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A. In the first column of the table below, list down your most striking encounters with arts. On the
second column, explain why you think each encounter is an experience with art.

My Encounter with Arts Why?

1. Me and my family visited the National When we went there, I was amazed and
Museum of Fine Arts in Manila. mesmerized with the talent our Filipino artists
had. They could embody our history and their
thoughts through their art.

B. Answer the following questions as precisely yet as thorough as possible.

1. If you were an artist, what kind of artist would you be?

If I were an artist, I would like to be a painter. I will be the kind of painter to draw inspiration in
the things that makes me happy. I want my art to be able to express joy and have its viewer to feel it.

2. Why art is not nature?

Art is not nature because in many ways, art is not “natural”, it is an artificial construct created by
man. Not all people can learn to do art. It is a talent that is enhanced by learnings and practice.

3. Why is art ageless and timeless?

Art is both timely and timeless, especially those art that stirred up strong connection with them.
It has the capacity to resonate with us through every generation and will always be relevant.

4. Why art does involves experience?

It is because it implies that art is an avenue to express one’s feelings, emotions, or ideas which
came from one’s experiences. Thus, art expresses the experiences of an artist. These
experiences are unique to a person and it is something that presses an artist to produce art.
Assignment: 1

Choose one artwork under each given category that you are familiar with. This can be the last artwork
that you have come across with or the one that made the most impact to you. Criticize each using the
guide questions provided. Criticize each using the guide questions provided.


1. Movie
2. Novel
3. Poem
4. Music
5. An architectural structure
6. A piece of clothing

Category: ______Novel_________

Artwork: ________Kitchen by Banana Yoshimoto____________

1. What is it about? What is it for?

Kitchen is a book about family, love, tragedy, and the power of the kitchen and home in the lives of a
pair of free-spirited young women in contemporary Japan. It is for people who have suffered and dealth
with grief and isolation.

2. What is it made of?

The book is made of 160 pages of paper.

3. What is its style?

The book falls under the style literary and contemporary fiction.

4. How good is it?

It is a very good book and is actually one of my favorite!

Quiz 1 : Take a picture of an example of nature. On a piece of (short) bond paper imitate the picture
you have taken. Have a pictured copy of your artwork be submitted online. Label it with your name and
block code. (Ex. Ji Chang Wook, B

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