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Green Features In Your Home

If you are investing in real estate, it is crucial that you do everything you can to make a profit. You want to make
sure that you don’t take a hit with capital gains tax on real estate investment property if you sell. You might need to
ask a professional if you have questions. You will also want to find out about building green when your investment
property is under construction.

Today, more and more people are interested in helping the environment and living a green lifestyle. If you are
building a real estate property you should highly consider installing green features. These green features can make
our home more appealing to larger audiences and help you sell your investment property faster. Here are some of
the best ways to incorporate green features into your real estate investment property.
1. Low-Flow Showerhead
If you are looking to make your home more green you can install a low-flow showerhead to your home. There is
barely a price difference between a traditional showerhead and a low-flow showerhead. Using a low-flow showerhead
can help reduce your heating bill by up to fifty percent. This is great for the environment and can be very appealing to
potential buyers.
2. Programmable Thermostat
Almost every home has a thermostat that controls the temperature in the home during all hours of the day and
night. When you are not at home you may choose to leave your heat or air turned up a little bit to help you save
costs. There is a much more efficient way to do this. You can invest and upgrade to a programmable thermostat.
These thermostats help save a large amount each month on energy costs because it allows you to conserve energy
when you’re not home. Real estate investors should highly consider installing these in every home because they are
a very attractive feature for homebuyers.
3. Low-Emittance Windows
If you are a real estate investor and are building a new home or upgrading an older home you should highly
consider using low-emittance windows. These windows are great for the environment and the home because they
can help homeowners save a lot of money. These windows are made of a special glass material that reflects UV
rays, keep out the heat from the sun, and allow ample light into the home. They can efficiently keep homes cooler
and reduce your energy bill.
4. Solar Energy
Another great way to help the environment and help your home sell faster is to use solar energy. Solar energy is a
popular trend today that has many people turning to the sun for its power. Solar energy is a great way to harness the
power of the sun and reduce or completely eliminate your energy bill. Real estate investors should take advantage of
the tax breaks you can get and use solar energy as the primary source of energy within the home. Installing a few
solar panels on the roof of the building can dramatically reduce your energy bills. This green feature is one of the best
ways to set your property apart from all other ones on the market.
5. Lighting
One of the best and easiest ways to make a home more green is to use compact fluorescent light bulbs.
Upgrading your dated lighting to this new form of light is a great and easy way to reduce energy costs and make your
home more appealing to potential home buyers. These LED bulbs tend to last much longer than a traditional light
bulb and use less energy. They allow your home to feel brighter and larger.
Real estate property investors should always be looking for the best ways to upgrade their properties and set them
apart from other properties on the market. One of the hottest trends today is using green features in a home. Green
features allow you to reduce your energy bills and save money while preserving the environment. There are many
green initiatives that real estate property investors can implement into their homes to make their property more
appealing to future home buyers.
In addition to helping a home sell faster, property investors can also receive many tax breaks for using these green
features in a home. It is always best to consult your local or state initiatives to determine which tax breaks you can

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