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Childhood and Adolescent Development

1. The term for the developing organism from the first 2 weeks of conception
a. Neonate c. Fetus
b. Zygote d. Embryo

2. Which among the following developmental milestones/tasks correctly describe middle adulthood?
a. Preparing for economic career
b. Adjusting to aging parent
c. Assuming civic responsibility
d. Meeting social and civic obligations

3. Development is characterized by growth and decline. This statement supports Baltes' assertion that
development is:
a. plastic. c. multidirectional.
b. multidimensional. d. contextual.

4. The first stage of attachment is called .

a. Indiscriminate Attachments c. Specific Attachment
b. Asocial d. Multiple attachments

5. Which among the following milestones is true of early childhood?

a. Distinguishing right from wrong
b. Assuming civic responsibility
c. Learning to get along with age-mates
d. Preparing for an economic career

6. Which among the following is true of solitary play?

a. None of these
b. designed for children ages 3-4
c. Tendency to share materials but not necessarily together
d. characterized by shared goal agreed upon rules
7. Which period of development is characterized by establishing independence, developing an identity,
and thinking more abstractly?
a. adolescence c. middle-late childhood
b. early adulthood d. early childhood

8. Which among the following is NOT a component of emotional intelligence?

a. Self-awareness c. Social Skills
b. Motivation d. Trustworthiness and integrity

9. Teacher Aira Marie in now 69 years old has been observing changes in herself such as the aging process.
Which term refers to the development change that is happening to Teacher Aira Marie?
a. Growth c. Development
b. Learning d. Maturation

10. The ability to understand the emotional makeup of other people and/or the skill in treating people
according to their emotional reactions is known as .
a. Empathy c. Social skills
b. Self-awareness d. Self-management

11. Which of the following holds true of empathy?

a. Characterized by self-confidence, realistic self-assessment, and a modest sense of humor
b. The ability to find common ground and build rapport.
c. The propensity to suspend judgment and to think before acting
d. Characterized by building and retaining talent, cross-cultural sensitivity

12. Military training wherein students are given tasks to be done with no further questioning and requires
absolute obedience to authority is could be likened to what form of parenting style?
a. neglective/ uninvolved c. authoritarian
b. authoritative d. permissive/ indulgent

13. When does the germinal period end?

a. When the three germ layers are formed.
b. When the blastocyst is fully implanted into uterine tissue.
c. When the three germ layers are formed.
d. When the cell differentiation intensifies.
14. Differentiation describes the process of _.
a. the blastocyst attaching itself to the uterine wall
b. cells forming into various types of cells
c. the genes of the parents asserting themselves
d. a zygote turning into an embryo

15. Which of the following statements holds TRUE of maturation?

a. It is the qualitative, life-long change that each individual undergoes
b. It is the quantitative bodily change that is influenced by heredity
c. It is related to children’s readiness to complete a task
d. It is the ability to change due to experience.

16. Which among the following types of play is designed for children ages 4-6?
a. Unoccupied and associative play
b. Solitary and On-looker play – play alone, watch but not engage 0-2 years old - ISHIKA
c. Associative and Cooperative play
d. Parallel and Associative play - Tendency to share materials but not necessarily together

17. Which of the following provides the best description of the relationship between heredity and
environment in determining height?
a. Heredity and environment contribute equally to development
b. Heredity is the primary influence, with environment affecting development only in severe situations
c. Environment is the major influence on physical characteristics
d. Heredity directs the individual’s potential and environment determines whether and to what degree the
individual reaches that potential.

17. Which one(s) is (are) myths about heredity?

a. All of the above
b. If a trait is inherited, it will have similar effects in the various people who inherit it.
c. Heredity means that the person will not change
d. If the heritability of a trait is high, it shows that society has had little influence on the trait

18. Which among the following holds true of ORGANOGENESIS?

a. Mesoderm becomes the respiratory and digestive systems
b. All of these
c. Endoderm develops into circulatory and skeletal system
d. Ectoderm becomes the sensory receptors

19. Which type of parenting styles is best for delinquent learners/ children?
a. authoritarian c. authoritative
b. neglective/ uninvolved d. permissive/ indulgent

20. After former Pres. Marcos’ burial in the Libingan ng mga Bayani, there were a number of citizens who
rallied against it and sought for justice, even if the burial had legal approval. Following Kolhberg’s
Theory of Moral Development. These social activist belong to which stage?
a. Universal principle c. Obedience and punishment
b. Social contract d. Law and order

21. Which of the following should a teacher exclude in planning the learning environment of a child with
a. Control amount of light and auditory distractions
b. Limit clutters with clear physical boundaries
c. Structure room fit to child’s age
d. Paint the room Blue and Green.

