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Idioma I

Guideline 3

Laura Bibiana Paredes Cardona

Negocios Internacionales

Universidad Ean

6 de Junio del 2022



1. Writing skills…………………………………………………………..3

2. Speaking skills…………………………………………………………5

3. Self-Assessment……………………….................................................5

1. Writing skills

a. Biography: company’s magazine

Laura Bibiana Paredes Cardona, an example of perseverance.

Graduated in international business from Ean University and specialized in the area of

international sales. She worked in the company for 20 years as an export manager, being an

important piece in the company and a mentor for the employees.

About Laura, she trained taekwondo most of her life, where she learned values of perseverance,

respect, self-control and courtesy, which pushed her in her life not to give up in the face of the

challenges she faced. She maintained a balance between her personal and work life. Also, she

was characterized by having an assertive language, being able to express her ideas in the best


Laura helped her coworkers whenever she had the opportunity, she shared her knowledge and at

the same time learned from her classmates, making it easier for her to adapt to new challenges.

She had to prove her abilities to move up the ranks in the company, entering as a sales consultant

and eventually becoming an export manager.

The most memorable thing about her during her years working, was when she closed a contract

with an important South Korean multinational, thus opening the way to negotiations directly with

the country and facilitating interactions between both countries.


b. Working abroad: company’s magazine

Imagine the possibility of working in another country while visiting new places and immersing

yourself in a completely different culture. This is my story working as a Colombian ambassador

in South Korea.

I came to Korea for a student exchange to do a specialization in my career. This program

included 1 year learning the language and two years of specialization. During this time you have

the possibility of living in the university dormitories and access to the different places on


In the first year, they offered me to be a Colombian ambassador for Korea, where they pay you

for hotels, trips, they invite you to events so that you can show Colombia the Korean culture and

open up the possibilities of new tourists and businesses between the two countries. I had to

create a YouTube channel to show Colombians the best places to visit in Korea, such as Busan,

Seoul, Jeju Island, among others.

I had the opportunity to meet incredible people, including Colombians with the same goals and

Koreans who made my trip more enjoyable. I was very surprised by the different customs they

have in Korea, like when they eat ramen they make a lot of noise, or the respect they have for

older people, even if they are only a year apart.


Without a doubt, an incredible experience, studying and working abroad opens up the

possibilities for you to understand new cultures, open your mind, learn other languages and meet

great people. An experience that everyone should have at least once in their life.

2. Speaking skills

Link to the voice record:

3. Self-assessment

At the end of this English

course I can express better

myself with new grammar

and vocabulary

One thing I’ll remember to do A strategy that really helped

in the future is check all the Laura Paredes me learn better is watching

English environment videos about the topic

2 things I will need to get

better before I start the next

English course are

1. Organize better the time

for MyEnglishLab

2. Practice more

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