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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Caraga Administration Region


I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. Identify figures of speech that show comparison (simile metaphor, and personification)
2. Construct sentences using the types of figures of speech that shows comparison
3. Discuss the difference of figures of speech that shows comparison.

4. Content
1. Topic – Figures of Speech that Shows Comparison EN7V-II-c-10.1.2
References: K-12 CG p. 156
Instructional Materials – Visual Aids, Laptop, Pictures, Video Presentation, and Power Point

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Opening Prayer (Students pray)
“Everybody, kindly stand for our classroom “Our Father…”

2. Greetings
“Good Morning class!” “Good Morning Ma’am Joy”

3. Checking of Attendance
“Okay, let me see, is everybody present
today?” “Yes Ma’am, everybody is present today.”

“Very good, since we have a perfect (Students claps)

attendance today, let’s give ourselves three (3)

4. Classroom Management
“Before we sit down, please check your
surroundings and pick up some pieces of paper
(Student’s check their surroundings and align
and align your chairs.” their chairs)
Classroom Rules:
1. Be Positive
2. Be Prepared
3. Be Respectful
4. Be Participative

“So are you excited to unlock another knowledge

“Yes, Ma’am”
“Yes you are!”

B. Developing Activities

1. Unlocking of Difficulties:
A. Literal – meaning is to take the words in
their most basic sense, and not in their
figurative sense or doesn’t have any
additional meaning.
B. Figurative – when you describe
something by comparing it to something
else. The words or phrases that are used
don't have a literal meaning

C. Motivation

“Before we begin our lesson for today, let us first

have a group activity. I will show you two pictures
and you will answer some following questions
related to the pictures given. Are you ready?”

“I will divide you into three (3) groups and each

group will be given pictures with corresponding
questions, you will analyze and answer the
questions and one representative form the group
will discuss their answer to the class. Are we

D. Lesson Proper
“Our new lesson for today is about figures of speech.
In this lesson we will be dealing with these following

 Identify figures of speech that show

comparison (simile metaphor, and
 Construct sentences using the types of figures
of speech that shows comparison
 Discuss the difference of figures of speech that
shows comparison

E. Activity
“I have here several sentences, identify if the
1. Literal Language
sentence is in literal or in figurative language.”
2. Figurative Language
3. Figurative Language
4. Literal Language
1. The grass is green.
5. Figurative Language
2. David is as brave as a lion.
3. Life is a rollercoaster.
4. The sand feels rough.
5. My alarm clock yells at me to get out of bed
every morning.

F. Analysis

A simile is a comparison of two unrelated
objects with the use of as or like.

Sometimes you make comparisons. You

say as rough as a tree bark, like the heat of
the sun, like the smoothness of a rose
petal, or as clear as crystal. When you say
that the explanation is as clear as crystal or
the baby’s skin is like a rose petal, you are
making a comparison between two
unrelated objects whose only similarity is
in the clearness (of crystal) or the
smoothness (of the baby’s skin and that of
a rose petal).

These comparisons are called similes.


She is as sweet as candy.

He like a flagpole. (tall and thin)

Note: Using “like” or “as” doesn’t make a simile.

A comparison must be made.
Not a Simile: I like pizza.
Simile: The moon is like a pizza.

A metaphor is a comparison of two
unrelated objects without the use of as or

Some comparisons can be made without

using as or like. When you say the
drumming of raindrops on the roof, you
are comparing the sound of raindrops
falling on the roof to the sound of a drum.


All the world is a stage.

She has a stone heart.

“Now, read the meaning and examples

of personification.”


When you speak of things as though they

were persons, you are using
personification. Personification is giving
human traits to objects or ideas.


The smiling sun.

The flowers dancing in the breeze.

(Teacher gives further explanation of

personification) “Did you understand,

“Now, let’s check your understanding of

the lesson.

G. Abstraction
“What do you mean by Figures of Speech?”
“How many figures of speech have we
(Students reads the meaning and gives an
“What are the three (3) most commonly used
figures of speech?”
“Can you define Simile?”
“How about the Metaphor?”
“Can you give me an example of Metaphor?”
“How about personification?”
“Can you give me an example of

H. Application
“Now, let us have a group activity. I will group you
again into three and I will give you ten questions
about what we have discussed today. “

“Read the questions carefully and identify what

kind of figures of speech it is, whether it is a
simile, metaphor or personification.”
“Ma’am be helpful.”

“But before we start our activity, let us

first recall the steps in doing a group activity. “Do not go to the other groups when the group
activity starts.”
Who can recall the first step?”
“Be respectful to your groupmates and teacher.”

“Correct, what are the other steps?” “Be productive and help your groupmates.”

“That’s right. Let us now start the activity.

Identify the type of figures of speech in the following sentences. Choose your answer from the words
in the parenthesis (SIMILE, METAPHOR, and PERSONIFICATION). Write it on a ¼ sheet of paper.

1. My heart is like an open highway. 6. She is as fast as a cheetah!

2. It’s late night but still I’ve been working 7. The angry clouds marched across the
like a dog. sky!
3. The hungry chainsaw growled loudly. 8. The stubborn dense fog swallowed us,
4. My cat is a bolt of lightning. 9. She is as white as a snow.
5. The lonely train whistle cried out in the 10. This test is a piece of cake.
1. Simile 6. Simile
2. Simile 7. Personification
3. Personification 8. Personification
4. Metaphor 9. Simile
5. Personification 10. Metaphor

Identify the type of figures of speech used in the phrases given below and use it on your own
sentences. Write it on your notebook.
1. Roar in the wind
2. Gurgling like a baby

Prepared By:

Teacher-1 Applicant

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