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考试形式:综述 1 篇
1. 完全抄袭某篇文章或某网站内容 45
2. 选题 5
3. 课程内容与专业内容结合程度 15
4. 内容的丰富程度 20
5. 参考文献(必须有 Cell 、Nature 或 Science 5
期刊的文献,文献年代要求为 10 年内的,文献
量在 30-80 之间)
6. 格式 5
7. 其它 5
备注 教师阅卷完毕将分数登录在封面,并将对该篇

1. 题目
2. 姓名
3. 学号
4. 专业
5. email 地址/电话
Requirements for the Final Examination of

Clinical Biochemistry

A Review is required to be handed in (both hard copy and e-version)

after the last class of Clinical Biochemistry or no late than the following
week of the last class. The review paper should involve in knowledge of
both biochemistry and your major. The score depends on the following

1. If your review paper is dotted with -45

plagiarized sentences,
2. If the theme chosen is not related to -5
any theme talked in the class,
3. If you do not apply Biochemistry -15
content to write topics of your major,
4. If you do not devote enough time and -20
effort to make your paper clear and
easy to read and contain enough
5. If it does not contain certain amount -5
of references,
6. If references are not included the -5
articles from the Cell, Nature or
7. If more than 10 references are 10 -5
years ago
8. If it is not good formatted, -5
9. If it has other drawbacks, -5

1. The review paper deserves zero mark because of not following the
requirements of formation.
2. The review paper deserves zero mark because of plagiarism.
3. Deadline:29th. May 2018 (hard copy and e-version)
4. Email address:
Title: (Black, boldface, font is Arial, size
22 point)

Name: (Black, boldface, font is Arial, size 12 point)

Student No.:
Email address:

Never put anything else on the cover page.

(Black, boldface,font is Arial, size 12 point)

Key words:
no more than 7 words.
Body part:
It is the main part of your paper; you can involve some sub-titles, but never ever put
everything .
pay attention to the formation.
[1] Marttila RJ, Roytta M, Lorentz H, Rinne UK. (1988) Oxygen toxicity protecting enzymes in
the human brain. J Neural Transm. 74(2): 87-95.
[2] Martinet W, Knaapen MW, De Meyer GR, Herman AG, Kockx MM. (2001) Oxidative DNA
damage and repair in experimental atherosclerosis are reversed by dietary lipid lowering. Circ
Res. 88(7): 33-9.
[3] Mahfouz MM, Kummerow FA. (2000) Cholesterol-rich diets have different effects on lipid
peroxidation, cholesterol oxides, and antioxidant enzymes in rats and rabbits. J Nutr Biochem.
11(5): 293-302.
[4] Prasad K, Kalra J. (1993) Oxygen free radicals and hypercholesterolemic
atherosclerosis: effect of vitamin E. Am Heart J. 125(4): 958–73.

Or you can follow this method to prepare your paper.

1. Introduction to lung cancer
2. Introduction to microRNA
2.1 MiRNAs biogenesis and nomenclature
2.2MiRNAs classification
2.3MiRNAs in health and disease
2.4MiRNA in lung cancer
3. Introduction to apoptosis
3.1MiRNA and extrinsic apoptotic pathway
3.2MiRNA and intrinsic apoptotic pathway
4. MiRNAs -mediated regulation of apoptosis via tumor suppressors/oncogenes
4.1 MiRNA and the p53 network
4.2 MiRNA targeting of TPM1
4.3 MiRNA regulation of PDCD4
4.4 MiRNA regulation of PTEN
5. References
1. Introduction to lung cancer:
Globally lung cancer is the most common cancer in men and women, both in terms of
incidence and mortality. Lung cancer can be grouped in two main histological types’ i.e. non-
small cell and small cell lung cancer (NSCLC and SCLC respectively) [1]. NSCLC accounts
for 75-85% of lung cancer patients and consists of several subtypes, predominantly
squamous cell carcinomas, adenocarcinomas and large cell carcinomas. Small cell lung
cancer accounts for 15-25% of lung cancer patients, often has neuroendocrine components
[2, 5]. Many lung cancers constitute histologically mixed tumor types consisting of non-small
cell and small cell components [5-6]. Small cell lung cancer is characterized by its rapid
doubling time and propensity for early metastases. NSCLC is the major

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