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NAME: Romeo B. Fragata Jr. SCORE: 80/100

PART A. TRUE OR FALSE. On the blank, write T if the statement is true and F if it is false. 33 points

/___T____1. The Lord blessed the first and last part of Job’s life.

/____F___ 2. Satan accuses the brethren before God monthly. Everyday

/___T____ 3. Under the leadership of Rabbi Akiba (Aqiba), the book of Song of Songs was canonized or
accepted as part of the Holy Scriptures.

x____T___ 4. There are no oppositions to the authorship of Solomon to the Song of Songs.

/___T____ 5. According to Ecclesiastes, happiness is found in faith and obedience toward God, pleasure
of home and family and one’s work.

x____F___ 6. Ecclesiastes was not easily being accepted to be a part of the Holy Scriptures even if it is
bitter, negative, non-traditional spirit.

x___F____ 7. Proverbs and Psalms contain parallelism that are synonymous parallel, antithetical parallel,
or synthetic parallel.

/____F___ 8. Traditionally, the authorship of Proverbs was attributed to King David.

/___T___ 9. The book of Psalms can be divided into 5 and each division ends with a doxology.

/___F____10. Maschil or Maskil in the book of Psalms means King.

/___T____11. Ruth, though a Moabite, is an ancestress of David and Jesus Christ.

/____F___12. The book of Ruth is poetical.

/___T____13. The Satanic Kingdoms that already persecuted God’s Kingdom are: Egypt, Assyria, Baby-
lon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome and the Vatican.

/____F___14. In understanding the book of Daniel, the reason for making computations with regards to
the second coming is to know the exact date of Jesus Christ’s second coming.

x___F____15. Using the 70 Jubilees, with one Jubilee equivalent to 49 years, and counting starts in 1372
BCE during the First Jubilee since they entered Canaan, the computation tells that the second coming will
be in the year 2058 AD.

x____T___16. The sins of the people of God, including idolatry, are continued in
the post-exilic community. Literal idolatry was cured after the Babylonian exile to
this day.

/____T___17. Nehemiah’s role was to build the wall, the gates and the administration over Judah while
Ezra’s was his priestly responsibility.

/___F____18. Sanballat, governor of Samaria, was friendly to Nehemiah.

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/___T__19. The name Nehemiah means “YAHWEH has comforted.”
x___T___20. Nehemiah was sad because King Artaxerxes, his boss, did not
support Nehemiah’s project of building the wall and gates in Jerusalem.

x___F___21. Some reasons why Esther had difficulty being accepted in the He-
brew Canon because there is no mention of any name of God, the Temple and
the Law of Moses.

/___T___22. The Dead Sea Scrolls which were found in 1947 have copies of ev-
ery book the OT except Esther.

x___F___23. Martin Luther said that Esther should be excluded in the canon be-
cause it was too Judaistic.

x___F___24. Some would say Esther is historical fiction because its main char-
acters are not known in History.

x___F___25. The author of Esther is unknown but there are guesses.

x___F___26. Ezra and Nehemiah are one book or separated into 2 books in
some texts. Almost all our Bibles now have separate Ezra and Nehemiah.

/__T____27. Ezra is historical narrative in straight forward prose.

/___T___28. If Ezra wrote the book of Ezra, he used many sources such as Per-
sian documents and Jewish records.

/___T___29. Esther, like Ruth is not quoted in the NT.

/__T____30. The Hebrew name for Esther is Hadassah symbolic among the
Jews for joy.

/___T___31. Ezekiel served in Babylon as a Prophet while Jeremiah was left in

Jerusalem to serve as a prophet also.

/___T___32. The book of Ezekiel uses different genres such as prophecy, apoc-
alyptic, poetry, prose, dramatic parables and typology.

/__T___33. Ezekiel was a priest from the line of Zadok.

/___T___34. Ezekiel first sermons before the fall of Jerusalem was a call for re-
pentance because of the coming judgment of God.
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/___T___35. After the fall of Jerusalem, Ezekiel’s sermons turned to hope,

restoration and forgiveness.

