. Colonial mentality
b. Passivity
c. Lack of discipline
d. Lack of reflection
147. To which Filipino trait does the German gemeinschaft correspond?
a. Bayanihan spririt
b. Utang-na-loob
c. Hospitality
d. Pakikisama

148. What does the Grand Canyon of the Colorado River prove? A change in the earth’s surface can take place by
way of__________.
a. Changes in the earth’s crust
b. Chemical weathering
c. Mater erosion
d. Mass movement of rock and soil
149. From which country does the world buy its Havana cigar?
a. Philippines
b. Cuba
c. Mexico
d. Colombia
150. Which of the following contribute/s to the thinning down of the ozone layer?
a. Exhausts from autobiles
b. Thermal heat from waste of factories
c. Climatic changes
d. Mercury from mine tailings

St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. (082) 224-2515 or 222-8732 13

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