22. The process of adjusting our schemas to fit new information and events is known as _____.
a. Equilibrium c. Assimilation
b. Schema d. Accommodation

23. Steve, a Grade 6 student, will be leaving for United States next month. He finally received the
eligibility to be able to stay there with his parents. He feels anxious and wondering on the major adjustments
he will encounter. This situation relates to what child’s ecological environment?
a. Mesosystem c. Chronosystem
b. Macrosystem d. Exosystem

24. Which type of mainstreaming allows the child to participate in both academic and non-academic
a. Full Inclusion c. Partial Integration
b. Partial Inclusion d. Full Integration
25. It is the child’s bigger social system in which the child does not function directly and it includes the
government, mass media and parent’s workplace.
a. Exosystem c. Macrosystem
b. Microsystem d. Mesosystem

26. During the phallic stage, the child must repress sexual desire to opposite sex parent and then identify
with the same sex parent, striving to be like him/her. This is a positive resolution and will avoid the fixation
in this stage called?
a. Identity Crisis c. Castration
b. Sexual Deviance d. Electra Complex

27. Student Kobe says: “I have to go to school on time. This is what the rule says.” In what stage of moral
development is Kobe?
a. Mutual Benefit c. Social Contract
b. Punishment-Obedience d. Law and Order

28. Which of the following is true about Mental Disability?

a. It can be treated by medicine and therapy
b. It is manifested before the age of 18
c. More boys are affected than girls
d. It is associated with malnourishment

29. In the expanded hierarchy of needs, this is the appreciation and search for beauty, balance, form?
a. Transcendence c. Cognitive
b. Aesthetic d. Self-Actualization

30. In which substage of the sensorimotor stage do tertiary circular reactions appear?
a. substage 5 c. substage 1
b. substage 3 d. substage 6

31. A student who has difficulty maintaining attention because of a limited ability to concentrate, shy, docile
and timid may be diagnosed with:
a. Attention Deficit Disorder c. Autism
b. Mental Retardation d. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
32. Which of the following is an example of a Developmental Disorder:
a. ADHD c. Mental Retardation - intellectual disability
b. Autism d. Dyslexia

33. Liza loves the workplace of her father, it has a complete amenities for kids which the management
provides for their workers. In which bio-ecological system would a parent’s workplace be located?
a. The chronosystem c. The mesosystem
b. The microsystem d. The exosystem

34. This personality is preoccupied with eating/drinking and reduces tension through oral activity such as
eating, drinking, smoking, biting nails.
a. anal expulsive c. oral receptive
b. oral aggressive d. anal retentive

35. A civic action group protests the use of pills for family planning, saying that although the government
allows this, it is actually murder because the pills are abortifacient (causes abortion). Which stage of
Kohlberg’s moral development theory is demonstrated?
a. Law and order c. Social approval
b. Universal Principles d. Social contract

36. Mr. Francisco was very much worried about the thumb-sucking of his son. A friend of him says that
certain behavior among infants. Who presented that notion that certain behavior like thumb-sucking is
normal behavior?
a. Urie Bronfenbrenner c. Erik Erikson
b. Lawrence Kohlberg d. Sigmund Freud

37. Based on the psychoanalytic theory, which is regarded as the “deciding agent of the personality?”
a. id c. superego
b. ego d. subconscious

38. Mark believes that authority is respected. He is now in what particular level of moral development
theory of Lawrence Kohlberg?
a. Law and Order c. Interpersonal Concordance
b. Social Contract d. Universal Ethics Orientation

39. Which of the following is true about human development?

a. All of the above
b. Development is the gradual and orderly unfolding of the characteristics of the individuals as they go
through the successive stages of growth.
c. Human development considers both maturation and learning.
d. Development refers to the progressive series of changes of an orderly coherent type toward the goal of

40. Which of the following bioecological systems involves the parent’s work place, mass media and
community services?
a. mesosystem c. microsystem
b. macrosystem d. exosystem

41. Which of the following is the correct order of psychosexual stages proposed by Sigmund Freud?
a. Oral stage, anal stage, genital stage, latency stage, phallic stage
b. Anal stage, oral stage, genital stage, latency stage, phallic stage
c. Anal stage, oral stage, phallic stage, latency stage, genital stage
d. Oral stage, anal stage, phallic stage, latency stage, genital stage

