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A Research Paper

Presented to

Ps. James Peter and Ps. Jamlin Sam



In Partial Fulfilment

of the Requirements for the Course

MN421: Foundations of Christian Ministry



John Selwyn. Kathera

August 26, 2022



I. Introduction .......................................................................................................... 3

A. Preliminary observation………………………………………...………..3

B. The role of women in leadership………….…………………………...…4

C. Application………………………………….………………………….….4

II. Conclusion ........................................................................................................ 5


I. Introduction

The role of women in Leadership and Ministry is nothing but women leading

character in ministry because in ministry women were a very important role. In this section,

the researcher going to discuss the Role of Women in the ministry, the Role of women in

Leadership, and the understanding of Biblical resources.

A. Preliminary observation

I will be showing “Women today are as well educated as Men. They have access to the

best in biblical and theological training. They not only are accepted on an equal par with Men

in most public forums but are acknowledged leaders in all segments of the human enterprise as

well. There is, therefore, no longer any justification for binding women under ancient cultural

constraints that no longer apply. To do so in sheer prejudice and sexism” 1 and also “some

passages in bible support a wide variety of women’s Ministry, especially those passages that

give explicit examples of women prophetesses, a Judge with authority over all the God’s

people, a probable apostle, and women who shared in Paul’s ministry of the gospel” 2and now

in “Old Testament, true prophetesses included Miriam [Exodus 15:20], Deborah [Judges 4:4],

Huldah [2 Kings 22:14; 2 chronicles 34:22], and Isaiah’s wife [Isaiah 8:3] and in the New

Testament they included Anna [Luke 2:36] and Philip’s four virgin daughters [Acts 21:9; in

that culture, their virginity probably also suggested their youth]”,3 we will find more Apostles

and Prophets were Men in the bible, but at least we can find one Apostle and more Prophets

1 C. S. Cowles, A Woman’s Place?: Leadership in the Church (Foundry Publishing, 1993), 96.
2 Craig S. Keener, Two Views on Women in Ministry (ZondervanPublishingHouse, 2001), 27,28.
3 Keener, Two Views on Women in Ministry, 30.

were Women and also If we all can accept women as prophets and other Ministers there will

be no reason to excluding Women from the Leaders and Pastoral space.

B. The role of women in leadership

In the present scenario “Since women have entered church leadership significant, the

acceptable styles of leadership have multiplied.”4 In the present church, women have come up

with a new way of Leadership in their workplace and explaining clearly some identifiable skills

and they are concluding that women have Unique styles and ways. Women wanted to do a lot

of supporting roles in leadership than making decisions individually, it is not like they are going

to make the final decisions it is just that they are getting a lot more priority in making decisions.

Women say that they are more worried or concerned about keeping a relationship in existence

than Men. As we have discussed above women have Unique styles of leadership that they may

not be clear about, it is the presence of more and more women in leadership that has opened up

the ways that are getting accepted by both women and men.

C. Application

Leadership is more about being than doing. There are unique obstacles for women in

ministry, and we need to prepare women to overcome them. Women are precious gifts from

God. They are creative, sensitive, compassionate, intelligent, talented and according to the

bible, equal to men. Women should be more effectively involved in pastoral programs. Women

can understand things. Women must pray about the church members with whole hearted. She

must gather the women for especially women’s meet. Women were designed to shine the

spotlight on the church’s relationship to Christ in a way that men cannot. The leadership

4 Carol E. Becker, Leading Women: How Church Women Can Avoid Leadership Traps and

Negotiate the Gender Maze (Nashville, Tenn: Abingdon Press, 1996), 29.

qualities of women include patience, humility, kindness, honesty, intelligence, commandment,

and interaction with church members. Women must interact and know about the problems of

Church members and must follow up with the church members to the church.

II. Conclusion

Out of my view, I believe that women should be provided leadership opportunities.

“Our God Believes that “In Christ,” there was no hierarchy of gender or race (Galatians

3:28)”5 It says, “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and

female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” According to this verse, everyone is equal before

God there is no discrimination between men and women in the church.

5 “Women in Leadership Roles in the Church | The Society of Jesus,” 99, accessed August 26,



Becker, Carol E. Leading Women: How Church Women Can Avoid Leadership Traps and
Negotiate the Gender Maze. Nashville, Tenn: Abingdon Press, 1996.

Cowles, C. S. A Woman’s Place?: Leadership in the Church. Foundry Publishing, 1993.

Keener, Craig S. Two Views on Women in Ministry. ZondervanPublishingHouse, 2001.

Witherington, Ben. Women in the Ministry of Jesus: A Study of Jesus’ Attitudes to Women
and Their Roles as Reflected in His Earthly Life. Reprinted. Monograph series /
Society for New Testament Studies 51. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1998.

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