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Sesi #2 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8

1. Which of the following sentences is grammatically incorrect?

A. While my sister was dusting the table, my father was repairing his car.

B. The boys were planting trees while the girls were watering the flowers.

C. I was not sleeping when my father came.

D. Were you taking a bath when the phone was ringing?

2. Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct?

A. Dede was taking a bath when his uncle is coming.

B. They were taking pictures when an old woman approached them.

C. I studied when someone knocked the door.

D. We were sleeping when suddenly the earthquake was happening.

3. My mother was washed the clothes while I was sweeping the floor.

Which of the underlined word should be changed?

A. Was washed becomes was washing

B. While becomes when

C. Was becomes were

D. Sweeping becomes swept

4. Complete the sentence below!

We …… chess when the light went out.

A. played

B. are playing

C. were played

D. were playing
5. Complete the sentence below!

The children were watching TV while the parents …… a discussion in the living room.

A. was having

B. were having

C. had

D. is having

6. Fill in the blank with correct words!

Last year, I usually …… (go) to the class together with my friends, Angel, because we …… (be) in
the same class. However, that morning, I …… (not, see) her. Therefore, I …… (walk) to the class
by myself. When I …… (open) the class’ door, I …… (be) surprised!

A. went; was; did not saw; walked; opens; were

B. went; were; did not see; walked; opened; was

C. go; was; do not see; walks; opens; was

D. go; were; does not see; walks; opened; was

7. Dr. Wilder Penfield, a Canadian neurosurgeon, proves that by stimulating their brains electrically,
he was able to elicit the total recall of specific events in his subjects’ lives.

Which of the underlined word should be changed?

A. proves

B. was

C. able to

D. elicit

8. Galih: Boby works at the bank which was robbed two years ago.

Ratna: …… at the time of the robbery?

The correct answer to complete the dialogue is ...

A. does she actually work

B. was he actually working

C. did he actually work

D. had he actually worked

9. Arrange into the right sentence!

A. 5-6-2-3-8-9-7-4-1

B. 5-3-6-9-8-2-7-4-1

C. 2-3-6-5-8-9-7-4-1

D. 5-3-6-2-8-9-7-4-1

10. Lia: What did your wife do last night?

Kunto: She …… in the kitchen.

The correct answer to complete the dialogue is ...

A. cooks

B. cooking

C. cooked

D. is cooking

11. Complete the table with the correct past form of the verb 1!

A. Knew, carried, sleeped, rided, studied.

B. Knew, carried, slept, rode, studied.

C. Known, carried, sleeped, rided, studied.

D. Knowed, carried, sleeped, rided, studied.

12. When I was in Elementary School, I did not liked English because the teacher did not explain it

Which of the underlined word should be changed?

A. was

B. did not

C. liked

D. explain

13. Which of the following sentences uses an irregular verb?

A. She visited her grandmother last week.

B. My mother washed the clothes yesterday.

C. We drove to Kuta beach last weekend.

D. I collected dolls when I was in kindergarten.

14. Which of the following sentences uses a regular verb?

A. The girl had black and long hair.

B. We never played together.

C. I woke up early last Sunday.

D. He met Mrs. Amelia in the market last Monday.

15. Complete the sentence below!

When I was young, I …… best friend. Her name is Putri.

A. had

B. have

C. has

D. having

Identify where the mistakes are located!

A. 1 and 3

B. 2 and 4

C. 2 and 5

D. 3 and 5

17. Chalif is the strongest and bravest child in my family and he is not afraid of anything even though
a snake.

Why does the sentence use superlative degree?

A. Because it compares one person with the entire family.

B. Because it talks about bravery.

C. Because it compares one person with bravery.

D. Because Chalif is being compared.

18. Which of the following comparison is not true?

A. Kiki is very rich. She has a house. It is the most luxurious in her housing.

B. Fried rice is my favourite food. For me, it is the most delicious food in the world.

C. Elephant is the most biggest land animals.

D. My brother has a drone. It is the expensive drone in Indonesia.

19. I have a snake, and it is King Kobra. It …… snake in the world. (poisonous)

The correct word to complete the sentence is ....

A. Has poisonous

B. Have poisonous

C. Is poisonous

D. Is the most poisonous

Which one is the …… subjects in school, Science or Math?

The correct word to complete the sentence is ....

A. difficult

B. more difficult

C. most difficult

D. as difficult as

21. Tiwi is more intelligent than Dita.

Why does the sentence use the word more?

A. Because we cannot add -er after adjective intelligent.

B. To make it short.

C. To make it better and easier.

D. Because adjective intelligent contains of more than two syllables.

22. Taufik: Where do you live Sinta?

Sinta: I live in Duren Sawit.

Taufik: I don’t know where is it.

Sinta: Of course, you don’t. It’s 20 KM away from our school.

Taufik: That’s very far, Sin!

Sinta: I know. How about you? How far do you live from school?

Taufik: I live nearby. My home is just five hundred meters away from school.

