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Definition of terms
Polis can be defined as a state or a government characterized by a sense of
community. For example,
Authoritarianism is a form of government that denotes any political system that
concentrates power in the hands of a leader or a small elite that is not
constitutionally responsible to the body of the people. For example, authoritarian
states are those nations that lack civil liberties such as freedom of religion or lacks free
and competitive direct elections to executives or legislatures.

Utilitarianism can be defined as a theory that all human actions should produce the
greatest happiness overall, and that happiness itself is to be understood as consisting in
'higher' and 'lower' pleasures. For example, this view advocates for actions that foster
happiness or pleasure and oppose actions that cause unhappiness or harm.

Plato’s ideologies that have influenced the Socio- Political issues of the modern
Plato is the most influential philosopher to have ever lived and his social and
political philosophy have influenced the modern society through the following ideologies;
Outlining a democratic society
During Plato’s life, some city-states were Oligarchies, others were democratic while
others were tyrannies. These city- states engaged in constant wars with each
other, and even with large and powerful city-states also suffered from a great deal
of internal strife. Life for the majority of Greeks was hard and precarious.

Dissatisfied with these state affairs, Plato attempted to outline a free society in which all
men could live harmoniously and peacefully with each other, and in which every
individual could develop to his fullest potentiality and capacity.

How has this influenced the society today?

Virtue is knowledge
“Virtue is knowledge” is another important ideology in Plato’s life which significantly
molded his social and political views. He believed that there is an objectively good life, both
for the individuals and states.

He defined this good life through methodological intellectual processes called “ The Republic”.

How has this influenced the society today?

Plato devoted his work The Republic to the question who should rule?” Plato’s
answer to the question was that, the rulers should consist of specially trained class
of intellectuals whom he referred to as philosophers. Plato termed his view
aristocratic. This is because he believed that this class of specially trained
intellectuals (philosophers) was the best suited to rule. Etymologically, aristocracy
is derived from two Greek words ariston and kratos which when put together
mean “the rule by the best”.

Educational system which would identify and distinguish rulers, soldiers, and the populace

He argued that all children should be raised communally by the state until they are
about 18 years old. At this stage of education, the aim is to train both character
and moral judgement. Between the age of 18 and 20, education should be
exclusively physical. At the age of
20 there would a general test. Those who pass would devote the next 10 years studying
mathematical disciplines.

This ideology has influenced different educational systems around the globe. For example, in
Kenya, there was 8-4-4 and now CBC system of education, University or college levels.

Levels of Pleasure

Plato talks about three levels of pleasure.

Justifying Socrates’ statement“The true champion of justice, if he intends to survive
even for a short time, must necessarily confine himself to private life and leave
politics alone”
Kenyan human rights activists cum politicians

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