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Task 2 – Multi-text reading

In this section, there are four short text for you to read and some questions for you to answer.

Questions 16-20 (one mark per question)

Read questions 16-20 first and then text A, B, C and D below the questions.
As you read each text, decide which text each question refers to. Choose one letter – A, B, C or
D - and write it on the lines below. You can use any letter more than once.

Which text

16. suggest that Ecotourism might be damaging the environment?

17. explains the best practices for Ecotourism?

18. describes what is Ecotourism?

19. criticises Ecotourism?

20. describes that the demand for Ecotourism is increasing?

Text A
1. Adapted from

In a true ecotourism project, a nature reserve allows a small number of tourists to

visit its rare animals and uses the money that is generated to continue with important
conservation work. The local people have jobs in the nature reserve as guides and
wardens, but also have a voice in how the project develops. Tourists stay in local
houses with local people, not in specially built hotels. So they experience the local
culture and do not take precious energy and water away from the local population.
They travel on foot, by boat, bicycle or elephant so that there is no pollution. And
they have a special experience that they will remember all of their lives.
This type of tourism can only involve small numbers of people so it can be expensive. But
you can apply the principles of ecotourism wherever you go for your holiday.
Text B
2 Adapted from www. and

benefit local
people and
involve the local be sustainable

preserve wildlife provide positive

and culture of experiences for
the area
visitors and hosts

Principles raise sensitivity

minimize impact of environment and
Ecotourism culture

Text C
3 Adapted from

A. Why do you see sustainability as important in travel and tourism?

B. As the guardians of the Western Cape’s biodiversity, we think there’s a huge
importance to develop products and recreational activities which leverage our natural
assets in such a way that protected areas become sought after tourist destinations,
and become more accessible and attractive to a greater portion of the population.
A. How is sustainable tourism embraced in your destination?
B. Ecotourism is a trend that so many people are looking to follow as they are becoming
more aware of our impact on the environment. Our visitors’ numbers increased by
massive 39% in the last financial year. The demand for sustainable tourist destinations
is increasing and we are constantly working on improving and increasing our tourism
A. How can travellers be more involved in ecotourism and sustainable tourism?
B. We would encourage people to support nature. It’s everyone’s gift and it’s up to us to
make sure gift is there for future generations to come, so encourage the youth to take
an interest and get out in nature. You can also take sustainability feature to other
tourism destinations by doing things such as recycling and doing your best to save
Text D
4 Adapted from

Is Ecotourism helping nature?

Every year, millions of people descend on protected and unspoiled natural areas to observe
rare species. However, a new report casts doubt on the value of this form of tourism. It
suggests that ecotourism is more damaging than helpful to nature. Researchers believe
tourists are disrupting animals in their natural habitat.
The report says that ecotourism is making animals bolder and that this could endanger the
animals. A regular human presence might make animals friendlier and less cautious about
other animals around them, and this could put them at risk of being attacked by their
natural threats. "Then they will suffer higher mortality when they encounter real predators,"
the report says. It added: "When animals interact in 'benign' ways with humans, they may
let down their guard."

Questions 21-25 (one mark per question)

Choose the five statements from A-H below that are TRUE according to the information given
in the text above. Write the letters of the TRUE statements on the lines below (in any order).
21.___ A. Ecotourism shouldn’t be sustainable.
_ B. Researchers believe that Ecotourism might put animals at risk.
22.___ C. Travelers can be more involved in sustainable tourism by recycling and saving
_ water.
23.___ D. Ecotourism only provide positive experiences for visitors.
_ E. Ecotourism provides jobs for local people as guides and wardens.
24.___ F. One of the main principles of Ecotourism is to raise environmental and cultural
_ awareness.
25.___ G. The demand for sustainable tourism destinations is increasing.
_ H. Ecotourism is cheap because natural reserves allow the entrance for a huge
number of visitors.

Questions 26-30 (one mark per question)

The summary notes below contain information from the previous texts. Find a word or phrase
from text A-D to complete the missing information in gaps 26-30.

Write your answers on the lines below.

Summary notes
In an Ecotourism project:
- The benefits 26. _______________are used to preserve the natural reserve.
- Tourists visit 27. _______________landscapes and protected natural areas.
- The tourists 28. _______________ the culture and traditions of the local people.
- It preserves wildlife and raises sensibility about environmental issues.
- It 29. _______________local people in the project as workers or guards.
- Sustainable tourism can be applied to any tourism destination you go for your
- It might be damaging nature.
- Human presence may 30. _______________animals by making them vulnerable to
their real predators.
Task 3 – Reading into writing

Use the information from the four texts in Task 2 to write an essay (150-180 words) for your
teacher, presenting the advantages of Ecotourism.

You should plan your essay before you start writing. Think about what you want to say and
make some notes to help you in this box:

Planning notes

(No marks are given for these planning notes)

Now write your essay of 150-180 words on the lines below. Try to use your own words as far
as possible – don’t just copy sentences from the reading texts.

Task 4 – Extended writing

Write an informal email to your friend explaining why you are interested in Ecotourism and
inviting him/her to go on holiday with you.

You should plan your email before you start writing. Think about what you want to say and
make some notes to help you in this box:

Planning notes

(No marks are given for these planning notes)

Now write your article of 150-180 words on the lines below.


16. D

17. B

18. A

19. D

20. C

21, 22, 23, 24, 25: the following are true: B, C, E, F, G

26. generated

27. unspoiled

28. experience

29. involves

30. endanger

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