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I. Fill in the blanks with a word or group of words that make the
statement complete.
1. ___________it is the process of stop-and-go activity
2. ___________ it is the writer focused and it begins with a writing
3. ___________an effective way to generate ideas.
4. ___________it is as fast as you can in order to set down your ideas in
full connected sentences.
5. ___________a writing process where the written text is shard with
other audience.
6. ___________ a need to find out if your draft communicates your
ideas and intentions effective.
7. ___________ the final stage in process writing.
8. ___________the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing,
especially the use of figures of speech and other compositional
9. ___________ language designed to have a persuasive or impressive
effect on its audience, but often regarded as lacking in sincerity or
meaningful content.
10. The arts of persuasive discourse.
11. __________ the statement which achieved by coming together as an
12. __________ it is an accomplish word by using the most specific and
concrete ideas in your communication allows.
13. __________it is the quality of being straight forward and concise.
14. __________ the quality of being pleasantly new or different.
15. __________ the subject of a talk, a piece of writing, person’s
thoughts, or an exhibition, or a topic.
16. __________ a word or phrase used in a non-literal sense for
rhetorical or vivid effect.
17. __________ a main point early and clearly without embellishments
or digressions.
18. __________ a stylistic approach or technique involving a strong
declaration, a forceful or confident and positive statement regarding a
belief or a fact.
19. _________ an obscure is something not discovered or known about
uncertain, does not seem to state anything you could visualize or relate.
20. _________ is something easy to perceive, understand, or interpret.
It depends on the reader’s familiarity on the subject.
21. _________ something of uncertain, indefinite, or unclear character
or meaning.
22. _________ utterances often take the form of declarative sentences
with which the speaker performs the action denoted by some
performative verb.
23. __________ it making or having the nature of a declaration.
24. __________ the final stage in applying critical thinking to a written
text which evaluate in terms of its ___, particularly on how it influence
behavior , and how it adheres to certain communication process.
25. __________ it delivers information, affects the reader emotionally,
adds to or change his beliefs and influences him to act or respond.
26. __________ this method of evaluating text are general condition
that determine whether the text achieves its aim or not, anchored on
the way by which language, especially written language, shapes or
qualifies the communication act or event.
27. __________ a mode of development that is used when creating
pictures with words.
28. __________ a mode of development that is used when creating a
video with words.
29. __________the linguistic unit beyond the sentence.
30. __________ the level and style of writing.
31. __________ it focus on the particular topic in the sentence.
32. __________ a complete sentence including the most important thing
you need to communicate.
33. __________ a supporting the topic sentence (essays or reports).
34. __________ the topic sentence of a paragraph which s supported by
developers or the sentences explaining the topic sentence.
35. __________ a paragraph having a topic sentence and a few
developers are insufficient to support the topic sentence.
36. _________ it focuses on similarities.
37. _________ it focuses on differences.
38. _________it focuses on similarities between relationship.
39. _________ an expressing an alternative or opposition between the
meaning of the words connected.
40. _________ a wrong belief a false or mistakes idea the quality of
being false or wrong.
41. ___________ one that focuses specifically on how something has
caused or led to, some particular problem.
42. ___________ a type of logical thinking that involves forming
generalizations based on specific incidents experienced, observations
made, or facts known to be true or false.
43. __________ a basic form of valid reasoning.
44. __________ an avoidance attack on another person’s argument .
45. __________ is known as reasoning out that you have no idea orit
doe not exist, or did not happen.

II. Enumeration. Enumerate the following:

1. Give (4) examples of Slang
2. Give (5) examples of Acronyms
3. Name (6) some transition words and phrases used in formal writing
4. The (5) stages of reading.
5. Give at least (3) Purposes of Communication
6. Give (4) types of Verification Tactics
7. Name the (5) components of communication process.
8. Give (2) types of communications
9. Give (3) examples of communication barrier.
10. Name the (4) types of Structuring.

III. Essay
Explain and give at least five items on Communication Principles.

Prepared by ESG

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