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1. E0a_!Sq_q9g!q eqj [20)

On 5. August 201,9, the Government of lndia revoked the special status

or limited autonomy granted under Article 370 of the lndian Constitution to
Jammu and Kashmir, a region administered by lndia as a state which
consists of larger part of Kashmir which has been the subject of dispute
among lndia, Pakistan and China since 1947.

Among the lndian government actions accompanying the revocation

was cutting off of communication lines in the Kashmir valley and thousands
of security forces were deployed to curb any uprising. Several leading
Kashmiri politicians were taken into custody including the former chief
minister. Government officials described these restrictions as designed for
pre-empting violence and justified the revocation for enabling people of the
state to access government programmes such as reservation, right to
education and right to information etc.

2 Translate into Odia: 1201

gtlll6,ot a'qrflo 8t6aot QtQt6tl at6a 6atflt6e qsQg o6e6, 69 aeo 6eoo em6 | aro
orooedg qrula a6c'r sto" a'qrfl1flr6o 6eo geo s"sro0 6oe eA 606 ar6qrsd e6q6a,
orar q66a 6sfltee qe6o 6d aKs I 6aqr6e Qtelaor6'rQ1 6oe$r6o oqaQ 6Qro q'qrfl1flresa
qd6tc' 006 | .(A g6l61tG' 6aQ 6a.66 atqt q6 sste 6arn fl6oQorot{ | aflao orQ s6oQ
EIUlOdt 66'Ag60 S'StOg a6iq 68OOt.( I Sdecle orglq 6eeet6 6gle6o 6Qg OA|A Or66a
6r6,e sreiQ 6Qc'6C'r6 6A Or6Ql {Q Orser deOOeqn | 6o€6qflmr68 A|OO G!flq{ | 6Sq6e
eeel c,qg6 od ag66 erl6l e6o6 | 6sa'geor, goer, da'{dr{rflor eqfiGo efl6o ar6fl aro
6669g9, 6a 91160 qast 6eroo6a 6aa a5rgr1 flreca 0960 | 6so oge fi6 flrar 6aao
6ne oree qs6 e66 | 6s6e arfi eto6o e e{fl | ar6 69 ad eo6ea 6dloocrfl o6en I .{o
o6era arflflrec on'6qo6ro o€ 6aer o6e I

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