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Cervantes, Celine Marie BSABE 3B

EGE 313

Let’s Get Started!

My Thoughts. Jpg How would you describe the relationship between humans
and the environment? Share your thoughts below. Use the things you’ve learned
from the previous lesson. You can even use an image/illustration to deliver your
- Humans need to interact with the environment to obtain our food, water, fuel,
medicines, building materials and many other things. Advances in science and
technology have helped us to exploit the environment for our benefit, but we have also
introduced pollution and caused environmental damage.

Let’s Think About It!

a. What is meteorology for?
- Meteorology focuses on the lower parts of the atmosphere, primarily the troposphere,
where most weather takes place. Meteorologists use scientific principles to observe,
explain, and forecast our weather. They often focus on atmospheric research or
operational weather forecasting.
b. How does it contribute to the betterment of human civilization?
- Humanity has always had (and needed) an interest in the weather, but today it
encompasses far more than predicting weather patterns. The word meteorology comes
from (as most do) Greek, meteoros "high up” and logia "the study of”. Therefore, the
word means "the study of things high up / in the sky."
c. How different would our lives be without meteorology?
- Meteorology is important because of the impact of air conditions on life. First of all
weather forecasting has vital role in urban administration. Cities preparing extreme
weather conditions such as tornadoes, snowstorms in order to prevent disasters.
Second, long term weather forecasting is important for agriculture. Another important
aspect of weather that has a huge effect on our lives is extreme weather events, such
as hurricanes, droughts, fires (forest fires), floods, heat waves, or cold snaps and winter
Cervantes, Celine Marie BSABE 3B
EGE 313

Let’s Do It!
Task 1: Me, an Intellectual Research on how meteorology affects these common
facets of our lifestyles. If you think you can answer it on your own without relying
on the internet, then I tip my hat to you, Mr./Ms. Intellectual.
Aspects of Life How Meteorology Influences It
Clothing/Fashion - Climate affects clothing.
Cold weather equals
more clothing, or at least
thicker clothing.
Communication - Communication from the ground to
satellites is affected by
space weather as a result of
perturbations of the ionosphere,
which can reflect, refract, or
absorb radio waves.
Gadgetry/ Technology - Being the medium use to
Food/Supply - When weather changes cause
production loss, it has the potential
to disrupt our food supply. And
thanks to the economic principle of
supply and demand, the
less food we have, the more it
costs and the more money you are
spending to feed your family.
Entertainment/ Movies/ Songs - the weather impact is that
inclement and uncomfortable
weather conditions, especially
relating to thermal and mechanical
comfort, deter participation in
outdoor leisure activities while
promoting home-based, sedentary

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