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Erik Erikson was founder of …

A. psychosocial development B. sociological development
C. psychological development D. both a & b
2. Which of the following does not describe stagnation in stage 7?
A. people who cannot form real friendships with others
B. people who are self-centered
C. young parents who cannot take care of their children
D. people who are afraid of death
3. Piaget's developmental sequences follow in which order?
A. pre-operational, sensory-motor, concrete operational, formal operational
B. sensory-motor, operational, concrete operational, formal operational
C. sensory-motor, preoperational, formal operational, concrete operational
D. sensory-motor, pre-operational, concrete operational, formal operational
4. An example of Schaie's legacy-leaving stage includes a man who is 83 years of age
and is telling stories to his great-grandchildren about their family's history. The stage
before the legacy-leaving stage is one in which people are trying to conserve their
energy. This stage is known as:
A. responsible stage B. reintegrative stage C. reorganizational state D. none of these
5. According to the text, regardless of activity level, muscular strength begins to
decline somewhat by about age:
A. 25 B. 30 C. 35 D. 40
6. Which of the following is NOT considered a "marker event" for adulthood?
A. completing formal education B. getting married
C. turning 21 D. having children
7. At what time of life does Erikson stage Industry vs. Inferiority occur?
A. old age B. adolescence C. infancy D. school age
8. Which of these are associated with insecurely attached infants in later life?
A. less competent B. has less mature friends
C. less socially skilled D. all of the above
9. If a young adult sees stealing as wrong because of the harm it brings to someone,
which of Kolbergs’ stages are they displaying?
A. punishment and obedience orientation B. good boy good girl orientation
C. legalistic orientation D. social order orientation
10. Which of these is a misconception about heredity?
A. heredity means that a person will not change
B. it is a waste of effort to try to influence a trait that has a strong heredity component
C. if the heritability of a trait is high, it shows that society has had little influence on
the trait
D. all of the above
11. Bob hasn’t missed a day of work since he started his job three years ago. Every
morning he comes in with a smile on his face that remains there until he leaves. He
works for a charity and it gives him great satisfaction to know that he’s helping
others. He loves his job. Bob is most likely
A. a workaholic B. driven by protestant work ethic
C. burned out D. work enthusiast
12. A relationship based on a previous friendship that developed into lovers is
characteristic of what love style?
A. agape B. storge C. ludus D. pragma
13. A mother and her infant son are being tested by Aisworth’s Strange Situation
procedure. After the mother has left and comes back onto the room the child acts like
he is mad at the mother. This child is said to be?
A. secure B. anxious C. highly neurotic D. avoidant
14. Some people crave high levels of arousal through high levels of stimulation. They
are said to be
A. sensation seekers B. excitation transfers C. securely attached D. inhibited
15. Which of the following is a way to measure activity level in an infant?
A. how often they smile B. how much they sleep
C. how much they want to be held D. all of the above
16. Which style of love matches this statement "I try to keep my lover a little
uncertain about my commitment to him/her"?
A. eros B. ludus C. storge D. pragma
17. What aspect(s) of personality are believed to have evolved in humans?
A. overeating B. quick response to danger
C. aggression in men D. all of the above
18. The research strategy for assessing personality stability that studies two or more
groups assumed to be at different stages of development is
A. stratification B. cross-sectional C. binominal D. longitudinal
19. Which of the following is NOT one of the Erikson’s stages of psychosocial
A. industry vs. inferiority B. intimacy vs. isolation
C. trust vs. mistrust D. life vs. death
20. Generativity is best described as
A. part of erikson’s later adulthood stage B. a desire to help others
C. the ability to make general observations D. both a and b
21. Middle Adulthood / Middle Age - which extends from approximately _ to _ years
A. 30-40 B. 40-60 C. 25-35 D. 45-55
22. The major problems in vocational adjustment as selection of a vocation is in _
stage of development
A. early adulthood B. middle adulthood C. late adulthood D. old age
23. Most common & most serious vocational hazards of early adulthood are -----
A. job dissatisfaction & unemployment. B. job stress
C. increasing job demands D. performance evaluation
24. Which biological theory of aging emphasizes harmful genetic mutations as a
causal factor?
