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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Name : ___________________________________________
Grade Level : ___________________________________________
Section : ___________________________________________
Date : ___________________________________________
Quarter/Week : Q3-W8

I. Lesson Title
 Tone and Mood

II. Most Essential Learning Competency (MELC)

 Evaluate narratives based on how the author developed the
elements (EN6RC-Ig-2.24.1- EN6RC-Ig-2.24.2)

III. Specific Objectives

 At the end of this lesson, the learners are expected to:
1. define tone and mood of a text; and
2. infer the tone and mood used by the author in a text.

IV. Key Concepts

 Tone vs. Mood

Tone and Mood are literary elements integrated into literary works, but
can also be included into any piece of writing. Identifying the tone and
mood in literature is very important to truly understand what an author is
trying to say and can be helpful in helping to discern the theme and
author‟s style. Students often mix up the two terms and can become

Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) in English 6 1

 Tone
 is simply the author’s attitude toward the subject. You can recognize
the tone/attitude by the language/word choices the author uses. His
language will reveal his perspective/opinion (that is, whether it is
positive/negative) about the subject. Tone must be inferred through the
use of descriptive words.
 Identifying the tone is all about knowing the definitions of many
descriptive vocabulary words. Without this large vocabulary, it‟s
difficult to describe outside of “good” and “bad.”


The girls were playing in the pond, splashing each other and trying to
catch fish with their hands. They were having fun, but kept looking over their
shoulders at the looming forest. The long grass of the field kept moving and they
sort of felt like they were being watched… About a half hour passed and still the
girls kept checking the field for movements. It seemed like a pair of dark eyes
was on them. They even considered going back inside, but that would mean
homework time. So they continued splashing, but with caution now. Their eyes
hardly left the field.

 The tone of this passage is ominous, suggesting a little bit of fear or

threatening. Words like "caution, dark, and looming” lead readers to the
 Important Tone Words
 Accusatory: charging of wrong doing
 Bitter: exhibiting strong animosity as a result of pain or grief
 Critical: finding fault
 Earnest: intense, a sincere state of mind
 Intimate: very familiar
 Matter-of-fact: accepting of conditions; not fanciful or emotional
 Optimistic: hopeful, cheerful
 Reverent: treating a subject with honor and respect
 Reflective: illustrating innermost thoughts and emotions
 Sarcastic: sneering, caustic
 Sincere: without deceit or pretence; genuine
 Solemn: deeply earnest, tending toward sad reflection

Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) in English 6 2

 Mood
 refers to the feeling of the atmosphere the author is describing. It is
what the author makes you feel when you read his writings. You can
read a sentence, and feel sad, happy or angry.
 Mood is shown through setting and atmosphere.


During the holidays, my mother's house glittered with decorations and

hummed with preparations. We ate cookies and drank cider while we helped her
wrap bright packages and trim the tree. We felt warm and excited, listening to
Christmas carols and even singing along sometimes. We would tease each other
about our terrible voices and then sing even louder.

 Mood: content, happy. How do we know? Words like "warm, excited,

glittered” are used by the author.

 Again, identifying the mood of a piece of writing will depend on the number
of descriptive words you know to answer the question: How did this
paragraph, this passage, this story make the character or make you feel?

 Example words to describe mood:

 Cheerful  Disappointed
 Relieved  Dreamy
 Gloomy  Foggy
 Bleak  Content
 Uncertain  Satisfied
 Bittersweet  Angry
 Relaxed  Motivated
 Lazy  Inspired
 Hopeless  Confident
 Tense  Eerie
 Furious

Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) in English 6 3

More Examples:
 Tone

1. I‟d rather stay here and wait, than go into that dark room.
 The sentence above imposes that the person is scared.

2. The sun is shining brightly in the meadow, let‟s go out and play!
 The sentence above imposes that the person is happy or excited.

3. I called my friend at their house, her brother said she‟s not home, but I
heard her voice come over the line.
 The sentence imposes that the person is suspicious.

More Examples:

 Mood

1. The night was dark and stormy.

 The sentence gives you a scary „mood‟ (or feeling).

2. The man kicked and threw the poor cat out of his house.
 The sentence gives you a feeling of anger, or pity towards the cat.

3. There was plenty of food, and the music was playing. Everybody was
having a good time.
 The sentence gives you a mood (or feeling) of happiness and fun.


 Tone is determined by description or dialogue

 Mood is determined by setting or atmosphere

Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) in English 6 4

V. Process Questions

1. What is tone in literary pieces?


2. How does a mood differ from a tone?


3. Does inferring the tone and mood of a text important to the reader?
Why? Why not?


Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) in English 6 5

VI. Activity

Directions: Infer the author‟s tone or the reader‟s mood portrayed in each
passage. Encircle your answer from the choices inside the box.

1. Donovan and Larry were early for baseball practice. They decided to run up
and down the bleachers to exercise before the rest of the team arrived. Larry was
first to the top. He whispered to Donovan, “Look over there.” He pointed to a man
sleeping on the highest, narrow bench of the bleachers. His pants and shirt were
faded, worn, and too large for his thin frame. One big toe stuck out of a huge
hole in his sock. His scraped-up shoes sat a few feet away. Donovan whispered,
“We should help him out. Let‟s hide something good in his shoes. Then, when he
wakes up, he will have a nice surprise.”
Tone: Angry Detached Sympathetic

2. About three million people have to look for a place to sleep at night. Some
homeless people have jobs but do not earn nearly enough money for both food
and shelter. Some become homeless because they have an unfortunate accident
or lose their job. They do not have any back-up resources to make it through the
hard times. The homeless face terrible problems. Many become victims of
violence. Serious health problems may begin because they are exposed to bad
weather and unclean conditions. Homeless children may miss the chance to go
to school. Worst of all, some cities pass laws that make it even harder on the

Tone: Disgruntled Nonchalant Serious

3. After New Year's the time came to put all the decorations away and settle in
for the long, cold winter. The house seemed to sigh as we boxed up its finery.
The tree was dry and brittle, and now waited hopelessly by the side of the road to
be picked up.

Mood: Depressed Inspired Relaxed

4. The gym of the high school was brightly decorated. The red and white
streamers covered the walls and heart shapes were scattered all over the floor.
Red glitter was thrown on all the tables and love songs were playing in the
background. The Valentine‟s dance was about to begin.

Mood: Gloomy Romantic Cheerful

Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) in English 6 6

5. The night it happened was one we will never forget. The wind was screeching
outside as rain pounded against the window. We had lost electricity hours ago
and had nothing but candles to light the house. The battery powered radio we
had was broadcasting a warning to lock your doors and stay inside; there was a
killer on the loose.

Mood: Tense Furious Scary

VII. Reflection/Generalization
 Read and answer the following questions.

1. What did you learn about the lesson?


2. What did you like most in this topic?


Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) in English 6 7

3. How do tone and mood make a literary piece/narrative more



Teacher II, Engkong ES

Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) in English 6 8

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