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Joana Ocampo


1. Organization is a type of constituent record. This type of record is normally used to for
companies, businesses, and foundations in your database while groups can be committees or
away to form a giving circle to pool fund together to donate to your organization in a joint effort.

- Groups
• Family
• Athletic Team
• Peer Groups

- Organization
• Fraternity
• Club
• Charity

Coordination of effort
- Coordination is the unification, integration, synchronization of the efforts of group members so
as to provide unity of action in the pursuit of common goals

Common goal or purpose

- A common goal gives a group a shared purpose. It encourages them to work together as a team
and achieve an end result.

Division of labor
- it is the separation of a work process into a number of tasks, with each task performed by a
separate person or group of persons.
Hierarchy of authority
- An organization allows hierarchy of authority because having a leader can make task much
easier and all the members can easily determine their own works. And they can also command
or give orders to the organization members.

3. Because when you are organized and planned well, you're in a position to make better
decisions. Organizing and planning also help you anticipate needs and problems and identify
available choices. Organizing and planning help you get your work done accurately, avoiding
costly mistakes.

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