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We're all a little nervous before going to social gatherings because we're
afraid of being judged by our peers or strangers. For example, before giving a
public speech, your mind races, you get butterflies in your stomach when the
instructor asks you a question in front of the class, and so on. These anxious
sensations are typical and normally go away after a while.

People suffering with social anxiety disorder or social phobia, on the other
hand, experience great fear and anxiety when they believe they are the focus of
attention. Everyday social events, like as attending a business conference or
meeting, giving a presentation, attending a wedding or party, or going out to eat
with friends, can cause extreme anxiety in such persons.

Based on the study, social anxiety disorder is a common, chronic, often

disabling yet greatly underrecognized condition. It is also a condition for which
effective therapies (both pharmacologic and psychotherapeutic) are readily
available. The impact of treatment can be strikingly beneficial, even in
individuals who have been suffering with the condition for decades.

According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,

Fourth Edition (DSM-IV), the primary feature of social anxiety disorder is "a
strong and persistent fear of social or performance circumstances in which
embarrassment may occur."


Getting Social Anxiety Disorder Treatment

Social anxiety disorder can be a debilitating condition, but it is curable. After

obtaining adequate therapy and acquiring coping skills, many people are able to
manage with social circumstances. Treatment for social anxiety disorder, like
treatment for other anxiety disorders, comprises medication, psychotherapy, or a
combination of the two. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) has been shown to be
quite successful in the treatment of social anxiety disorder. Medication for
social anxiety disorder is used to alleviate anxiety and discomfort. Recovery
times vary from person to person, but it is critical that you stick to the
treatment plan.

Caring for a person suffering from social anxiety disorder

If you detect any of the symptoms listed above in someone you know, you should
talk to them about the disease and urge that they get professional assistance.
Offer to accompany them to the doctor's office. Learn about the disease so you
can better comprehend what the individual is going through. Be patient and
supportive and continue to encourage the person to continue with the treatment if
it takes longer.

Coping with Social Anxiety Disorder

If you are suffering signs of social phobia, you should get professional help as
soon as possible so that you may learn how to overcome social anxiety disorder.
If you are uncomfortable with the notion, talk to someone you trust and ask them
to accompany you to see a mental health professional. Making beneficial lifestyle
adjustments will always help you feel better. Create a regimen and make sure you
receive adequate sleep and exercise. You might also join a support group to
connect with others who are dealing with similar issues. This will aid in your
rehabilitation. Treatment may take longer than expected, but it is critical that
you do not lose hope and persevere with the treatment.

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