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Understanding Figurative Language


At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

a) Make them realize what figure of speech is.

b) Identify the figures of speech used in the english grammar

c) Construct english grammar sentences using different types of figurative language( simile,

metaphor, personification, and idiom)

d) Explain the importance of figurative speech used in english grammar


Topic/ Lesson: Figures of speech( simile, metaphor, personification, idiom)

Instructional Materials: Visual,Green board and White board

References: Google, Carrie Carter


Teacher’s Activity Student's Activity


May we All Stand for our Prayer. May I In the name of the Father, The Son and the

request Ms. Dwency to lead the prayer Holy Spirit Amen. Dear Lord………. Amen

2. Greetings

Good evening Ma’am, Praise be Jesus and

Good evening class !! Mary

How are you feeling tonight? Were fine ma’am

That’s good. You may take your sit and

attendance monitoring kindly monitor who are ‘Response may vary”

absent today.

Before we start, lets have our;


Now lets have our ‘Activity’ called

“arrange me”

Those with the same number will be

Group mates. Now proceed to your respective ‘yes ma’am!


There are 2 groups: The Black and Pink. No ma’am!

Each groups will arrange the scramble words.

Am I understood? Any clarifications?

Okay, let’s start.

1. Smilie 1. Simile

2. Emtahpor 2. Metaphor

3. Erpsonifiaciotn 3. Personification

4. Doimi 4. Idiom

4. New lesson

 Motivation

The activity will be presented at the green


 Unlocking difficulties

I have here a puzzle, you’re going to fill up the

correct words that will solve the puzzle. I will

give you the words and you will place it in the

puzzle box its either Across or Down.


1. Feeling or displaying the need for food. Hungry

2. Rumbling is a normal part of digestion. Growling

3. To turn something in, typically a switch. Flipped

4. A deep moan indicative of pain. Groaned

5. In or to a lower position. Beneath


1. A loud and deep noise. Rumbling

2. A crashing noise heard after a lightning Thunder

3. Remain Stuck

4. Move creating an air current Blow

5. Rubbing its surface to a cloth Wiped

5. Setting of Standard

Today I am going to read a Poem entitled

“Midnight Snack” by Carrie Carter. But before

we start, what will you do if the teacher is Listen, participate, and be quit

talking here on front?

I will expect that class!!

6. During Reading


 Silent reading by students

 Directed reading students activity


(Carrie Carter)

I was a hungry lion

When I woke up late one night

My tummy started growling

And so I flipped on the light.

The stairs all groaned beneath me

As I crept quiet as a mouse

My belly was rumbling thunder

As I wondered through my house.

I saw my brother’s cupcake

And it called to me by name

I knew I shouldn’t take a bite

But I tasted it all the same.

Sly as a fox I turned around

My brother asked me what I’ve done

I felt a frog stuck in my throat

And the cat had gotten my tongue.

Then I thought he’d blow his top

As I wiped frosting off my cheek

But he smiled sweet as pie and said

You’ll be doing my chores all week!

7. Comprehension Check-up

What is the title of the poem? Midnight snack

Who is the UTHOR of the poem? Carrie Carter

What does her brother told her after she eats Her brother told her that she will do all his

the cupcake? chores all week!

8. Valuing

After reading the poem what have you Answer may vary


What have you observed in the underlined I observed the figure of speech

words in poem?
9. Language focus

1. I was a hungry lion Metaphor

2. My tummy started growling
3. stairs all groaned beneath me

4. quiet as a mouse

5. My belly was rumbling thunder Metaphor

6. it called to me by name

7. Sly as a fox
8. I felt a frog stuck in my throat

9. the cat had gotten my tongue Idiom

10. He smiled sweet as pie

In this lesson student must determine what

kind of figure of speech is the words from the


10. Discussion

Uses “like or as” to compare two unlike

What is simile?

Says that two different things are the same

What is metaphor? things.

Gives human qualities to non-human things.

What is personification?

The phrases that do not mean exactly what

What is idiom? they say.


So how many figures of speech did you


Simile, metaphor, personification, idiom

What are those?

11. Post- reading

i will group you into four groups, each group

will be named black, pink, white and red,

 The group black will give 2 examples of

simile in figure of speech

 The group pink will give 2 examples of


 The group white also and the group red.

I will give each group 5 minutes to do the

12. Generalizations

Yes ma’am

Did you learn something from our lesson?


13. Evaluation

Identify the sentence if it is simile,

metaphor,personification and idiom. Write it in

¼ sheet of paper. Metaphor

1. You are a guardian angel! Personification

2. The tree invited us to play. Simile

3. The ball streaked across the field like a

meteor. Metaphor

4. Life is a curly slide, full of twists and turns. Idiom

5. Two heads are much better than one! Personification

6. The sun peeked happily from behind a

cloud. Simile

7. Today I’m feeling as fresh as a daisy.


8. The car happily squealed down the

highway. Idiom

9. I’ve been on cloud nine all day! Idiom

10. When my dad found out, he blew his top

Prepared by :
Lowie Esposo, Rupert Je Soria Approved by:
Kian Charlon, Lyccur Khient Babon Ma’am Cecil Ingotan

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