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1) In Groups, list the different problems generated by mass tourism (= too

many tourists in one place at the same time) :

a) If there are too many tourists at the same time and in a same place, there
can be problems for local people :

Quality of life : there are more traffic jams and air pollution so people get
sick (= tombent malades). It’s noisy (= bruyant) and overcrowded (=
bondé, surpeuplé).
Jobs : Jobs are seasonal ( not permanent)
Wages (= salaires) : They are (=ils sont) low (= bas) ( not high = pas
Natural resources (water= l’eau, Wood = le bois, food = la nourriture) :
Tourists consume (= consommer) a lot of water and food. There isn’t
enough (= assez) water for local people.
The land (la terre) : The land is (=est) taken away (= confisquée, prise)
from local people to build tourist facilities.
Local cultures and customs : There are cultural conflicts or
misunderstandings (= malentendus) because of the way tourists dress (=
la manière dont ils s’habillent) or the way they behave (= se comporter).
Price of tourist facilities (= le prix des installations touristiques pour la
population locale) : It’s expensive (= cher).

b) The local economy : Profits (= money earned (= argent gagné) = where

does most of the money go ?) = Most (= la plupart) profits go to
transnational corporations and leave the country (= quittent le pays).

c) For the environment :

- There is more pollution.
- Wild animals are hunted (= sont chassés) and put in zoos for tourists.
- The Habitat of wild animals is destroyed and animals are disturbed (=
- Many trees are cut down. There is deforestation.
- Vegetation and ecosystems are damaged (= abîmés) or destroyed (=
- Corals are damaged by tourists.
- Natural resources are wasted (= gaspillés).

2) What can be done to make tourism more sustainable (= Que peut-on

faire pour que le tourisme soit plus durable et écologique) for local
people, the local economy and the environment ?
a) Local governments can limit the number of tourists.
b) We can prevent (= empêcher) some vehicles from (= de) accessing
protected areas (= zones protégées).
c) Local governments can limit the tourists’ consumption of water.
d) Local governments can give fines (= amendes) to tourists who behave (=
se comportent) badly (= mal).
e) To limit C02 emissions, the local governments can encourage the use of
bikes (= vélos) or non polluting (= non polluant) means (= moyens) of
f) Local governments can favour the building of local hotels.

3) Watch the video.

What is it about ? / I’ve seen / I’ve heard……..
Name of the country :
Size / surface :
Well known for ( connu pour) :
Number of visitors who come every year :
Attractions for visitors :
What does this country do to promote ecotourism and sustainable practices? (
Name 2 things)
How do they protect Nature and wildlife ?
How do they produce most of their electricity ?
Goal of this country regarding carbon emissions :
What are the benefits of ecotourism for the environment and for the local
population ?
Can you find ecotourism everywhere in this country ?
Give a definition of ecotourism :

4) Now prepare a speech about Costa Rica and ecotourism :

Country : Costa Rica
Location :
Size :
Famous natural attractions in Costa Rica
Tourism practiced in Costa Rica :
Give a definition of this form of tourism :
It’s a form of tourism that aims at (+ verb-ing = qui a pour but de…) protecting
animals and plants by (en + verb-ing)…………………………………………
At benefiting the local population by …………………………………………………
At limiting waste of natural resources by……………………………………………….
….. …………….………………………………………………………………………………..
At limiting CO2 emissions and pollution by ……………………………………….

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