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I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson the Grade 9 students are

expected to:

a. identify the figures of speech used in the

b. understand the importance of figures of speech
used in the sentence;
c. define each figures of speech and
d. show collaboration during the activity


 References
 Materials Laptop, printed pictures, visuals
 Values Interpretation Develop appreciation in the figures of speech
 Teaching Methodology Communicative methods /integrative approach



Good morning ma’am!
Good morning class, before we begin, Please all Lord we thank you for this morning, we thank you
rise and let us pray. Who wants to lead the prayer? for the food we eat and for the air we breathe.
Yes, you come here in front of the class. Please guide us today while we are learning and
give us love knowledge and wisdom. In Jesus name
In the name of the father of the son and the holy we pray Amen.
spirit. In Jesus name we pray amen.

Good morning again class, how are you today? Oh! Good morning too ma’am, We are good ma’am.
It’s nice to hear that we are all feeling good. I am
so excited to all of you here, I mean so excited to
what topic we’ll get to have in this morning.

But before I’ll start . . . please pick up the pieces of (Students picking up the pieces of paper)
paper and arrange your chairs properly. Hurry! In
a count of five, in one two three four and five.
Okay please be seated.

Okay, Who’s absent today? None ma’am.

None? Wow! We have complete attendance in this

day; it seems that you all are active in my class.
This is really a good start for our new topic.

But before anything else do we have any Yes ma’am we have assignment.
assignment? Let’s check your assignment. Who got
8, one two three Who got 9, one two Who got 10, (students raising their hands)
oh majority of you got perfect scores! Very good!
Give a round of applause to yourselves. (Clapping)

Now, who remembers our lesson last meeting? Jake (raising hand)
Okay, raise your hands, do not answer in chorus It’s all about verb ma’am.
and do not be shy. Anyone? Okay Jake, what is our
lesson last meeting?
Very good you remembered it. It’s a verb. Let’s
give five claps to Jake. One two three four five.


Okay class I have here some sentences. Everyone, (Students are reading)
please read.

1. Her smile is as bright as the sun. 1. Her smile is as bright as the sun.
2. The sun is smiling at us. 2. The sun is smiling at us.
3. She has a heart of stone. 3. She has a heart of stone.
4. A pilot has a fear of heights. 4. A pilot has a fear of heights.
5. The flood water gushed through the town. 5. The flood water gushed through the town.
6. Brad wore his blue and brown blazer. 6. Brad wore his blue and brown blazer.

So class, what do you think is our lesson for today? Jane(raising hand)
Who can guess Anyone?

Yes Jane stands up. I think ma’am, our lesson for today is all about
Figures of Speech.

You’re correct. Very Good.


Our topic for this morning is all about

Figurative language\ Figures of Speech.

Class, are you familiar with this? Yes ma’am

Oh great to know that you still remember this

Figurative language is phrasing that goes beyond
the literal meaning of words to get a message or
point across.

Class, I have here scrambled words and try to

arrange each word to form the type of figures of
speech .


Okay class, let us discuss those figures of speech

one by one first is the alliteration .

Alliteration is the term given to the repetition of

the same sound or letter at the
Beginning of words in a phrase.

Okay class , alliteration is when a writer repeats

the consonant sound at the beginning of words.
For example
1. My puppy punched me in the eye.

The words “ Puppy and punched “ are

Alliterative because they both started with “ p “.

Are you with me class? Yes maam.

Here’s another example of alliteration,

2. Carmen carefully caught Cari.
This example is alliterative because the “ C “ is
repeated four times in the sentence.
Did you understand class?

Is there any questions about alliteration? None so far maam.

Now let us proceed to the next figure of language,

Simile do you have any idea class? Simile is a figure of speech that use as and like in
the sentence.
Okay, very Good.

A simile is a comparison of two unrelated object

with the use of “as or like.”
Sometimes you make comparison.
For example

1. You are beautiful as Venus.

2. She speaks like Princess Diana.
3. The metal twisted like a ribbon.
4. She is as sweet as candy.

Any question regarding to the Simile figure of None maam.

speech everyone?

Okay since you all don’t have question let us

proceed to the next figure of speech the Hyperbole

Everybody, let us now read what Hyperbole is.

A Hyperbole is an overstatement that exaggerates A Hyperbole is an overstatement that exaggerates

a particular condition for emphasis which is an a particular condition for emphasis which is an
obvious and usually funny exaggeration. obvious and usually funny exaggeration.


1. I am so hungry I could eat horse.

2. He cried so long that he made a lake.

This is Hyperbole, since it is not meant to be

serious and is over-the-top to make a point. Good
Hyperbole is so exaggerated that the readers
knows immediately that you are joking.

Okay everyone
Note: Hyperbole is not meant to be taken literally;
the audience knows it's an exaggeration.

Yes Sir.
Did you all understand what Hyperbole is?
None Sir.
Any question before we proceed to the next
figurative language?

Okay now class, let's proceed to personification".

When you speak of things as though they were

persons, you are using personification.
Personification is giving human traits to objects or
Yes Sir.
Is it clear class?

So for your further understanding I have here

Please read
1. The sunlight danced
2.The smiling sun.
3. The flowers dancing in the breeze.

