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Trini Adelaine A. Corona


1. Explain globalization as defined by Manfred Steger

- Globalization, according to Martin Steger, is the expansion and intensification of

social relations and consciousness across world-time and world-space. The first is
expansion, which is very important in globalization because having social
relations with other countries will help us to be inclined with the trend as well as
help our country grow economically because it can help our country's large
corporations outsource their manufacturing around the world. The next step is
intensification, which is also important in globalization because before we can
help other countries, we must first establish a deep connection with them in
order to gain their trust. The peace of mind that comes from having a backup
plan in case some countries decide to wage war on us.The last is
interdependence, which means that while other nations assist us, we should
return the favor in every way that we can to maintain globalization and world

2. What is the essence of the International Organizations in the Globalization?

- The benefit of global organizations in the age of globalization is that the nations
that belong to them may work together to solve problems and find answers for
one another. Global organizations also facilitate trade and other activities and
uphold the rule of law and peace in all nations.

3. What was the impact of the “Silk Road” during the classical antiquity?

- The Silk Road had an impact on classical antiquity since it was an ancient trade
route used by the Romans to connect China and the West to transport
commodities and ideas between the two great civilizations of Rome and China.
Wools, gold, and silver moved eastward while silk moved westward. We begin to
learn about globalization and its significance at a very young age.

4. Why was the Middle Ages called the Dark Ages?

- The reason it was referred to as the "dark ages" was that the bubonic plague
claimed thousands of lives at the time, and there were no significant advances
in science or culture.
5.How did the Catholic Church rose to power after the fall of the Roman Empire?

- Authority and power were transferred from the palace to the church as a result
of the fall of the Roman Empire and the gradual erosion of imperial power. Over
time, the church evolved into a hub for politics. The Pope and other church
members supported aggressive political propaganda.

6. What were the reasons that sparked the World War II?

- Adolf Hitler is the ignition source and the cause of World War II. He was obsessed
with the notion that the pure German race, which he referred to as the Aryan
race, was superior, which is also why Great Britain and France declared war. The
rest of what transpired in World War 2 is simply the knock-on effect of what he
had done.

7. What defined the post cold war world?

- After the Cold War, liberal and democratic ideologies triumphed over
communist ones. After the end of the current international struggle, more nations
will begin to adopt liberal ideologies, bringing about global unification and
promoting peace.

8. Give atleast 3 impact of the Age of Exploration. Explain each

- Government Different European nations competed for colonies abroad, both in

Asia and America
- Geography During the Age of Exploration, new concepts, technologies, plants,
and animals were discovered.
- The origins of contemporary economics can be traced to economic
developments throughout the Age of Exploration. capitalism.
9. Explain the two phase of Imperialism

- Age of Sail : During the age of sail, life at sea was difficult. Sailors had to put up
with crowded quarters, sickness, subpar pay and food, and severe weather.
- Age of Steam A : when mankind first began to create various types of steam
engines, steam engines served as the source of power for factories, ships, and

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