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Mental Health Activity

Please watch this video on mental health.

Answer the following questions:

1. What is the current situation about mental health?

Due to Global CoronaVirus Pandemic Mental health illness

emerged as an important public concern. October is the month of
mental health awareness so it is very important to tackle it during
pandemic. Because of this pandemic it has worsened mental
health not only in our country but also people across the world are
affected. People may feel loss, trauma, anxiety, and depression or
feeling suicidal. Some of the contributing factor that affects the
mental health of an individual during this pandemic are; poverty,
financial stress because of unemployment or loss of job because
the establishment was closed due to of enhanced community
quarantine, and grief of losing someone they love because during
this pandemic many people die caused by Coronavirus.  To help
someone in need, there’s a group who are willing to help and
support those experiencing mental illness. It has resources that
will help them to cope up as well as building their support system.
Before pandemic there is no enough resources for mental health
but this time we emphasize that mental health matters because of
the increasing rate of having mental illness so that to have
promptness solution about mental issues and to avoid suicidal
behavior. Health matters not only in our physical but also in our
psychological and spiritual. Human beings are multidimensional.
For us to be called in a healthy state we must maintain these in a
good condition.
2. What are the common mental health conditions?

The common mental health conditions are Depression, Anxiety,

Stress, and Trauma. To specifically cite the mental health disorder
for Depression; it could be Persistent Depressive Disorder and
Major Depressive Disorder. While for Anxiety; Social Anxiety
Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Last for Stress is
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder or so called PTSD. To further
explain the meaning and understand these common mental health
disorders; Depression, is one of the mood disorders, a category of
disorders characterized by profound sadness or apathy, irritability,
or elation and loss of interest in nearly all activities. The symptoms
must be present for at least 2 wk. Anxiety is a vague uneasy
feeling of discomfort or dread accompanied by an autonomic
response. It is an alerting signal that warns of impending danger
and often nonspecific or unknown to the individual. Post-traumatic
stress disorder (PTSD) is a disorder that develops in some people
who have experienced a shocking, scary, or dangerous event. It is
natural to feel afraid during and after a traumatic situation .

3. Site some examples of the incidence or problems brought about by

mental health.

The incidence of high levels of violence in some hospital facilities

brings fear to the patient who has a mental illness to seek help from a
care provider because sometimes they are the one who takes
advantage of them. This incident will not only happen in care facilities
but also in house or may be called domestic violence. Violence will
bring trauma to the person that may lead to PTSD or Post Traumatic
Stress Disorder. Another problem brought about by mental health, I
will use what I have watched and learned through Cassey Chamber
to help those people who are experiencing depression and anxiety.
According to the video or the discussion between the reporter and
Cassey Chamber, She said that Depression, Trauma, and Anxiety
are more increasing due to pandemics that require quarantine or
isolation from other people. This isolation helps us to control the
spread of infection or transmission of infection to one another but the
bad side of it affects our mental health. We as humans are social
animals, as we don’t socialize it results in anxiety and depression. It
is more difficult for them to open up their difficulties to others resulting
in a narrow solution to the problem. Because as the person who had
stress, depression, anxiety, etc., they can’t be able to think clearly
due to their amygdala was not be able to function to its full capacity of
thinking and it end up thinking that the only solution was suicide so
the suicidal behavior during this pandemic was also increasing. So it
is very important to seek advice from another person who is near to
our heart and lives. This is to give us advice when we can't think
clearly. Normalizing conversation with them, not judging them, having
empathy to what they have been through and using ourselves to build
their support system. All of these can help alleviate or lessen the
mental disorder.

4. Why does the stigma on mental health persist?

The stigma on mental health persists because people are afraid to

speak up to their friends, families, colleagues, and workmates that
they are experiencing mental disorder. They think that those who
seek medical advice regarding mental illness are crazy; it end up
shaming their disorder and it will worsen their condition. They are
experiencing self-stigma, which has symptoms of mental issues.
They are always scared or have a lot of fear that eats their system
to not speak about what they have been through because they
might think that others may judge their personality, life, and
behaviors. Specifically they are scared to actually say yes when
others are inviting them and also they are scared to open up to
others that they are not coping because they don’t want to hear
that others may talked about them of being weak, they are scared
to open up that they have depression or anxiety because someone
may think that this is not serious and they are just pretending
because they are lack of attention. Hearing these hurtful words
can end up to suicide because they think that nobody will
understand them. Having a judgmental and narrow mindset would
not be helpful in coping up with those who experience mental
illness. To  control these stigma we have to apply empathy by
putting ourselves to their situation, this is to further understand
what they truly have been through. Let them realize that you are
always there to support and help him/her in their difficulties.
Building their support system can help to lift up their feelings
because they may feel that there is someone who can genuinely
understand them without judging and make fun of their condition.

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