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Wonder Women

En la página 2 puedes ver un ejemplo de la actividad.

Imprime tantas páginas 3 como necesites. Aquí dibujarán o

pegarán la foto de su Wonder Woman.

En cuanto a las páginas 4 y 5, tú decides si quieres la versión

con andamiaje o la versión libre, para que cada alumno cree su
propio texto sobre su Wonder Woman (ideal para cursos
superiores). De nuevo, imprime tantas como te hagan falta.

Por último, usa la última página para presentar la actividad a tus

alumnos :)

Lo ideal sería imprimir a color y hacer un mural con todas las

aportaciones, pero podéis plantearlo como queráis :D
Una forma bonita y barata de hacerlo es forrando una pared
con un mantel rojo y otro azul, añadiendo detallitos en dorado
(goma eva, por ejemplo)
This is an example
She is a wonder woman because:
She is always fighting for her dreams.
Her smile is infectious and she makes
you feel safe and at home when she's
around. She lightens up everyone's world.

Some of her superpowers are:

taking care of three little children; always being
there when you need her; working hard; never
giving up; giving the best advice, cooking the
yummiest healthy recipes :P...
If I could describe her in 3 adjectives, I'd say:
hard-working, inspirational, courageous
a Wonder Wo
e is ma

She is a wonder woman because:

Some of her superpowers are:

If I could describe her in 3 adjectives, I'd say:

Wonder Women
Who is your Wonder Woman? Why?

No matter if she's real or fiction.

No matter if she's a member of your family or you
don't know her personally.
No matter if she's still very young or if she lived
thousands of years ago.


Choose your Wonder Woman and tell the people

something about her. Why is she a Wonder Woman?
What are some of her superpowers? How would
you describe her using 3 adjectives?


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