A. wear and tear theory B. somatic mutation theory.
C. cross-linkage theory D. free radical theory.
25. By age 70, few people experience stage ____ deep sleep at all.
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5
26. Severe bone depletion is referred to as
A. osteoporosis. B. arthritis. C. calcium deposits. D. rheumatism.
27. In the United States, women usually experience menopause around age
A. 65 B. 60 C. 50 D. 45
28. .A common problem in older men is _____, better known as impotence.
A. prostrate cancer B. male menopause C. penile impotency D. erectile dysfunction
29. ____ is chest pain that may precede a heart attack
A. angina B. hypertension C. hypertensive cardiovascular disease D. angioplasty
30. ________ is a serious condition that can lead to blindness.
A. somatic mutation B. heart disease C. glaucoma D. osteoporosis
31. Which of the following is an environmental theory of aging?
A. somatic mutation theory B. genetic control theory
C. free radical theory D. immune function theory
32. The measure of the number of years that a person can expect to live without a
disability is called
A. disability free expectancy. B. life expectancy.
C. lifetime disability expectancy. D. active life expectancy.
33. A condition known as _____ occurs when the heart is unable to pump enough
blood to meet the needs of the body.
A. angina B.congestive heart failure C. hypertension D. lentigo
34. Gender is:
A. synonymous with biological sex B. a multi-dimensional construct
C. genetically determined D. under parental control
35. Which of Erikson's Psychosocial Stages characterizes adolescence?
A. industry vs. inferiority B. intimacy vs. isolation
C. identity vs identity diffusion D. initiative vs guilt
36. The basic understanding of desires, beliefs, perceptions and emotions is referred
to as the Theory of:
A. behaviour B. mind C. thought D. opinion
37. Which of the following is NOT one of Kohlberg’s stages of moral reasoning?
A. conventional B. unconventional C. postconventional D. preconventional
38. Which of the following comparisons between Piaget and Kohlberg’s theories of
moral judgement is TRUE:
A. both agreed that to young children, right and wrong is determined by obedience to
rules and authority figures
B. both agreed on the number of stages individuals passed through before achieving
mature moral reasoning
C. both agreed that all normal individuals advance to the highest level of moral
D. piaget believed that development of moral reasoning was continuous, whereas
kohlberg believed it was discontinuous
39. At what age do children begin to differentiate between others’ emotional distress
and their own?
A. 3-12 months B. 6-14 months C. 9-18 months D. 2 years
40. Which of the following approaches do many current theorists of motor
development take?
A. piagetian approach B. evolutionary approach
C. changing modules approach D. dynamic systems approach
41. Which of the following statements would talk about the seed and the soil analogy
in talking about the nature of human development?
A. is development stable or open to change?
B. is development continuous or discontinuous?
C. nature-nurture controversy.
D. one course of development of many courses of development.
42. Emotional intelligence involves …
A. mood management. B. managing relationships.
C. emotional self-awareness. D. all of the above
43. Dechen has an investigative and a curious mindset. She likes evaluating and
contrasting the different things she has learnt in the class. This is indicative of her …
A. creative intelligence. B. analytical intelligence.
C. practical intelligence. D. all of the above.
44. Subash is a highly athletic boy and can play games that involve bodily movement
very well. However, he faces so much of difficulty in drawing and writing that he
takes a long time even to write one alphabet clearly. This is indicative of his…
A. good fine motor skills. B. poor fine motor skills.
C. poor gross motors skills. D. good gross motor skills.
45. What is Erikson most famous for?
A. id vs. ego B. identity crisis C. social learning theory D. behaviorism
46. The psychosocial task during one’s high school years is to achieve a sense of?
A. industry B. delinquency C. autonomy D. identity
47. Each stage in Erikson’s model of psychosocial development can be characterized
A. a period of creative tension B. an achievement scale for growth
C. a different psychological crisis D. a and c
48. People who achieve a sense of integrity…
A. consolidate a sense of self B. want to make personal changes
C. treat themselves as the most important person in the world
D. sink into despair
49. If someone has suffered a head injury and has trouble speaking in a meaningful
way, and babbles in a senseless manner, it is likely that there was a damage to the
A. broca’s area B. wernicke’s area C. occipital lobe D. cerebrum.
50. Being able to play guitar well is an example of possessing good
A. fine motor skills B. gross motor skills C. reflexes D. locomotor skills

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