From the text we can conclude that ……

A. Sinta lives the furthest from school.

B. Taufik lives the nearest from school.

C. Sinta lives further than Taufik.

D. Taufik will never come late to school.

23. Which of the following comparison is true?

A. Jenny is old than Tina.

B. The shirt is beautifuler than the T-shirt.

C. My sister’s handwriting is clearer than mine.

D. Siti is more lazy than Cakra.

24. The necklace is …… . The bracelet is …… than the necklace.

A. Good; gooder

B. Large; largest

C. Expensive; expensiver

D. Nice; nicer

25. The novel has 200 pages. The dictionary has 1500 pages.

The dictionary is …… than the novel.

A. thick

B. thicker

C. the thickest

D. as thick as

26. Which of the following comparison is grammatically incorrect?

A. Your book is as thick as mine.

B. He kicks the ball as strongly as Ronaldo does.

C. My jacket’s colour is the same as Dino’s.

D. His socks are similar with my brother’s.

27. Hamid’s car is so fantastic.

My dad’s car is so amazing.

Combine these two sentences into the correct positive degree by using ‘as …… as’ pattern!

A. Hamid’s car is the same as cool as My Dad’s car.

B. My Dad’s car is as cool as Hamid’s.

C. My Dad’s car as cool as Hamid’s car.

D. Hamid’s car is cool as my Dad’s car.


Which of the underlined word should be changed?

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4

29. Which sentence used and contains correct adjective?

A. Yovi is as sweetly as Yova.

B. My brother is as lovely as an angel.

C. The girl cried as loudly as a baby.

D. They walked as quick as they can.

30. The lake is …… large …… the swimming pool in my house.

The correct words to complete the sentence are ....

A. as; as

B. similar; like

C. alike; with

D. as; with

31. Read the dialogue and fill in the blanks!

Naufal: Shhhhh! Do you hear that? Something …… .

Angel: Oh! It’s my phone. My mom …… . I have to go home now. Thank you for your tea! It ……
excellent as usual.

Naufal: Anytime! Don’t forget that we …… our homework tomorrow morning to Miss Khikmah.

Angel: Okay! See you tomorrow!

A. vibrates; calls; tastes; submits

B. vibrate; call; taste; submit

C. is vibrating; is calling; is tasting; are submitting

D. is vibrating; is calling; tastes; are submitting

32. Read the dialogue and fill in the blanks!

Dany: Why are you …… that jar of sugar?

Davin: Do you …… the tea? …… it need more sugar.

Dany: Yes, I do. It …… delicious. The sugar is just enough.

A. holding; like; does; is

B. holding; is liking; do; is

C. hold; is liking; is; do

D. holds; likes; do; do

33. Read the following text and fill in the blanks!

It’s a nice Sunday morning. The Wibowo family members are doing separate activities. Mr. Wibowo
and Mrs. Wibowo …… to the market to buy groceries. Naysila, their daughter, …… piano in the
practice room. She …… to Jason Mraz’s songs. Denny, their son, …… in the swimming pool.

A. is going; is playing; is singing; are swimming

B. is going; is playing; are singing; is swimming

C. are going; is playing; is singing; are swimming

D. are going; is playing; is singing; is swimming

34. Choose the correct sentences to fill in the blanks!

[+] Kheysia, Neva, and Syifa are dancing confidently at the moment.

[-] ……

[?] ……

A. [-] Kheysia, Neva, and Syifa do not dancing confidently at the moment.

[?] Do Kheysia, Neva, and Syifa dancing confidently at the moment?

B. [-] Kheysia, Neva, and Syifa does not dancing confidently at the moment.

[?] Does Kheysia, Neva, and Syifa dancing confidently at the moment?

C. [-] Kheysia, Neva, and Syifa are not dancing confidently at the moment.

[?] Are Kheysia, Neva, and Syifa dancing confidently at the moment?

D. [-] Kheysia, Neva, and Syifa is not dancing confidently at the moment.

[?] Is Kheysia, Neva, and Syifa dancing confidently at the moment?

35. Look! What is she doing?

A. She sits on the sofa.

B. She is sitting on the sofa.

C. She sat on the sofa.

D. She has sat on the sofa.

36. The following sentences are grammatically correct, except …

A. My mother uses real butter in the cakes she bakes.

B. Mom need some salt for the soup she is cooking.

C. Most kids like it, but Joey hates it.

D. Be careful! The water is deep.

37. Read the following text and fill in the blanks!

Camels … in the world’s driest desert. They … humps of fat on their backs that help them survive
for days without food or water. The Arabian camel or dromedary … one hump. The Bactrian camel
… two humps. Bactrians … in central Asia.

A. is; has; have; is; lives

B. is; have; have; has; lives

C. live; have; has; has; live

D. lives; have; have; has; lives

38. Sandi and his younger brother often visit their family on weekend.

The sentence means that …

A. Visiting family on weekend is their habit.

B. Visiting family on weekend is so much fun for them.

C. Sandi’s family ask Sandi and his younger brother to visit them.

D. Their family do not want to be visited.

39. Which of the following statement is not the use of Simple Present Tense?

A. To talk about general truth.

B. To give information about facts.

C. To state things that happened regularly.

D. To show repeated activities in the past.

40. Herman always clean his bedroom before leaving his bed every morning.

Which of the underlined words is incorrect?

A. always

B. clean

C. leaving

D. every morning

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