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1. The pattern of movement or change that begins at conception and continues through the
lifespan, includes growth and decline.
a. Stages of development
b. Human development
c. Tasks development
d. Infancy
2. This development can be positive or negative.
a. Stages of Development
b. Tasks development
c. Pre natal Period
d. Human Development
3. Development that proceeds from the center of the body outward.
a. Proximodistal pattern
b. Cephalocaudal pattern
c. Tasks development
d. Human development
4. Development that proceeds from head downward
a. Proximodistal pattern
b. Human development
c. Cephalocaudal pattern
d. Stages of development
5. Development as a process is complex because it is the product of biological, _____________ and
socio-emotional processes.
a. Emotional
b. Cognitive
c. Spiritual
d. Social
6. Believes that individuals will show extensive change from birth to adolescence, little or no
change in adulthood and decline in late old age.
a. Life-span approach
b. Traditional perspective
c. Human development
d. Stages of development
7. Believes that even adulthood, developmental change takes place as it does during childhood.
a. Developmental approach
b. Life-span approach
c. Cognitive development
d. Developmental tasks
8. No developmental stage dominates development.
a. Lifelong
b. Multidimensional
c. Contextual
d. Plastic
9. Individuals are changing beings in a changing world
a. Contextual
b. Plastic
c. Multidimensional
d. Lifelong
10. Development is possible throughout the life span.
a. Contextual
b. Multidimensional
c. Plastic
d. Lifelong
11. Development consists of biological, cognitive and socio-emotional dimensions.
a. Multidimensional
b. Plastic
c. Contextual
d. Lifespan
12. It involves growth, maintenance, and regulation.
a. Development
b. Life-span
c. Plastic
d. Contextual
13. Development is relatively ____________ .
a. Gradual
b. Contextual
c. Orderly
d. Rapidly
14. The outcomes of developmental processes and rate of development are likely to _______
among individuals.
a. Valid
b. Complete
c. Change
d. Vary
15. Development takes place __________.
a. Gradually
b. Individually
c. Orderly
d. Completely
16. What are the three goals of Human development?
a. Growth, maintenance and contextual
b. Social, emotional and physical
c. Multidimensional, contextual and plastic
d. Growth, maintenance and regulation
17. Human development is a pattern of movement or change that begins at ___________.
a. Infancy
b. Tasks development
c. Change
d. Conception
18. It is an age period when certain needs, behaviors, experiences and capabilities are common and
different from other age periods.
a. Stages of human
b. Stages of development
c. Developmental tasks
d. None of the above
19. A task that arises about a certain period in life.
a. Stages of development
b. Developmental tasks
c. Life span approach
d. Human development
20. He formulated the 8 Developmental stages of human development.
a. John Santrock
b. John Stanrock
c. John Stans
d. John Sanrok
21. A stage of conception, implantation and formation of placenta
a. Embryonic stage
b. Fetal stage
c. Germinal stage
d. Developmental stage
22. A stage of formation of vital organs and systems.
a. Fetal stage
b. Germinal stage
c. Developmental stage
d. Embryonic stage
23. A stage wherein brain cells multiply age of viability.
a. Fetal stage
b. Embryonic stage
c. Developmental stage
d. Germinal stage
24. A stage wherein movement capability begins.
a. Germinal stage
b. Fetal stage
c. Embryonic stage
d. Developmental stage
25. Poor vision, toothless and uncoordinated movements.
a. Birth to 2 yrs old
b. 1 yr old
c. 2 yrs old
d. 4 to 5 yrs old
26. Begins to walk and talk
a. 2 yrs old
b. 1 yr old
c. 4 to 5 yrs old
d. 3 yrs old
27. Birth to 2 yrs old
a. Early childhood
b. Infancy
c. Late childhood
d. Childhood
28. 3 to 5 yrs old
a. Infancy
b. Late childhood
c. Early childhood
d. Childhood
29. 6 to 12 yrs old
a. Middle childhood and late childhood
b. Late childhood
c. Middle childhood
d. Adolescence
30. 13 to 18 yrs old
a. Adolescence
b. Middle childhood
c. Late childhood
d. Middle childhood and late childhood
31. In this stage, the main concerns include: children, health, job security, parents and fear of aging.
a. Middle adulthood
b. Adulthood
c. Late adulthood
d. Adulthood
32. 61 yrs and above
a. Adulthood
b. Middle adulthood
c. Adults
d. Late adulthood
33. Usually knows how to profit from errors
a. Late adulthood
b. Early adulthood
c. Middle adulthood
d. Adolescence
34. Emotional maturation continues to develop.
a. Late adulthood
b. Early adulthood
c. Middle adulthood
d. Adolescence
35. Learned to accept responsibility for actions.
a. Late adulthood
b. Middle adulthood
c. Early adulthood
d. Adolescence
36. Love and acceptance still take a major role
a. Late adulthood
b. Early adulthood
c. Middle adulthood
d. Adolescence
37. Wrinkles appear, hearing and vision decrease
a. Late adulthood
b. Adulthood
c. Adolescence
d. Middle adulthood
38. Extremely concerned with appearance.
a. Adolescence
b. Early adulthood
c. Late childhood
d. Middle childhood
39. Acceptance by peers is very important
a. Adolescence
b. Early adulthood
c. Middle childhood and late childhood
d. Childhood
40. From independent activities to same sex group activities
a. Middle childhood and late childhood
b. Childhood
c. Early adulthood
d. Adolescence
41. What is the 5th stage of Human Development?
a. Early adulthood
b. Middle adulthood
c. Adolescence
d. Early adulthood
42. What is the 6th stage of Human development?
a. Adolescence
b. Early adulthood
c. Middle adulthood
d. Childhood
43. The age of Early Childhood stage
a. 3 yrs old
b. 3 to 5 yrs old
c. 6 yrs old
d. 2 yrs old
44. Unsuccessful achievement of first stage will lead to inability to perform in the next stage.
a. Developmental task
b. Developmental stage
c. Human development
d. Stages of human
45. Determined explorer
a. 1 yr old
b. 2 yrs old
c. 3 yrs old
d. 4 yrs old
46. Begins to communicate verbally.
a. 1 yr old
b. 2 yrs old
c. 3 yrs old
d. 4 yrs old
47. Wants to be just like parents
a. 1 yr old
b. 2 yrs old
c. 3 yrs old
d. 4 yrs old
48. Physical changes begin to occur
a. Early adulthood
b. Adolescence
c. Late adulthood
d. Middle adulthood
49. Trying to establish self-identity
a. Adolescence
b. Middle adulthood
c. Early adulthood
d. Childhood
50. Traumatic life stage for child and parent
a. Adolescence
b. Early childhood
c. Middle childhood
d. Middle adulthood

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