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Narrator: Every Summer, seminarians are assigned to different parishes for their Summer Apostolate which will

serve as avenues for their pastoral formation.

Castro: *Enters the scenery*
Narrator: In the lands of Naval, a seminarian was assigned in the Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary Parish.
This Seminarian, however, bearing the name of Joshua Fiel, has no hint of what his journey has in store for him.
During a homily of a very holy priest, Rev. Fr. Jeremy Teofy, he humbly introduced the assigned seminarian to
the parishioners. He was introduced as someone who is very zealous in his priestly journey and has a very
strong sense of purpose.
Castro: I humbly introduce to you, our very own seminarian, Sem. Joshua Fiel. He will stay here in the parish
for 1 month for his Summer Apostolate. He will be in charge of forming the parishioners’ spiritual life and
become better instruments in proclaiming the Church teachings to other lay people. I hope you take care of him.

*Change scene*

Narrator: The first day of his Apostolate begins…

Palar: *Enters the scene*
Some youth members, specifically the girls, were being hesitant in approaching Joshua since he is
considered to be someone of high social status.
Mallen: *Napapansin*
Palar: Before I begin today’s catechism, I would like to formally introduce myself. I am Seminarian Joshua Fiel
who comes from the City of Ormoc, the land of the rising Sun.
Mallen: Hihihihi *Napapansin with other girls*
Palar: So today, I want to teach you how to pray the holy rosary.
Narrator: After Joshua teaches the children how to pray the rosary, a youth member approaches him from
behind right before leaving the room.
Mallen: Hi brother! Hihihihi *Smiling*
Palar: Hello! Good afternoon! How may I help you?
Mallen: Nothing in particular. My other fellow youth members think they are not worthy of your time… and
they are also shy towards you. So, I proved to them that we are in fact, worthy of your time, since we will be a
part of your daily endeavors in the parish. We really appreciate your efforts in doing the catechism. The
children enjoyed the way you taught them.
*Pause 4 seconds*
So anyways… I just wanted to say “Hi” and … thank you …..
Palar: Ohh so that’s why… Hahahaha that is so kind of you to say. I as well, would like to extend my heartfelt
gratitude for your assistance in organizing the children and their seats.
Mallen: You’re welcome, brother Joshua!
Narrator: After many days have passed, Joshua was finally getting along with the parishioners.
One night, the youth ministry together with Joshua was busy preparing for the Flores de Mayo.
Mallen: My gosh brother, I remember when you just started your apostolate, we were very shy towards you.
And the way you responded was like a robot devoid of feelings. Now, sometimes I even forget that you are a
Palar: Ohh please, I dropped the formalities just a week ago. Hahahaha.

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