42. Which of the following is NOT one of the characteristics of a child with ASD?
a. Having difficulty in paying attention - adhd
b. repeat actions over and over again
c. Having trouble communicating and expressing thoughts and feelings
d. Both letter B and C

43. If a person does not feel accepted or loved, they have not reached what level, according to Maslow?
a. Level 3 c. Level 4
b. Level 1 d. Level 2

44. What IQ score indicates that an individual is within the borderline of having an intellectual
a. IQ score of 90 c. IQ score of 150
b. IQ score of 70 d. IQ score of 110

45. Studies on delinquent students recommend which effective parenting style for adolescents?
a. Neglectful c. Authoritarian
b. Authoritative d. Laizzes faire

46. What life-support system functions in facilitating nutrient, gas and waste exchange between the
physically separated maternal and fetal circulations?
a. uterus c. placenta
b. amnion d. spinal cord

47. A newborn baby can move her whole body at one time instead of moving a part of it. Which of the
following principles is illustrated by his behavior?
a. Development proceeds from general to specific.
b. Development follows an orderly pattern.
c. Development proceeds from specific to general.
d. Development follows a general pattern.

48. Which of the following refers to the ability or set of abilities that allows a person to solve problem or
fashion a product that is valued in one or more cultures?
a. Talent c. Intelligence
b. Skill d. Creativity

49. Which of the following is an example of babbling stage of language development?

a. aaa c. Mamamama
b. Me go sit on chair' d. Daddy go

50. Which of the following caregiving styles may lead to aggressive behavior, poor self-control and poor
self-esteem of the child?
a. Authoritative c. Authoritarian
b. Negligent d. Permissive

51. Modifying an existing scheme after an individual’s interaction with the environment, resulting in the
creation of
a. Assimilation c. Accommodation
b. Interaction d. Recognition

52. What is the most accurate definition of the puberty stage?

A. Rapid physical growth and sexual maturation that ends childhood.
B. Stage when sexual maturation is achieved.
C. Stage when adolescents establish identities separate from their parents.
D. Rapid physical growth that occurs during adolescence.

53. This is the transition period between childhood to adulthood where rapid physical changes and
sexual maturity occur resulting in changes in ways of feeling, thinking and acting.
A. Early adulthood C. Middle adulthood
B. Puberty D. Adolescence

54. It is the brain’s ability to change from experience:

A. Learning C. Tabula rasa
B. Growth D. Plasticity

55. Which of the following characteristics a student raised by Authoritative parents?

A. Indecisive B. Relates well to classmates

56. Based on the psychoanalytical development theory of Freud, which operates when Rey lends his bicycle
to his friend Vernie who was crying for it?
A. Ego B. Superego

57. The anxiety of a child whose father belongs to the army increases every time his father leaves for duty.
This proves that a child environment, particularly affects a child’s development.
A. Exosystem B. Macrosystem

58. The growing attention on the significance of early childhood education is attributed to the principle
A. Early childhood experiences will be meaningful to them in the future
B. The formative years of a child is his first six years.

59. Which of the following pupils show the most serious problems of adjustment?
A. The one who bullies his classmates
B. The quiet child who never participates on class activities

60. Psychomotor behavior of a child depend on his perceptions and interpretation of his sensory
experiences. Which of the following activities best contributes to a child’s motor development?
A. Guided play activities B. Free play activities

61. According to Ausubel’s subsumption theory, meaningful learning task place when new material or
relationships can be derived from the existing structure. Information can be linked to other concepts or
information to create new interpretations or meaning, which process is explained?
A. Correlative subsumption B. Derivative subsumption

62. Danilo, a student in the secondary level tends to spend more time with his friends than his family, thus,
his behaviour is greatly affected by them. In Which stage is the psychosocial Stages of Development does
Danilo belong?
A. Autonomous vs Role Confusion C. Intimacy vs Isolation
B. Identity vs Role Confusion D. Initiative vs Guilt

63. What level has a four-year-old learner like Maryann reached when she acquired new skills such as
putting the same shapes and the same colors together?
A. Development C. ZPD
B. Maturation D. Learning

64. This is the ability to perceive, access and generate emotions to assist thought, and reflectively regulate
emotions in order to promote emotional and intellectual growth.
A. Erik Erikson C. Sigmund Freud
B. Jean Piaget D. Lawrence Kohlberg

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