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A. Identify the following. Choose your answer in the box below.

idyllic melancholy romantic Cheerful

madness tone Mood Humorous
positive sentence negative sentence opinion Mysterious
contrast judgment Clue Words Compare
1. A light hearted,happy mood shown with descriptions of laughter, upbeat
song,delicious smellsand bright colors.
2. A chaotic mood where random things happen. Character may feel out of control.
3. described as pensive and sad.
4. A mood where things are hidden and puzzling.
5. The attitude or general character of a piece of writing and is often related to the
attitude of the writer or speaker.
6. Refers specifically to the effect a piece of writing has on the reader. Pertains to how
a piece of writing makes you feel.
7. Usually associated with beautiful,bright and carefree settings. Can also be set by
emotive words spoken by the characters.
8. Also called as affirmative sentence.
9. Refers to the process of identifying the similarities and differences between two
10.It states something believed to be false.
11. Refers to identifying only the differences between two things.
12.These words can help you give or identify similarities and differences between two
13.A thought or belief about something or someone.
14.A mood where characters do and say odd or funny things.
15.A calm and peaceful feeling and can sometimes be created by describing a natural
B. Choose the correct verb.
1. Which type of pens (was/were) your favorite?
2. For their project, Tiffany and Justin (is/are) making a model of a volcano.
3. The tiles in the corner (is/are) broken.
4. Neither the soldiers nor their general (was/were) given credit for the victory.
5. The forks in the drawer (was/were) bent.
6. My interest in crafts (keeps/keep) me busy.
7. Two colors of the flag (has/have) been changed.
8. The best of all the entries (was/were) yours.
9. One of the robins (has/have) an injured wing.
10.Most members of her family (is/are) artistic.
11.The pieces of furniture (is/are) antique.
12.The letters from Cale (has/have) been found in the drawer.
13.Down in the forest (was/were) two rope swings.
14.There (was/were) ten gifts left.
15.Why (was/were) the young girl still on the bus?
16.Here (comes/come) the band leader.
17.(Does/Do) those men have shelter?
18.James and his brother (is/are) leaving now.
19.Kisha and her friends (was/were) volunteering at the hospital.
20.Either he or his dogs (was/were)responsible for the mess.

C. Give at least 5 positive words and 5 negative words.

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