These sentences are examples of personification

that may be found or we can hear in everyday
Personification allows writers to create life and
motion within inanimate objects and animals. Yes sir.
Do you understand class?
"Very good."

Now, let's proceed to our next figurative speech.

Which is Metaphor.
Before we get into more of it. Let us know first
what does it mean.
Listen class , a methapor is a figure of speech in
which a term or phrase is applied to something to
which it is not literally applicable in order to
suggest a resemblance.
It is a direct comparison of objects.
So what is you’re understanding about this?

Very good so clever.

In simple explanation, metaphor is a direct
comparison between two objects.
For example:
1. Love is a journey.
2. Noah has the heart of a lion.

Finally, we're down to our last figure of speech the

Among all figures of speech, I find this the easiest.
Onomatopoeia is a figure of speech in which words
evoke the actual sound of the thing they refer to or
For example

1. The boom of a firework exploding.

2. The tick tock of a clock.
3. The ding dong of a doorbell .
Yes Sir.
Ok any question? Did you all understand?


1. What kind of figure of speech that uses like 1. Simile

and as in comparing two things? 2. Alliteration is different to Metaphor
2. What makes alliteration different to because Alliteration is the term given to
Metaphor? the repetition of the same sound or letter
at the Beginning of words in a phrase and
Metaphor is a term or phrase is applied to
something to which it is not literally
applicable in order to suggest a
3. What do you call a figure of speech that 3. Onomatopoeia
evokes the actual sound of the thing they
referring to?
4. How do we know if a sentence uses 4. When a sentence is so exaggerated that
hyperbolic figurative language? the readers knows immediately that you
are joking then it is hyperbole.

5. It is a type of figure of speech giving 5. Personification

human traits to objects or ideas while
hyperbole is an overstatement that
exaggerates a particular condition for
emphasis which is an obvious and usually
funny exaggeration.
ABSTRACTION Figurative language is phrasing that goes beyond
1. What do mean by figure of speech? the literal meaning of words to get a message or
point across.

2. How many figure of speech we have just There are six figures of speech

3. Enumerate the figures of speech we Those are simile, personification, hyperbole,

discussed. metaphor, alliteration, and onomatopoeia

4. Differentiate Simile to Metaphor. Metaphor is a figure of speech in which a term or

phrase is applied to something to which it is not
literally applicable in order to suggest a
resemblance while Simile is a comparison between
two things that use as and like.

5. Differentiate Personification to Hyperbole. Personification is giving human traits to objects or

ideas while hyperbole is an overstatement that
exaggerates a particular condition for emphasis
which is an obvious and usually funny
exaggeration. Hyperbole is so exaggerated that
the readers knows immediately that you are

6. Differentiate onomatopoeia to Alliteration. Onomatopoeia is a figure of speech in which

words evoke the actual sound of the thing they
refer to or describe while alliteration is the term
given to the repetition of the same sound or letter
at the beginning of words in a phrase.
Motive questions: Do these figures of speeches Yes maam
help you to understand deeply the context you are
in to?
Knowing these figure of speeches are helpful to
make an attractive and adds new texture in our

Did it get your interest to write one as aspirant Yes maam.



Direction: Analyse the picture carefully and give

what is asked.

1. Busy as bee
2. I’m so hungry , I could eat a horse!
2.Alliteration- 3. She is beautiful as rose.
4. The tick tock of the clock
5. Noah has a heart of lion.
6. The smiling sun.
Hyperbole -








Direction: Identify what figure of speech is being

used in the sentence.

1. She is as sweet as candy.

2. The ding dong of a doorbell 1. Simile
3. Noah has the heart of a lion. 2. Onomatopoeia
4. The flowers dancing in the breeze. 3. Metaphor
5. Carmen carefully caught Cari. 4. Personification
6. I am so hungry I could eat horse! 5. Alliteration
7. He cried so long that he made a lake. 6. Hyperbole
8. Sea shells by the seashore. 7. Hyperbole
9. Busy as bee. 8. Alliteration
10. You have a million toys at your house. 9. Alliteration
10. Hyperbole

1. Enumerate the six types of figures of 1. (Answer may vary)
speech and give at least 3 examples of
each type.
2. Define the following ; 2. a. Simile is a comparison between two
a. Simile things that use as and like.
b. Personification b. Personification is giving human
c. Metaphor traits to objects or ideas while
d. Hyperbole hyperbole is an overstatement that
e. Alliteration exaggerates a particular condition for
f. Onomatopoeia emphasis which is an obvious and
usually funny exaggeration.
c. a methapor is a figure of speech in
which a term or phrase is applied to
something to which it is not literally
applicable in order to suggest a
d. Hyperbole is so exaggerated that
the readers knows immediately that
you are joking.
e. alliteration is the term given to the
repetition of the same sound or letter
at the
Beginning of words in a phrase.
f. Onomatopoeia is a figure of speech
in which words evoke the actual sound
of the thing they refer to or describe.

Read in advance about the popular

Figurative Language Book
1. “Hide and Seek Fog by Alvin Tresselt “
2. “White Snow, Bright Snow by Alvin

Note that in the next meeting we will

discuss other types of figures of speech. Goodbye maam.

That’s all for today and Good bye.

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