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It´s really kind of you to let me stay at your flat whlie you´re on holiday.

Please could you let

me know how to get the keys? And could you also tell me anything else I need to know
about the flat and wether there´s anywhere near that I can buy food?

Thanks, Kim

Hi kim! How are things? Sorry to be slow getting back to you but I had to hit the books. What a
great news! I am glad that you will come to visit Spain.

In your letter mentioned that you wanna stay at my flat while I am on holiday and I think that
is a great idea! Besides, why don't you come here two days before? In this way, I could give
you my keys.

Anyway, you have to know some things about my flat. Firstly, I have two flatmates, but don´t
worry! I am sure you are getting well with them. On the other hand, my neighbour is taking up
a renovation in his flat, so maybe you could hear some noises. As well as you also wondered
about the supermarket, If I were you I would go to the supermarket that is next to my house,
since it is very cheap.

Well, that´s all for now. I hope this was helpful. Drop my a line soon.

Best wishes,


174 words

Which is more important- friends or family?


Write about:

1. Who you can enjoy yourself with.

2. Who will help you when you have problems.
3. …. (your own idea)

Nowadays, most people share the view that family and friends are one of the most important
things in our live.

Firstly, is undeniable that with your family, sometimes you can't be yourself, they are older,
have different tastes than you. As a result, in occasions we prefer pass time with our friends,
who love the same activities as us.

Secondly, is also important point to consider who will help you when you have problems
because, our family will be with us despite the problems that we could have. However,
sometimes friends, disappear when we have a problem. Therefore, despite the fact that we
sometimes get angry with our family, they will be with us.
Last but not least, should be mentioned, that we can choose our friends, however, is
impossible choose our family. Therefore, is very difficult get on well with all the members of
our family.

In conclusion, from my point of view, family and friends are two of the most important things
in our life. And they will be with you in all the moments of year life, so we have to take care of
them always as them do.

Reviews wanted!

A TV documentary I learnt a lot from!

Have you seen an interesting TV documentary recently that you learnt a lot from? Write us a
review of the documentary. You should explain what the documentary was about, tell us
what you learnt form it and say wether other people find interesting too.

The best reviews will be posted on the website netx month.


The documentary: “Endangered animals in the North Pole” is hands down the best production
of the year. It was released in 2005, and was set in the North Pole.

It was a nice surprise to find that appear a lot of different animals in this documentary, since
pinguins to birds. In this way, watching this documentary you can learn all the things related to
the animals of the North Pole, such as their feeding, their behavior or they customs. Al well as,
the soundtrack is better than I had expected, since it help to you to understand the different
moments of the documentary.

However, I was disappointed to see that there not appear any polar bear, which are my
favourites animals. Also, this documentary was too short, since I wanted to continue learning
about the animals of the North Pole.But it didn´t prevent me from enjoying the documentary.

Thus, I totally recommend this documentary, and if I were you, I would stop reading this
review and I would go to see this documentary right now!

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