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Dusk = Oscuridad

Herd = Rebaño
roof = techo
wandering = errante
swept = barrido
half-destroyed = medio destruido
awakened = despierto
ended = terminó
gate= puerta
planks= tablones
strayed= extraviado
arose= surgió
taking up= tomando
crook= ladrón
stir = revolver
schedule = horario
prodded = pinchado
cheated = engañado
flowing = fluyendo
vaguely recalled = vagamente recordado
Moorish conquerors= Conquistadores
sheep = oveja
mumbled = murmuró
raven hair = pelo de cuervo
uneasy = inquieto
seamen = marineros
carefree wandering = preocupaciones
dawning = amanecer
seemingly endless = Aparentemente interminable
sunrise = amanecer
sights = miras
aware = consciente
slaughtered = sacrificado
lead them to nourishment = llevarlos a la nutrición
haunted = embrujado
anger toward his faithful companion = ira hacia su fiel compañero
afford = pagar
Amongst = Entre
n a pouch that held = una bolsa que
inheritance = herencia
Take to the field = Llevar al campo
gaze = mirada
bury it = enterrarlo
dozens = docenas
burden of struggling = carga de luchar
sough =
huge and inexhaustible= enorme e inagotable
don't even = ni siquiera
charge = cargo
a bit upse = un poco arriba
swear= jurar
deserve = merecer
disappointed = decepcionado
care of = cuidado de
traded = negociado
thicker = más grueso
bench = banco
appead =
wind up = terminar
straits = estrechos
prayers = oraciones
sort of clue = especie de pista
No clue yet = Aún no tengo ni idea
gather = reunir
leaned over = inclinado
awed = asombrado
succeeded = exitoso
accomplish = lograr
yearn = anhelo
whoever = quien quiera
whatever= lo que sea
desire = deseo
nourished = nutrido
achieve = lograr
townspeople = gente del pueblo
end a flock of sheep = acabar con un rebanio de ovejas
lizards = lagartijas
crickets = grillos
struck = golpeado
breastplate = coraza
recalled = recordo
these = estas
embedded = incorporado
unable = incapaz
paymen =
deal = trato
shopkeeper = tendero
lad = muchacho
wandered = deambulo
parchments = pergaminos
marvels = maravillas
Relieved = Aliviado
ceilings = techos
taste = sabor
uneasy = difícil
ship = embarcacion
plowing = arada
fee = tarifa
desperately = desesperadamente
pride = orgullo
narrow = estrecho
towers and chanted = torrs y coreó
knees = rodillas
strait = estrecho
shrub = arbusto
leads = Guías
arrival = llegada
Western dress = Vestido occidental
suggested = sugirió
grabbed = agarrado
arguing = discutiendo
amongst daggers = entre dagas
carpets displayed = alfombras expuestas
alongside tobacco = junto con el tabaco
customs = costumbres
scabbard = vaina
squeezed = exprimido
summoned = convocado
chant = cantar
dismantled their stalls and left = desmantelaron sus puestos y se fueron
fact= hecho
distrustful = desconfiado

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