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A Young Teen Who Got Pregnant And

Despite of Her Pregnancy She Overcome

and Became Successful

At age sixteen Emma Francis lived a life that most teens wouldn't want , while growing up
Emma had it very hard because she faced a lot of problems such as her parents getting separated
leaving only her mom Sandra. Emma did not have any friends and she was very depressed and
filled of anxiety but Emma tried her best to be strong and kept on moving with life and her
studies despite of the challenges she was facing ,she even managed kept her grades high. Emma
is a young teen who is lacking of love and comfort from her mom Sandra, sometime Emma
would say " Mummy yuh love mi?" her mother respond with confusion " ah ah…. yes babe girl
of course I love you dear what makes you ask such a foolish question? Emma "it's just that I
haven't heard you say it ever since dad legged" Sandra "well I guess it's because I have been busy
with work, paying the bills and making sure that you have food to eat ,Emma respond with
sadness in her voice " Okay Mom I Understand " .

Emma's mom never have time for herself not to mention her own daughter the only thing she
cares about is getting money and Emma's grades, she's a very smart, strong and brave black
woman and I could go on some more but she's definitely not smart enough to see that her
daughter really needs her around to support her as much as any mom would do for their
daughter's future and well-being Emma really needs her mom love more than ever but her mom
doesn't have time for that since the past few years Emma haven't feel loved at all and as a mother
you should ensure that everything is okay with your child.

Everyday Emma goes to school she participate and she puts out her best efforts and interest
into her school work because she wants to become something great has she have always dream
about becoming a Doctor to help who are in need, Emma has a lot of goals ahead of her but she
just needs her mother's support and advice to keep her going and to continue be ambitious and
have a great attitude towards her studies, Emma is a good young lady who wants the best for
herself and for others she's also one of the top student in her class and for all her hard work and
dedication she have received trophies for her outstanding performance. Emma has always admire
a guy in her class and his name is troy Emma really likes him but she is very shy to open up and
tell him how she feels because she thinks he's going make silly jokes about her and won't find
her pretty and then she's going to feel less of herself but as she think about all of that Emma kept
in her feelings and did not share her thoughts with troy or her mom so one day Emma decided to
write him a love poem and she put it in his locker and the next day he came to school and open
his locker he saw it and read it after reading reading it his face was filled with a warm smile
Emma was also happy while she watch from the corner of the hall,her day was filled with
happiness and joy she even went home with a smile on her face like the face of a clown as she
bust through the door her mom yelled with shock saying" what could have make you this happy?
I have never seen you like this" she asked Emma giggle and say Mom I just had a great day that's
all her mom respond "Oh well that's very good and I'm glad that you enjoyed your day so how
are your grades" Emma respond impatiently to rush to her room they are good mom as always "
Mom "okay that good keep it up sweetie" Emma "Thanks mom I'm going to my room now going
to take a shower then do my homework so if you need me I'll be busy when I'm finish I'll come
downstairs for dinner" Mom "okay dear" Emma slam her door shut and jump into bed in
excitement and happiness and kept on thinking about what happened today and how did she get
the guts to write a love poem to Troy and he actually liked it and smile and she had overreacte
with excitement she went to take a shower after shower she got dressed wear her favourite
pajamas then started working on her assignments after she had completed all assignments she lay
in bed for about 15 minutes imagine about how much she would like Troy to be her boyfriend
and how they would be the perfect match for each other her face was so full of happiness she
have so much romantic thoughts about how much she and Troy are together and happy ,while
day dreaming she heard her mom calling Mom "Emma it's dinner time get down here what's
taking you so long up there" Emma "I'm coming mom!!". She rush to the dinner table and sat
down as her mother asked " what was taking you so long Emma?" Emma respond no making eye
contact " I was just finishing up some work mom" Mom "okay lucky your food did not get cold
so let's have prayer then me eat Emma mom prayed after she have finished praying she said "
let's eat up because you have school tomorrow and you need rest because you have to get up
early and get dressed so you can catch the school bus few minutes after dinner Emma went up to
her room and straight to the bathroom to brush her teeth's after brushing and flawsing Emma
prayed and went to bed. In the morning Emma got up pretty much early and went off to school
and kiss her mom goodbye she was in a rush to reach school because she kept thinking of Troy,
in the afternoon at break Emma bumped into Troy by accident and almost felt so Troy catch her
while they were both leaning backwards as Troy stares into Emma's eyes and said "I got you
"with a smile on his face everyone at break looked shock as ever they both let go off each other
and Emma said "thanks for catching me " Troy"no problem that's what friends are for wanna
hang out sometime" Emma" sure ok see you around or you wanna exchange numbers if that's ok
with you" Troy" yeah cool" as they exchange numbers and started texting and building a bond
with each they were more than friends as few months passed Emma would go to Troy's house
every now and then to play with reach other and do homework so one afternoon Emma went by
Troy house and they were having a conversation about there future and what they would want to
become as they get older so as the topic dried out Troy turn to Emma and said nervously"Have
you ever got intimate with someone before? " Emma "no have you?" Troy"yes I have would it be
okay if we try it" Emma" I'm a little scared but I trust you"Troy no need to be scared I'll keep
you safe and make you feel comfortable" they got intimate with each other after it all end
Emma's was happy about it all Troy really made her comfortable and safe she wanted to do again
and they were at it day by day after a week or two Emma got sick and also missed her period she
even started throwing up so after school one day she decided to buy a pregnancy test and as she
reach home she took it she sat and wait for about 5 minutes to get the result and it came out
positive that she was pregnant she screamed loudly as ever in panic "OMG OMG OMG THIS
TO DO NOW" Mom "sweetie I'm home" Emma"oh no she's home already" Emma's mom went
up to Emma's room to check if she's there knock knock on Emma's door then she entered Emma
was in bed dying in tears saying "mom I'm pregnant" Mom" What how did this get to happen?"
Emma turn to her mom and started explaining everything that had happened while sobbing and it
came to a point where her mother understand the situation as she explained and decided to stand
by her as a mother so she gave her the best of advice and told her to continue her studies and talk
to her boyfriend and she did as she was told. Emma continued her studies and had reached
heighter heights in her studies while pregnant despite of her pregnancy she got a scholarship in
the area of studying nursing in the University of Canada to continue her dream as he as always
wanted she was really happy about it all and so was her mom and her boyfriend a year later she
became a nurse had a sweet little baby boy and her Mom as her main supporter as always and her
boyfriend Troy by her side while raising their little sweet baby boy and living in success and

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