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 Well trained, skilled and appointed people shall be the ones to use gas bottles in metal work.
 Fitters, assistant fitters and trained supervisors appointed in writing shall ensure safe usage of
gas bottles because of bursting and fire risks.
 Since oxygen supports combustion and acetylene is an explosive fuel gas there shall be proper
identification of such bottles.
 Height shall be another identification means, tall bottle shall be identified as oxygen bottle,
short and stout bottle shall be for acetylene bottle.
 Color shall be another mode of identification, black shall represent oxygen bottles, maroon shall
represent acetylene bottle.
 The gauges shall also be clearly labeled for the type of bottle, acetylene gauge shall be fitted
with maroon hoses and oxygen gauge to be fitted with blue hoses.
 Transportation of bottles to work places shall be done with trollies on wheels and person shall
not be allowed to drag bottles.
 Bottles shall be transported when the hoses and gauges are not connected to avoid damage.
 During connection the bottles shall be blown a bit to remove grit which might choke the torch.
 Connection shall be done with a proper size spanner to avoid damage of corners.
 Flash back arrestors and hose clamps shall be checked during connection and no wire shall be
used to connect hoses to the bottles and to the torch.
 Hoses shall be blown also to remove grit which can choke the torch and reducing cutting
 Cylinders shall be caused to stand up right in case of bursting and rocketing, they shall not face
the direction to where people are working.
 Before using the set of bottles leaks should be checked sincerely by sense of feeling, sense of
hearing and the use of soapy water.
 No one shall be allowed to check leaks by the use of fire or any naked flame because it may
cause fires and explosion.
 Hoses shall not be allowed to work in a coiling and kinking mode to avoid bursting and to
improve smooth flow of gas in the hose.
 No one shall cause bottles and hoses to be near naked fires or hot objects.
 The bottle lighter shall be the only method of igniting flame to the torch, naked flames are
 Nozzle cleaner shall be recommended for cleaning nozzle chock up.
 Fire from cut metals and hot metals shall be cooled with water to avoid burning and accidents.
 After using the set of bottles the torch, gauges and hoses shall be disconnected and transported
back to the store room by use of trollies.
 Housekeeping shall be done where metal work was being done to improve order and cleanness.


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