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Name: Aimie Rose P.

Licos Course/Year: BSBA-HRDM 1st Year

Instructor: Maryfel S. Moreno Subject: Business Communication

Search for the definition and components of the following items:

1. The importance of excellent communication skills

- It is important because it allows you to understand and be understood by others, if you have
poor communication skillet may lead to misunderstanding.

2. The Communication Model.

- Communication Model, it’s the representation of the process which helps in understanding
how communication works can be done.

3. The Components of Communication.

- The communication process is made up of four key components, those are Feedback,
Message, Receiver, and Channel.

4. Ethics in Communication
- Ethics in communication is important because if the public views someone as not
trustworthy, it can compromise a professional reputation.

5. Potential Legal Consequences of Communication.

- Understanding the potential legal consequences of communication in business is essential
for entrepreneurs, managers, and front-line employees alike. Product Disclaimers, Legal
Disclosure, Marketing Communications, Financial Reporting, Internal Communications.

6. Strategies for Communicating Across Culture.

- When you communicate to your Business Partners or any Client across cultures make sure it
comes down to clear communication, Avoid slang, Speak Slowly, practice Active Listening,
and maintain etiquette.
7. Tips for effective Communication with diverse Workplace audiences.
- Tips for effectively communicating with diverse audiences,
- Consider language, this may seem like an obvious suggestion but it is very important
- Translate your materials.
- Be flexible with others
- Use affirming responses.

8. Basic of Business Writing.

- Basic rules in business writing are to Strike the right tone, be clear and concise, illustrate
your points with specifics, remember the Goal, and get to the point quickly.

9. The Writing Process for Business Messages and Oral Presentations.

- Writing process has three parts, Prewriting, Writing, and Revising. You anticipate how your
audience will react to your message, adapt the message to the audience, and try to think of
the right words and the right tone that will win approval.

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