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Windows users: Only use Notepad++ or an equivalent decent editor

to read or modify Ortho4XP related files. Notepad doesn't understand linux
line-ends and will create a mess.

NOTICE 2 : Windows users: You do not need to read further than this
notice if you have installed the binary windows version !
In your case, the executable file is Binary/Ortho4XP_v130.exe, and the
only advisable action is to make a short-cut to it somewhere, e.g. in the
main Ortho4XP directory (but the executable needs to stay where it is).
If you end-up installing the python modules some day (to get more frequent
updates or bugs fixed), the Binary directory won't be necessary anymore.

The following instructions are for the script install :

Linux (Debian derived, names might slightly differ for other distros)

sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip python3-requests python3-numpy python3-

pyproj python3-gdal python3-shapely python3-rtree python3-pil python3-pil.imagetk
p7zip-full libnvtt-bin

(if some of them were note packaged for your distro you can use pip instead, like
say, pip install pyproj)


1) Download and install Python 3 from

Just select one for your Windows OS, there is no benefit in our case to
download the pretty lastest version of Python, since you might get difficulties
further down to find modules already built for it. As of 10/2018, I would
recommend using 3.7.
Make sure during the process that "pip" (package management system for Python)
is installed along and made accessible from your PATH [there is a checkbox
for this during the Python install process wich by default ISN'T checked].

2) Download the following packages from

Pyproj, Numpy, Gdal, Shapely, Rtree, Pillow (or alternatively Pillow-SIMD)

Pay attention to take the ones that correspond to the Python version which you
at Step 1) and to your OS nbr of bits (32 or 64, I guess 64 in all but a few
As an example, if Python 3.7.* was selected at Step 1) above and you
have a 64bit windows, then you would choose these files that have -cp37- and _amd64
within their filename.

In order to use the build geotiff feature of the custom_zl map, you will need to
add the directory containing gdal_translate and gdalwarp (***/python**/lib/site-
into your PATH variable.

Finally, if you do not already have them : download and install the build tools for
visual studio (2017):

3) From a command window launch successively

pip install --upgrade pip [if this goes wrong you probably missed the last point
in 1)]
pip install requests
pip install *******.whl [replacing ******** successively by each of the files
downloaded at Step 2]

You should be done. Open a command window in the Ortho4XP directory (freshly
downloaded from Github)
and launch "python".


1) In a Terminal window, install Homebrew (, a package manager

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

2) Go to the Ortho4XP folder

cd /path/to/Ortho4XP

3) Execute the install script (you may have to run "chmod +x ./"

4) Launch Ortho4XP

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