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Identify your favorite saint or a saint you can relate with and explain briefly in 3 – 5 sentences
why you chose that particular saint. The saint may be your current section, previous section/s if
you are an Espian the previous year/s, or you may also search for the story of another saint.

My Favorite Saint:

Blessed Carlo Acutis is the saint he motivated me to spread , i have decided

the technology mediated word of god. He published it online and achieved
this gaining the title '' God's influencer because of his online activities.''

C. On the left column, list down at least five (5) things/intentions you would like to pray for,
particularly for this academic year. This can include those that your are anxious and worried
about, or something you hope for and is grateful for. Then, on the right column, compose a short
prayer asking for the intercession of your favorite saint. Write your answers in your notebook
or any piece of clean paper and get ready to share to the class the next day.

Living Intentionally:
Short Prayer
Things I Would Like to Pray For
1. Especially be able to pass on time

2. I hope the study will be completed in

the coming 2022-2023 I beg you please keep everyone safe,
my peers and the other pupils take the
in all we do, and the majority of most
crucial, protect us from any dangerous
illness as the covid-19 and the blessings.
3. I wish I could finish new monkeypox dosease, pray for us
carlo acutis in the name of jesus, Amen

4. give me the courage to lose my

shame when i speak and lose my
nervousness when speaking to
many people.

5. watch over us at all times especially

and the new one infectious disease
Note: You may end your prayer by asking the
intercession of your favorite saint.
e.g.: St. Padre Pio, pray for us!

How do I live more intentionally?
How can I emulate the values and virtues I learned from my chosen saint?

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