/___F___36. Malachi is always interpreted as a proper name.

x___T___37. Malachi is not the last minor prophet.

x___T___38. Malachi is concerned with tithing, social justice but allows mix- reli-
gious marriages.

x___T___39. Malachi does not condemn the people of Judah’s bad attitude nor

/___F___40. The literatures of the Israelites has no similarity with the neighbor-
ing countries’ literatures whatsoever.

x___T___41. Proverbs is described and personified as a man.

/___F___42. Half of the Old Testament is in poetry.

/___F___43. Wisdom and knowledge do not include skill.

/___F___44. The pursuit of knowledge apart from God did not lead to fall.

/___F___45. Wisdom has no connection with quality life.

x___T___46. One of the list of the attributes of a godly woman by King Lemuel
do not include maintaining her good health to be strong.

/___F___47. All the proverbs were written by King Solomon.

/___F___48. Jobs, Psalms and Proverbs are festival songs.

x___F___49. Mordecai did not bow down to Haman because Haman is an

Agagite, a descendant of the historic Amalekites who were enemies to them for a
long time.
/___T___50. TNK read as TaNaK is an abbreviation for Torah, Neviim and Ketu-
vim, translated as Pentateuch or First five books of Moses, The Prophets and the
Writings respectively.
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PART B. Give one theme, or one truth or one purpose of the following books. (5 points
each). 42 points

1. / Ecclesiastes – to show the futility of human existence apart from God. It

is a tract to convert self-sufficient materials or intellectuals.

2. /Proverbs – It is not geared to the history of cultus of Israel but the happiness, moral-
ity and successful living of the individual Israelites. Originally it was designed to train
wealthy young men for governmental service or community leadership. It is inspired
insight for daily, practical, godly living. It could be characterized as divine horse

3. /Job – the book was written to balance the traditional covenantal theology that the
righteous are blessed in this life and wicked are punished in this life.

4. /Psalms – the purpose of Psalm is to release to God the deepest emotions of life
through poetry and songs.

5. xRuth – the purpose of Ruth is basically focus on happiness and success that is based
on the experience of previous generation and cause and effect of relationship in life.
Actually, the opposite is true with Ruth. Her unfaithful and anemy to Israel ancestors
did not affect her faith in Israel and their God. She stood different from her environ-
ment and generation, she did not follow the ways and experiences in her community
and was willing to adopt the culture of the Jews.

6. /Ezekiel - The literary history of the book is much debated, but its final form exhibits a threefold
theme, threats against Judah and Jerusalem, threats against foreign nations, and prophecies of restora-
tion and hope. 

7. 2 points Esther - The purpose of the Book of Esther is open to different interpretations. It can be
understood as commending human responsibility instead of misguided dependence on God: the Jews
in the book must take matters into their own hands to preserve their existence, rather than wait for
God to act. Is this your observation? Or some author’s idea? This interpretation is re-
moving God from the equation. It does not follow the flow of events. They fasted in
sacloth, wailing and lamenting that implies that they are asking help from their God.
There is no mention of God in the book but in the book of Jeremiah, these deported
people are the remnants or faithful of God who intended to keep them secure in
Babylon under any regime. They are the good figs described by Jeremiah. That
said, these people like Mordecai and Esther had God sense and had depended on
their God with action and responsibility
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8. /Ezra - Ezra is written to fit a schematic pattern in which the God of Israel inspires a king of
Persia to commission a leader from the Jewish community to carry out a mission; three succes-
sive leaders carry out three such missions, the first rebuilding the Temple, the second purifying
the Jewish community, and the third sealing the holy city itself behind a wall.

9 /Malachi - The Book of Malachi was written to correct the lax religious and social behaviour of
the Israelites – particularly the priests – in post-exilic Jerusalem.
10. /Nehemiah - Nehemiah, also spelled Nehemias, (flourished 5th century BC), Jewish leader
who supervised the rebuilding of Jerusalem in the mid-5th century BC after his release from cap-
tivity by the Persian king Artaxerxes I. He also instituted extensive moral and liturgical reforms
in rededicating the Jews to Yahweh.

Part C. Bonus:

8. What book of the Prophet that spoke to you most and why? The book of
Jonah because sometimes I’m acting like Him and it reminds me about what
Jesus did to me, that when I was a sinner Jesus Christ died for my sake…

9. What book of the Writings that spoke to you most and why? The Book
Psalms because when comes to singing praises to our God it lifts me up and
gives me strength to raise again to move on…

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